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作       者:陈德彰

出  版  社:外语教学与研究出版社


字       数:38.1万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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你知道经济、科学、文化有哪些新的概念吗? 你知道80后、90后的潮人们怎么说话吗?你知道职场人怎么打发日子吗? 你是什么“族”?你是什么“奴”?你又是什么“代”?你是什么“霸”?你被“被”过吗? 你知道社会上出了哪些知名的“哥”和“姐”吗? 你知道“房事”有多少吗?你知道昏官、庸官、贪官们对语言做出的贡献吗? 你知道网上都流行过哪些体吗?你知道美眉们有哪些时髦的称呼吗? 你知道什么是第四商、第五商。……第十五六商吗? 你知道上面这些潮词的英文都怎么说吗? 翻开本书,你就知道! 《翻译辨误》作者、北外资深教授陈德彰力作《边侃边译新新词》:从语言变化的角度记录这个时代的重( gè ) 大( zhǒng )事( bā )件 ( guà )。



深化改革 deepen/intensify the reform

教育实践活动 mass line education campaign

中国梦 China dream

八项规定 eight rules

三个倡导 three advocacies

三严三实 be strict and honest respectively in three aspects

三个代表 three represents

科学发展观 scientific strategy of development; scientific appproach to development; scientific outlook on development

核心价值观 core values

顶层设计 design by top-level leaders

立法协商 legislation consultation

打铁还需自身硬 to forge iron, you need a strong hammer

喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子 We should better go all out in working rather than in shouting (slogans).

踏石留印,抓铁有痕 Step onto the stone and you should leave your footprint on it; clutch a piece of iron and you should leave your handprint on it.

拍蝇打虎 swat the fly and shoot the tiger

“三高”态势 three-high situation

巡视 (make)inspection tour

约谈 have arranged talks; invited for a talk

诫勉谈话 admonition talk

民主生活会 criticism and self-criticism sessions

述廉报告 report on one's honesty/integrity

平安中国 secure China

包容心 tolerance

底线 bottom line

走转改 go to grass-roots level, improve working style and change the style of writing

秋风行动 autumn wind campaign/action

正能量 positive energy

渐进延退 gradual/progressive raising the retirement age

毛诞节 Mao-mas

三重一大 three major issues and the use of large amount of fund/capital

精准扶贫 precise and accurate poverty alleviation

惠民工程 project beneficial to the people

折子工程 folded project

圆梦工程/行动 dream realization project/program

倒逼 reversed driving/force

问责制 responsibility ascertaining system

追逃机制 pursuing and capturing mechanism

网底 net bottom

微博叫板 challenging (through) microblog

教授爬行 The professor crawls

并轨 merge; unify

政绩工程 vanity projects

跑部钱进 double march to ministries for money allotment

窝案 den criminal case

存量腐败 corruption in stock

亚忠诚 half-hearted/lukewarm loyalty

潜规则 latent/unspoken rules; under table rules; hellodden rules; casting couch

灰色权力 obscured/concealed/covert power

关系链 chain of connections

官员独董 official serving as independent director

听证会 hearing

训诫中心 reprimand center

钓鱼执法 entrapment

“抓辫子”执法 law execution capitalizing on someone's vulnerable point

温情执法 lenient ticket/penalty notice

柔性执法 soft execution of the law

政治秀 political show

摆拍 prearranged photo/put-up photo

太平官 keep-peace official

国有太阳 state-owned sun

三拍干部 (1) three-pat carder—good at patting one's head for ideas, patting one's breast to show confidence, and patting one's buttock before running away; (2) three-b carder: butter one's superior to toady on them, beat one's colleagues' shoulder to show friendliness, and bang the table to show one's anger

“不作为”奖 inaction award

悬浮领导 levitated official

官不聊生 hard to live on for officials; officials being in misery

梦办 (China) dream office

马上办 immediate office

人在证途 in the journey of certificates making

裸官 naked officials

裸退 thorough(ly) retire(ment)

守贫 remain to be poor

党化语言 Party jargon; partisan language

暂时性失控 temporarily out of one's control

官员形象危机 crisis of the image of officials

口号书记 Party secretary of slogans

标语行政 administration through slogans

不给脸书记 Party secretary with no respect

微笑局长 smiling director

红豆局长 Red Bean Chief/Director

证叔 uncle with lots of ID

三盲院长 legally, literally, and morally illiterate court president

公事公办脸 expression of "business is business"

官场风水学 fengshui worshipped by officials

从简风 the wind of frugality; the wind to dispense with unnecessary formalities

减副 reduce the number of deputies

双规 detained and interrogated

二号首长 second chief; chief number two

神提问 divine questions

爱国 patriotism

语言腐败 language corruption

语言贿赂 language bribe

马屁神曲 flattery divine piece

奢侈病 extravagancy

舌尖上的腐败 corruption gluttonousness

特供 special supplies

高尔夫球名利场 vanity golf course

低调的奢华 low key extravagance;secret sumptuousness

第四公 the fourth public expenditure

发票腐败 corruption through invoice

雅贿 elegant bribe

礼品册 gift booklet

吃空饷 pad the payroll

蚁贪 ant-like embezzlement

官谣 rumors made up and spread by an official or official organization; lies by some officials

冻独 freeze independence


中国模式 China Model

中国经济升级版 updated Chinese economy

李克强经济学 Likonomics

世界头号经济体 the world's number one economy

阳光财政 sunny finance policy

上海自贸区 China Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone—FTZ

循环经济 cyclic/circular/recycling/economy

沃尔克规则 Volcker Rule

平台经济学 platform Economics

(美国)非农数据 (US) Non-farm Payrolls

基尼系数 Gini coefficient

阳光举债 borrowing in the sun

窗口指导 window guidance

同业存单 interbank negotiable certificates of deposit

大金融 big finance

大资管时代 large asset management era

营改增 replace sales tax with value added tax

逆回购 reverse repurchase

影子银行 shadow bank

雷曼时刻 Lehman Moment

电商时代 e-commence age

比特币 Bitcoin

支付宝 Alipay (payment treasure)

余额宝 Yuebao (balance treasure)

娱乐宝 Yulebao (entertainment treasure)

她经济 she economy

粉色经济 pink economy

灰色经济 grey economy

粉丝经济 fans economy

经济堰塞湖 economic dammed/barrier lake

暗补变明补 turn indirect/covert subsidy into direct/overt subsidy

暴力哥 most powerful brother

创业板 growth enterprise market—— GEM

两/三桶油 two/three barrels of oil

虚拟运营商 virtual (network) operator

乌龙指 fat finger

老鼠仓 rat trading

限时抢购 flash sale

捆绑销售 bundling sale

寒促 off-season promotion

帕累托最优 Pareto optimality

润滑经济 lubricating economy

植入广告 placement


新型大国关系 a new type of great-power/major country relations

中美国 Chinamerica

鞋子理论 the shoe metaphor

软实力 soft power

软外交 soft diplomacy

冷和平 cold peace

达沃斯论坛 Davos Forum

金融评级 credit grading

领海基线 baseline of territorial sea

防空识别区 air defence identification zone

深蓝海军 deep blue navy

九段线 nine-dash line

南海行为准则 Code of Conduct in South China Sea

八国集团 Group of Eight; G8

二十国集团 Group of Twenty (Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors); G20


新钻十一国 the next eleven; N11

金币四国/薄荷四国 MINTs


迷雾四国 MIST

展望五国 VISTA

脆弱五国 the fragile five

不安八国 the edgy eight

一带一路 a belt and a road

颜色革命 color revolution

三股势力 three evils

维基大曝料 Wiki Dump

棱镜门 PRISM-gate


中国好作业 (good) homework of China

文化产业 cultural industry

语言产业 language industry

反三俗 anti vulgarization

大满贯 grand slam

自强计划 self-improvement plan

穿越剧 drama of time warp/travel

绳命 life

神展开 unfolding fantastically

开心麻花 fun twist

略去 omit; leave out

笔替 stand-in hand writer

尿点 pee point

江南Style和航母Style Gangnam style and Carrier style

神曲 divine tune

转基因食品 genetically modified foods; GMF

第三医学 the third medicine

人肉搜索 cyber manhunt

手滑 with a slippery hand; slip of the hand

第五媒体 fifth (generation of) media

智能手机 smartphone

飞蜂窝 femtocell

伪基站 fake base station

挨(艾)屁屁 app

指尖上的银行 bank on the tip of one's finger

隐身对爱/其可见 see someone without being seen

抓(爪)机无力 handset/cell phone impotent

手游 mobile phone game

3D打印 3D (three-dimension) printing

二维码 2D barcode

微故宫 Palace Museum on microblog

4G时代 4G times

大数据 big data

数据新闻报道 data journalism

云计算 cloud computing

物联网 Internet of Things/Objects

智能穿戴 smart wear/dressing

分形几何学 Fractal geometry

暗物质 dark matter

度娘 Miss Du

网络推手 cyber pusher

大V Internet celebrities

心脏出血(漏洞) Heartbleed (bug)

数独 sudoku

泰囧 be awkward/lost In Thailand

假古迹 fake historic cite

武搏会 Sport accord Combat Games


智商 IQ (Intelligence Quotient)

情商 EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)

逆商 AQ (Adversity Intelligence Quotient)

德商 MQ (Moral Intelligence Quotient)

胆商 DQ (Daring Intelligence Quotient)

财商 FQ (Financial Intelligence Quotient)

心商 MQ (Mental Intelligence Quotient)

志商 WQ (Will Intelligence Quotient)

健商 HQ (health Quotient)

速商 SQ (Speed Quotient)

记忆商 MQ (Memory Quotient)

熟商 MQ (Maturity Quotient)

灵商 SQ (Spiritual Intelligence Quotient)

发育商 DQ (Development Quotient)

生态商 Eco quotient


城乡统筹联动 coordinated action for overall/comprehensive arrangement of urban and rural areas

首都生态区 the capital ecozone

食药局 food and drug administration

降价死 die out when price is lowered

三下乡 bring culture, science and technology, and health care to the countryside

草根公益组织 grass-roots public welfare organization

新农合 new rural cooperative/coadjutant medical system (NCMS)

医联体 medical consortium

壹基金 One Foundation

功臣关爱 concern and care for those who have rendered outstanding service

待用咖啡 suspended coffee

图书漂流 books drift

主席套餐 Xi combo; the president's set/package meal

北上广深 Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen

城市病 urban problem; ailment of the city

首堵 capital of traffic jams

高费公路 high price way;expensive way;extortionate way

强拆 forced demolishing

鬼城 ghost town

走路死 die when walking

家风 family moral norm

B级人生 grade B life

私人定制 custom made; tailor made

擒人节 catch lover's day

女生节 girls carnival; girl students' day

表白日 Heart Bare Day

精算爱情 actuarially calculated love

冻容 freeze one's features

隐离 stealthy divorce

隐孕 concealed pregnancy

代孕妈妈 surrogate mother

裸婚 frugal wedding

裸分 genuine/net marks

裸博 doctorate-holders without any practical experiences

裸捐 thorough/complete donation

裸辞 abrupt job quitting

尖峰 peak of the peak

中国式过马路 jaywalk

索座 seat demanding

公知 public intellectual

异质思维 heterogeneous thinking

车贴文化 car sticker culture

十面霾伏 smog everywhere

社区矫正 community corrections

雅躲 elegant/gentle/refined elusion

光盘行动 clean dish movement

美丽垃圾 pretty garbage/refuse

过度医疗 over medical treatment

医闹 (hired)hospital violator

空闹 aviation disturbance

灰技 grey skill

灰色收入 grey income; semi-overt income; off-the-book income

走佬 abscond; flee

脱光价 promotion price for off the single

二奶专家 disguised shill expert

双蛋节 Christmas season

网络情人节 Network Valentine's Day

语言冷暴力 language cold violence; language abuse

奶友 breast milk pals

灯下黑 shade under the lantern

半糖夫妻 weekend couple

丁宠家庭 DINK plus pet family

煮夫 cooking husband

老公寄存处 husband cloakroom

父婴时代 times of papa and baby

弃婴岛 baby hatch; island for abandoned babies

职场西游 workplace in The Pilgrimage to the West

城市依赖症 city dependence

二八定律 the law of 20%

知识折旧定律 law of knowledge depreciation

过度引用 over quote

科研包工头 research contractor

钓鱼短信 smishing message

过劳死 death from (prolonged) overwork/overstrain

久坐病 sitting disease

商品房 commercial residential building

过渡房 starter home

经适房 economical housing

廉租房 low-rent house

公租房 Public rental housing

群租房 shared renting house

小产权房 houses with limited property rights

村证房 house with village-issued property ownership certificate

学区房 school district housing

蜗居 (live in a) scanty house

拆违 demolish illegal/ peccant building

国考 national examination for admissions to the civil service

大伽 big shot

土豪 tuhao; billionaire hillbilly

学区制 school zoning

三大联盟 the three alliances

学生体 types of students

学霸 study bug

学神 god/goddess of learning

学渣 scourings/bottom dregs/scum in there school

学酷 cool scholars

学弱 weaklings in study

学酥 crisps in study

学屌 slovenly dilly dally students

考霸 bully examinee; exam bug

面霸 bully interviewee; interview bug

听霸 bully listener; listening bug

麦霸 microphone controller

拒无霸 lord of refusal; repeated rejectee

代跑 (fraudulent)substitute runner

千米经济 1000-meter economy

扶还是不扶 to help somebody up or not

金牌义工 gold medal volunteer/voluntary worker

空巢老人 empty-nest elderly

暖巢管家 nest warming house keeper

失独老人 old people who have lost their only child

新“二十四孝” the new "24 Guidelines for Filial Piety"

养老防儿 prevent the young when retired

居家养老服务 home-based care for the aged

留守儿童 left-in-hometown children (of migrant workers)

单独二胎 second child of couple of whom either party is a single child

奶爸 male taking care of baby at home

拼爹 vie with each other to see whose father's position is higher; compare each other's father's influence

我爸是XX My fathers is XX.

坑爹 entrap one's father

宝贝雪花 precious snowflakes

熊孩子 wild kid;brat

药儿园 drug feeding daycare center

蒜你狠 forbidden garlic

标签戏法 tricks of the price tag

中产了 be said/claimed/alleged to have become/belong to the middle class

幸福指数 happiness index

国际幸福日 International Day of Happiness

基友 intimate friend

断背/臂 brokeback

自媒体 We Media, self-media

动批 the zoo garment wholesale market

园博会 garden expo

大黄鸭 giant yellow rubber duck;yellow duckie

装家 expert feigner


中二病 junior two syndrome

五道杠 five bars/stripes (on the armband)

绿领巾 green neckerchief

翘课 skip a class/school

高富帅 tall, rich, and handsome guy

矮穷矬 short, poor, and ugly guy

屌丝 gigantic loser

上位 gain/rise to a higher position

自拍 selfie

撞衫 outfit/clothing clash

抖骚 play the coquette; flirt around

走光 wardrobe malfunction

二货 simpleton

犯二 be daft/folly/silly

煞笔 stupid boy

悲催 so sad as to bring people to tears

卖萌 act cute

闷骚 shrewd and deep

快闪 flash action

毒舌 with a sharp/rough/harsh/ready tongue

腹黑 black stomached;calculated; with stratagem

霸气侧漏 side leak of overbearingness

良家幼女 decent girl under 14

职场黑话 workplace jargons

滚粗 sling out

搏出位 attract/seek attention

逆袭 counterattack;counteroffensive

网怒 webrage

石化 petrification;turned into stone

毁三观 destroying the three basic views

洋插队 working and living in a foreign country temporarily

国际高考移民 international gaokao (college entrance exam) migrant

罩门 opening of the shield—one's soft point

对食 meal pool; join as partner

把妹 chase girls

萌心理 affection towards

咸猪手 groper;wandering hands

小三文化 the other woman culture

包小姐 Miss Bao; contracted sex service

劈腿 two-time; leg stretch

车震 car sex; drive-in sex

基情 gay/lesbian passion; homo affection

莞式服务 Dongguan style service

爆出翔 beat your shit out

屌丝节 festival of the losers

捡肥皂 pick up one's soap

丧尸 Zombie

纸上旅行 reading travel

诈弹 bomb threat hoax; false bomb scare

白领 get one's pay in vain

福利腐败 welfare corruption

萝卜招聘 slated recruitment

萝卜出让 tailor-made land leasing

黄浦江肉汤 Pork Soup in the Huangpu


富二代 second generation of entrepreneurs;successors of entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs / businessmen who have taken over business management from their fathers)

官二代 sons and daughters of officials; officials whose fathers are / were also officials; silver-spoon kids

星二代 sons and daughters of stars

写二代 sons and daughters of writers

航二代 second generation of aerospace workers

穷二代 second generation of the poor/underprivileged;(poor) people who are poor like their fathers

拆二代 second generation of the demolished

独二代 children of the first only-child generation

创一/二代 the first/second generation of pioneering entrepreneur

负一代 the (heavily) burdened/debted generation

品水师 water taster

小私 individuality seeker

小清新 the fresh young;Indie Pops

吃货 Chowhound; foodie; gastronaut; epicure

凹凸曼 outman

骚年 showy youngster

芙蓉学子 Furong students

灰客 grey hacker

红客 honker

骇客 cracker

摘客 extracter

闪客 flasher

维客 wiki

飞客 phreaker

极客 geek

绿客 green guest

试客 shokey

淘客 bag bargainer

职客 job broker

创客 maker

开领 open-collar (workers)


蚁族 ants' tribe

漂族 wandering tribe

鼠族 mice's tribe

柜族 container-inhabitation clan

赶集族 the clan of hasty market goers

抢抢族 the grabbing clan

哈证族 certificate maniac clan

零帕族 pressure-free/pressure proof clan

背房族 the clan of false house owner

抠抠族 the stingy clan

玩牛族 jeans fan

海豚族 mass hoarders

剁手族 cut-hand clan

虾米族 shrimp clan

崩炮族 attackers with firecracker

慢活族 slow living clan

背包族 backpacker

月光族 the moonlite clan

星光族 the starlite clan

啃老族 the NEET clan

夹心族 the sandwich clan

晒一族 the clan of sharers

蹭蹭族 the scrounging clan

蹭网族 wi-fi freeloader

桌边神游族 desk potato

低头族 phubber; head-lowering clan

酱油族 non-of-my-business clan

恐聚族 gathering-phobia

反潮族 trend-bender

奴族 the slave race/clan


毕婚族 the marry-upon-graduation clan

吊瓶族 dripping bottle clan

奔奔族 rushing along clan

跳蚤族 job hopper

高薪跳蚤 job hopper for higher salaries

掏空族 over-drained clan

倦怠族/倦鸟族 burnt-out/tired clan

候鸟族 clan of migratory/migrant bird

穷忙族 the poor but busy clan

装忙族 pretending to be busy clan

睡会族 the clan of habitual dozers at meetings

飞特族 freeter

橡皮族 disengaged employee

SOHO一族 the SOHO clan

御宅族 the otaku clan

蘑菇族 the mushroom clan

熊猫族 the panda clan

草莓族 the strawberry clan

榴莲族 the Durian clan

职场拒升族 the clan refusing to be promoted

职场咸鱼族 the salted fish clan

职场初老族 the young tired clan

职场赖班族 the clan of office dwellers/lingerers

职场红灯族 the red light clan in the office

职场BMW族 the BMW clan

职场BT族 the BT clan

职场彩虹族 the rain bow clan

公司驻虫 company loiterer

啃椅族 chair potato

老漂族 senior drifters

飞鱼族 fly fish clan


毕房族 graduate-and-buy house clan

香蕉人 bananaman

松爷 breeze shooter

时间都去哪儿了 Where has time gone?

炸鸡和啤酒 fried chicken and beer

茶叶蛋 tea eggs; eggs stewed in tea

脑残粉 fangirl/fanboy

抠脚大汉 foot-scratching big fellow

情怀党 feelings party

插刀教/党 dagger thrust sectarian


街净哥 Brother Street Cleaner

送水哥 Brother Water Bringer

标尺哥 Brother Water Gauge

雨披哥 Brother in a Rain Cape

麻袋哥 Brothers Gunnybag/Gunnysack

灭火哥 Brother Fire Extinguisher

抱火哥 Brother Fire Embracer

反毒哥 Anti-drug Brother

棒棒哥 Brother with Shoulder-pole

犀利收碗哥 Brother Bowl Collector

举牌哥 Brother Placard Holder

温暖哥 Heart-Warming Brother

拐杖哥 Brother on Crutches

托举哥 Brother Hand-holdup Supporter

夺刀哥 Brother Knife Grabber

断腿哥 Leg Broken Brother

公益哥 Brother for Public Good

诚信哥 Honest Brother

大衣哥 Brother in Overcoat

卖菜哥 Brother Greengrocer

快递哥 Brother Courier

淡定哥/蛋定哥 Calm Brother/Brother of Composure

犀利哥 Brother Sharp

奶粉哥 Brother Milk Powder Hunter

龅牙哥 Brother Baoya-Protruding Teeth

寂寞哥 Brother Lonely

千年哥 Brother Millennium

炫苦哥 Brother Hardship Displayer

萝卜哥 Brother Radish Grower

美国薯条哥 Loving Chips Brother from the US

北美崔哥 Brother Sway

白马哥 Brother White Horse

咆哮哥 Brother Roarer

低碳哥 low carbon brother

拦截哥 Brother Interceptor

时髦哥 Fashion Brother

学酒哥/道具哥 Brother Wine Studier/Brother Prop

卡哥 Brother with Lots of Cards

毛子哥 Brother Maozi

微笑姐 Sister Smiling

微笑姐姐 Smiling Sister

励志姐 Sister Inspirer

炫校姐 Sister School Flaunter

草帽姐 Straw Hat Wearing Sister

挑剔姐 Sister Nitpicker

扔鞋姐 Sister Shoe Pitcher

Hold住姐 Hold-On Sister

吐槽姐 Sister Ridiculer

末日姐 Sister of Doomsday

凤姐 Sister Feng/Sister Phoenix

转圈妹妹 Spinning Sister

奶茶妹妹 Sister Milk Tea

尖叫妹 sister shriek

小月月 Little Moon

惹虎男 tiger teasing man


姐 sis

妹砣 dear sister

妹纸 sis

美女 beauty

白富美 white, rich and beautiful girl

奔三女 woman/girl approaching thirty

博女 woman with doctorate; woman blogger

超女 super (voice) girl

粢饭糕 silly pest girl

白骨精 female office elite; white-collar elite

拜金女 money-worship girl; material girl

败金女 money squanderer

大姐大 alpha woman

粉领 pink collar

腐女 corrupted girl; gay-fancy girl。

干物女 dry fish: dull and listless woman

杠杆女 lever wife; supportive wife

霉女 unlucky girl

没女 girl with nothing

乖乖女 well behaved girl; obedient girl

闺蜜 sorority buddy; bosom female friend; ladybro

虎妈 tiger mother

辣妈 spice mom; hot mom

嫁碗族 girls married to iron bowl holder

酱油女 soy sauce woman; nothing-to-do-with-me lady

孔雀女 peahen girl; silk stocking lady; spoiled/pampered girl

拉拉 lesbian

辣妹 spice gal

篮球宝贝 basketball cheerleader babe

足球宝贝 soccer cheerleader babe

浪女 dillydally girl

乐活女 LOHAS woman/girl

靓妹 pretty girl; tomato; belle

萝丽 Lolita; lovely little girl

飞飞女 fly girl

美眉 pretty brow; pretty girl

正妹 hotty; beautiful girl

索女 stylish girl

女神 goddess; nymph

美魔女 magical beauty

太空美人 beauty with empty brains

萌妹子 cute girl

甜姐儿 doll

甜素纯 sweet, pure but elegant girl

玉女 jade maiden

氧气美女 oxygen beauty

骨感美女 boney/skinny beauty

波霸 big breast sister

太平公主 flat-breasted princess

人造美女 face-lifted beauty

土肥圆 fatty; tubby; pudgy girl

恐龙 dinosaur: homely girl; plain Jane

无盐女 unshapely woman

萌系 cute girl

猛女 lion-hearted woman

闷骚女 seemingly dull lady

名媛 famous woman

谋女郎 heroine player in films directed by Zhang Yimou

女屌丝 loser girl; ordinary girl

女汉子(1) manly woman

女汉子(2) Wuhan woman

女强人 career woman

女一号 heroine player: leading female role

女优 actress

暖女 warm-hearted woman

轻熟女 mature young woman

全职太太 devoted housewife

熟女 mature girl; cougar; economically independent or abundant girl

肉食女 carnivorous woman

润物女 lubricate girl; smoothing girl

三不女 three-no girl; reserved girl

风俗娘 escort girl

坐台小姐 front-desk girl

失足妇女 woman who took a wrong step in life/went astray

三陪女 professional escort

站街女 street walker

约炮女 woman seeking one night stand

女技师 woman artificer

绿茶婊 green tea bitch

森女 forest girl

剩女 left-over woman/Lisa; 3S lady

胜女 victorious woman

败犬女 loser dog

后少女 post-maiden

师奶 madam; Madame

御姐 mature princess

素女 plain and natural girl

天后 queen of Heaven

天使 angel

土豪姐 sister tuhao; (local) tyrant sister; big sister

腿模 leg model

麻豆 e-model

外围女 outskirt lady

网妹 net socks sister

味美美女 beauty of taste

文艺女青年 young woman of literature and art

小红果 little haw

小蜜 secretary and mistress

小三 the other woman; xiao san (little third)

二奶 mistress; kept woman; the second Mrs.; ernai (second woman)

小太女 easy girl

乙女 maiden

艳遇女 gaudy and coquettish girl chanced upon

一姐 leading sister; Number one sister

台妹 native Taiwanese girl

樱花妹 cherry blossom girl

御妹 young princess

月光女 moonlit woman; woman who lives from paycheck to paycheck; thorough spender

越女 Shaoxing opera actress

宅女 homebody girl; shut-in girl; house girl

中国大妈 Chinese housewives; Chinese auntie; dama

作女 high-maintenance woman

7分女 girl with 70 points mark

AV女优 actress of adult film/vedio


精英男 alpha males

超男 super/superb man

快男 happy boy

型男 metrosexual man

食草男 herbivorous guy

经适男 budget husband; economic man

凤凰男 (phoenix guy)

牛奋男 promising bull

白金汉 platinum guy

锅贴男 pot-pie guy

跟包 package carrier

男闺蜜 bromeo

三无男 de facto pauper

校草 campus grass

伪娘 woman-like man

酱油男 care-for-nothing guy

负翁 debt-ridden gentleman; underwater/upside down borrower

吃老公 public property scrounger

西装乞丐 beggars in suit或finely attired beggar


温酒舞 Windows 95

你懂的 You know what I mean

童鞋 classmate; school mate

布吉岛 I don't know;Phuket

被二 be forced to buy/rent at the second-hand; be forced to accept/suffer

最右君 number one gentleman from the right

涨姿势 gain knowledge

雷人 shocking; repulsive; detestable; weird; wacky; ghastly; appalling: thundering

喊麦 shout through microphone

伤不起 I really/certainly/absolutely/definitely can't afford to be hurt again

有木有 Is that really so?

欺世马 world deceiving horse

马是浮云 horses are also floating clouds

躺枪 get shot even when lying; be swept up in

给力 perk up; energize

呵呵 hoho; ah; oh

点赞 clicking praise; click to praise

你家里人知道吗? Do/Does your family know about this?

伟光正 lofty; great, glorious, and correct

爽翻 thoroughly pleased/satisfied/refreshed/over joyful/delighted

喷子 sprayer; fault picker

挂了 hang it

平砍 square cut

五毛党 the fifty-cent party

为毛 why; how is it

杀马特 smart

烧饼 simpleton

酱 –kin;-y

次元 second dimension

查水表 check the water meter

碉堡了 too/over terrific

挽奠 dignity saving

喵星人 aliens from the Miao/Cat star

高大上 of top grade

大神 Okami; Big God; kami-san

站着挣钱 earn money by standing doing nothing

何弃疗 why give up treatment

人干事 something beyond/above huamn capacity

我伙呆 my litle fellows and I are all stunned

啊痛悟蜡 What a painful realization!

细思恐极 careful thinking causes extreme fear

说闹觉余 feel unwanted/like a fifth wheel in the presence of a laughing and chatting group

不明觉历 confused but feeling awesome

男默女泪 silent guy and weeping girl

十动然拒 moved but still refuse

十怒然应 angered but accept

不动然泼 unmoved but even splash

不约而同 no dating makes one homoxexual

累觉不爱 too tired to love

人艰不拆 cut someone some slack

冷无缺 cold and without ideal or faith

喜当爹 delighted to become a father

地命海心 destined to eat trench oil but be concerned with state affairs like leaders in Zhongnanhai

喜大普奔 love to see, to hear and to tell everybody the joy that the whole world joins in the jubilation

不作不死 no zuo no die


凡客体 VANCL style

淘宝体 Taobao style

痛快体 sated style

脑残体 mentally disabled style; leetspeak

怨妇体 complaining lady style

蹉跎体 waste-time style

伤不起体 cannot-afford-to-be-hurt style

蜜糖体 honey style

咆哮体 roaring style

安全体 safety style

方阵体 pack/square style

校内体 style used within the school

遗憾体 regret style

TVB体 TVB style

hold住体 I can hold style

高铁体 high speed railway style

切糕体 sliced cake style; nut cake style

禅师体 Zen master style

装13体 feign-B—idiot style

撑腰体 back-up style

回音体 echoing style

走近科学体 "approach science" style

玛雅体 Maya Style

3Q体 360-QQ style

幸福体 happiness style

梨花体 Lihua/pear flower style

琼瑶体 Qiongyao style

丹丹体 Dandan style

赵本山体 Zhao Benshan style

生活体 life style

银镯体 silver bracelet style

知音体 soul mate style

羊羔体 lamb style

红楼体 style of the "Dream of Red Chambers"

甄嬛体 Zhen Huan style

《非诚勿扰》体 real sincere style

蓝精灵体 the Smurfs' style

元芳体 Yuanfang style

金牌体 gold medal style

海通体 Haitong style

忍够体 "can tolerate no more" style

马上体 "on the horse" pattern

月黑体 moonless dark night (style)

温馨体 snug and warm (style)

烧烤体 baked style

长发及腰体 when my hair reaches the waist (style)

十大错觉体 ten-illusion style

90岁体 style of the ninety-year old

砸脚体 hit-the foot style

肘子体 Zhouzi style

自嘲体 self-mocking style

三行体 three-line style

(马)伊琍体(Ma)Yili pattern

早知道体 "had I known" style

舌尖体 the style of "a bite of…"

神标语 creative slogan


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