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Aspects of America you may not know
第一辑 你未必知道的美国
A Large Matter of 13 Cents
They're Here, There, and everywhere
On the Road
Out of the Car and off the Grid
A Line Between - Rich and Poor —
All Thinking Men
A Second Chance
Which Was the murderer?
Profiles of particular persons
第二辑 人物特写
A Gift from the Berry Patch
A Priceless Mother's Day Gift
Four Hands on the Piano Signaled Success
My Dad Was Magic
Why Not?
The Stubbornness of Success
University Days
Speak for the Speechless
The Man Who Was Everywhere
Sketches of everyday life
第三辑 生活小品
A Fire Within
Getting off the Clock
This Too Shall Pass
Firmly Planted
The Jam Boom Has Gone Bust
Say "No" to Coffee
Snore Wars
The Pleasures of Walking
The Power of a Smile
Old Age Is a Gift
My Greatest Fear Is That I'm Ordinary