


War in Heaven电子书

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作       者:David Zindell

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:121.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON Danlo wi Soli Ringess has returned from the Vild, the first lightship pilot to escape that hellish region of fractured space and deadly supernovas where giant computer-gods make war on each other. But the Civilized Worlds face their own threat of war. A fanatical cult has seized the fabled city of Neverness and plans to take over the galaxy. Though the cult worships Danlo's long-lost father as a god, he casts his lot with its opponents--and is sent to Neverness to try to reason with its leaders. Instead he must fight to survive: against the warrior-poet who has vowed to take his life, the madman with a star-killing weapon and a grim ultimatum, the charismatic leader of the cult--once Danlo's greatest friend, now his fiercest enemy--and his own unbreakable vow never to harm a living thing. A contemporary master of speculative fiction and incomparable world-building, David Zindell continues his monumental epic that sweeps us from the outer reaches of the galaxy to the inner depths of the human mind, a stirring cosmic drama of a man of peace torn between the implacable cosmic forces of divinity and destruction.

Title Page




Chapter I: In the Hall of the Lords

Chapter II: Fate

Chapter III: The Two Hundred Lightships

Chapter IV: Sheydveg

Chapter V: The Golden Ring

Chapter VI: The Lords of Neverness

Chapter VII: A Law for Gods

Chapter VIII: Pain

Chapter IX: Mora’s Star

Chapter X: The Nine Stages

Chapter XI: The Paradox of Ahimsa

Chapter XII: The First Pillar of Ringism

Chapter XIII: Hope

Chapter XIV: The Face of a Man

Chapter XV: Tamara

Chapter XVI: The Starving

Chapter XVII: A Piece of Bread

Chapter XVIII: The Hunt

Chapter XIX: The Breath of the World

Chapter XX: The Ringess

Chapter XXI: The Battle of Ten Thousand Suns

Chapter XXII: The Universal Computer

Chapter XXIII: The Face of God

Chapter XXIV: Love

Chapter XXV: The Asarya

Chapter XXVI: The Lord of the Order

Chapter XXVII: Peace

Chapter XXVIII: Halla

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