


Inspector French and the Sea Mystery (Inspector French Mystery, Book 4)电子书

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作       者:Freeman Wills Crofts

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:34.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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From the Collins Crime Club archive, the fourth Inspector French novel by Freeman Wills Crofts, once dubbed ‘The King of Detective Story Writers’. THE BODY THAT CAME FROM NOWHERE Off the coast of Burry Port in south Wales, two fishermen discover a shipping crate and manage to haul it ashore. Inside is the decomposing body of a brutally murdered man. With nothing to indicate who he is or where it came from, the local police decide to call in Scotland Yard. Fortunately Inspector Joseph French does not believe in insoluble cases – there are always clues to be found if you know what to look for. Testing his theories with his accustomed thoroughness, French’s ingenuity sets him off on another investigation . . .

Title Page


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Mr Morgan Meets Tragedy

Chapter 2: Inspector French Gets Busy

Chapter 3: Experimental Detection

Chapter 4: A Change of Venue

Chapter 5: Messrs Berlyn and Pyke

Chapter 6: The Despatch of the Crate

Chapter 7: Dartmoor

Chapter 8: A Fresh Start

Chapter 9: A Step Forward

Chapter 10: London’s Further Contribution

Chapter 11: John Gurney, Night Watchman

Chapter 12: The Duplicator

Chapter 13: The Accomplice?

Chapter 14: French Turns Fisherman

Chapter 15: Blackmail

Chapter 16: Certainty at Last

Chapter 17: ‘Danger!’

Chapter 18: On Hampstead Heath

Chapter 19: The Bitterness of Death

Chapter 20: Conclusion

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