


A Mind of Your Own电子书

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作       者:Betty Shine

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:30.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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Betty Shine is known worldwide for her powers as a medium and healer. She is the author of a number of bestselling books, including Mind Magic, which was a Sunday Times No.1 bestseller. A former opera singer, she has been a therapist for 40 years and a healer and medium for over 20 years. She is a well-known television and radio personality and has been invited to lecture all over the world.

Title Page





1. Abuse

2. Accidents

3. Addiction

4. Ageing

5. Aggression

6. Anger

7. Anxiety

8. Bitterness

9. Blessings

10. Books

11. Burdens

12. Career

13. Carefree

14. Carers

15. Caressing

16. Chain letter

17. Character

18. Charisma

19. Charity

20. Chatting

21. Cheating

22. Cheerfulness

23. Christmas

24. Clairaudience

25. Clairsentience

26. Clairvoyance

27. Class

28. Colour

29. Comedy

30. Communication

31. Complaining

32. Conceit

33. Concentration

34. Confession

35. Conscience

36. Conversation

37. Criticism

38. Crying

39. Cults

40. Danger

41. Death

42. Destiny

43. Destructiveness

44. Detachment

45. Determination

46. Devil

47. Discipline

48. Discontent

49. Discretion

50. Dishonesty

51. Divorce

52. Ego

53. Embarrassment

54. Emotion

55. Encouragement

56. Energy

57. Entertaining

58. Envy

59. Excess

60. Expectations

61. Extra-sensory perception

62. Faith

63. Fame

64. Familiarity

65. Fatigue

66. Favouritism

67. Fear

68. Forgiveness

69. Fun

70. Gifts

71. Giving

72. Gratitude

73. Greed

74. Grief

75. Grievance

76. Guidance

77. Guilt

78. Halo

79. Harmony

80. Hate

81. Heartbreak

82. Heaven & Hell

83. Humour

84. Hygiene

85. Ignorance

86. Impulsiveness

87. Inactivity

88. Incompatibility

89. Irritability

90. Inspiration

91. Judgement

92. Kindness

93. Knowledge

94. Laughter

95. Laziness

96. Leisure

97. Lethargy

98. Love

99. Magic

100. Malice

101. Materialism

102. Meditation

103. Mediums

104. Memories

105. Mind

106. Miracles

107. Mysticism

108. Nightmares

109. Noise

110. Opportunism

111. Opportunities

112. Peace

113. Pessimism

114. Pettiness

115. Phenomena

116. Phobias

117. Positivity

118. Possession

119. Possessiveness

120. Potential

121. Public speaking

122. Predictions

123. Pride

124. Principles

125. Priorities

126. Privacy

127. Quarrels

128. Reincarnation

129. Rejection

130. Reputation

131. Retirement

132. Runes

133. Sacrifices

134. Sarcasm

135. Screaming

136. Self

137. Self-esteem

138. Self-importance

139. Self-indulgence

140. Self-pity

141. Sensationalism

142. Sensitivity

143. Sexual harassment

144. Shouting

145. Showers

146. Shrine

147. Sign of the Cross

148. Silence

149. Simplification

150. Sincerity

151. Singing

152. Sittings

153. Sobbing

154. Solitude

155. Soul

156. Spirits

157. Spirituality

158. Spite

159. Stability

160. Stealing

161. Supernatural

162. Superstition

163. Survival

164. Symbolism

165. Sympathy

166. Tears

167. Teasing

168. Temper

169. Temperament

170. Thought

171. Threats

172. Tolerance

173. Touch

174. Tradition

175. Tragedy

176. Trance

177. Transfiguration

178. Trouble

179. Truth

180. Universe

181. Unlucky

182. Unreasonable

183. Vibrations

184. Vocabulary

185. Voice

186. Vulgarity

187. Walking

188. Warfare

189. Water divining

190. Weak-willed

191. Wealth

192. Witches

193. Work

194. World

195. Writing

196. Xenoglossia

197. Yarns

198. Yearning

199. Yoga

200. Youth

201. Zest

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