


Good Bad Woman电子书

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作       者:Elizabeth Woodcraft

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:41.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Sharp, streetwise and totally engaging, Good Bad Woman is a slice of London life with a twist, and the first in a new series featuring the irresistible Frankie Richmond Frankie Richmond is a London barrister long on attitude and short on lucrative work. Her chaotic private life interrupts her professional one far too often but never so dangerously as when she agrees to defend an old friend. A routine appearance at a magistrate’s court catapults Frankie into a nightmare from which she wakes up to find herself arrested – for murder. The police would love to see her go down so Frankie sets out to solve the case herself – while trying to revive her flagging career, disentangle her mercurial friendships and meet the woman of her dreams. As she steps up her search for the killer – and a particularly elusive Sir Douglas Quintet track – Frankie’s talent for sowing confusion is given full rein, particularly when clearing her name involves exposing some unsavoury truths about those closest to her.

Title Page




One: Wednesday Afternoon – Chambers

Two: Thursday Morning – Highbury Corner

Three: Thursday Afternoon – Chambers

Four: Friday – Edmonton

Five: Saturday Morning – Church Street

Six: Saturday Evening – The Queen of Sheba

Seven: Sunday – Columbia Road

Eight: Monday Morning – Paperwork

Nine: Tuesday Morning – Stoke Newington Police Station

Ten: Tuesday Afternoon

Eleven: Tuesday Evening

Twelve: Wednesday – Royal Courts of Justice

Thirteen: Wednesday Evening – Chambers

Fourteen: Thursday Afternoon

Fifteen: Late Thursday Evening – Finsbury Park

Sixteen: Thursday Night/Friday Morning

Seventeen: Early Friday Morning

Eighteen: Friday Lunchtime

Nineteen: Friday Night

Twenty: Saturday Morning

Twenty-One: Sunday

Twenty-Two: Sunday Midday

Twenty-Three: Sunday Lunch

Twenty-Four: Sunday Evening

Twenty-Five: Sunday Night – The Caravan

Twenty-Six: Sunday Night

Twenty-Seven: Monday

Twenty-Eight: Monday Afternoon

Twenty-Nine: Monday Evening

Thirty: Later Monday Evening

Thirty-One: Monday Night/Tuesday Morning

Thirty-Two: Tuesday Morning

Thirty-Three: Wednesday Lunchtime

Thirty-Four: Wednesday Afternoon – Kay’s Office

Thirty-Five: Wednesday Evening

Thirty-Six: Thursday Morning

Thirty-Seven: Thursday Evening

Thirty-Eight: Thursday Night

Thirty-Nine: Late Thursday

Forty: Friday Evening – The Club

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