


1066: The Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry电子书

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作       者:Andrew Bridgeford

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:53.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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Five miles from the coast at Arromanches, in the gently shelving valley of the River Aure, lies the historic Norman town of Bayeux. From a distance the medieval cathedral emerges first into view, a faint impression of towers and spires, which gradually falls into sharper perspective as you approach the fringes of the town. War has touched Bayeux, but not scarred it. A ring road circumscribes the old centre, like a protective wall, and within its confines lies a network of shadowy streets and old stone buildings; and here and there the late-medieval frontage of a half-timbered house protrudes into the sunlight, as if it had emerged unwittingly out of the past into the present. At the centre of the town rises the enormous cathedral, a Gothic masterpiece built upon a Romanesque shell, its stark western towers, completed in the days of William the Conqueror, still soaring above the family of little houses gathered closely around its base. But it is not the cathedral, remarkable as it is, that every year draws half a million visitors to Bayeux. They come to see one of the most famous, intricate and mysterious works of art that has ever been made. Signs directing you to this masterpiece are dotted around the centre of the town. They are marked with a single descriptive word, in French and in English: ‘Tapisserie. Tapestry’. Here, in Bayeux, anything else would be redundant.

Title Page





Genealogical Charts

1: In Search of the Bayeux Tapestry

2: A Tale of Consequence: The Impact of Conquest

3: Sources

4: Stitches in Time

5: The Strange Journey of Harold Godwinson

6: The Fox and the Crow

7: The English Decision

8: Invasion

9: The Battle of Hastings

10: English Art and Embroidery

11: A Connection with Bishop Odo of Bayeux

12: The Bayeux Tapestry and the Babylonian Conquest of the Jews

13: The Tanner’s Grandsons

14: The Scion of Charlemagne

15: Count Eustace and the Death of King Harold

16: Eustace and the Attack on Dover

17: The Downfall of Bishop Odo

18: Turold the Dwarf

19: The Scandal of Ælfgyva

20: Wadard and Vital

21: Bayeux Cathedral and the Mystery of Survival

22: The Patronage of the Bayeux Tapestry





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