


Healing Your Emotions: Discover your five element type and change your life电子书

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作       者:Angela Hicks,John Hicks

出  版  社:HarperCollins Publishers


字       数:38.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 科技/医学



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Angela & John Hicks are the joint principals of the College of Integrated Chinese medicine in Reading. Angela is author of The Five Laws for Healthy Living, Principles of Acupuncture and Principles of Chinese Medicine. John is author of Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine. They have been practising for over 17 years.

Title Page



Author’s Note


Chapter 1. The Five Elements, Constitutional Types and the Emotions

Chinese medicine and disease

The Five Element ‘types’

What are the Five Elements?

How do the Five Element associations connect?

How did the Chinese use the Five Element theory?

A short history of Five Element types

Finding our Five Element type

Finding the underlying cause

The Organs and the Five Elements

How did our Elemental imbalance originate?

Our Elemental imbalance and our emotions in our early life

The Organs and the emotions

Core motivators – each person has a BIG one

What are the positive emotional capacities of each Element?

What emotional experiences does a constitutionally weak Element lead to?

What has being healthy got to do with our constitutional imbalance?

Is a type always based in weakness?

What is an emotion?

How do we know someone is angry?

What is the difference between feeling angry and being an angry person?

How do emotions cause disease?

So, again, what is an emotion?

The rest of the book

How to discover your type

I Relate to Many of the Elements as I Read This Book. What Should I Do?

Help, I Can’t Decide Between Two Types

I Think I Know my Type but I’d Also Like to Do Some of the Exercises for the Other Types

Chapter 2. The Wood Type - Asserting Ourselves

Delia is a Wood type

The Wood Element in nature

The background to Wood in Chinese medicine


The Organs of the Wood Element

The Liver and Gall Bladder and its Mental-Spiritual Aspect

Our Smoothly Flowing Qi

Storing the Blood

These symptoms may arise when the Liver and Gall Bladder are weak or obstructed

Observable Signs of a Wood Type

Posture, Gestures and Facial Expression

The emotional capacity of the Wood element

Rules, Structures and Boundaries

Flexible Boundaries and Assertiveness

Emotions we experience when the ability is impaired

Frustration and Anger

Some research about anger

Ambivalence and Indecision

Excessive anger and our health

Recognizing the Emotion of a Wood Type in Everyday Life

Big Issues and unanswered questions for the Wood type

How would you know your friend is a Wood type?

Responses to the Big Issues

Organizing, Structuring and Getting Things Right

Rebelling Against the Rules

Seeking Justice


Not Planning or Wanting Anything

Virtues and vices of a Wood type

A famous Wood type – Christabel Pankhurst

Some golden rules for Wood types

Chapter 3. Exercises for Wood Types


Using the exercises

The exercises for Wood types

Exercise 1 – Focusing

Exercise 2 – The other’s point of view

Exercise 3 – The objective point of view

Exercise 4 – Finding what I really want

Exercise 5 – Forgiveness

Exercise 5a – Protecting ourselves

Exercise 5b – Understanding the other person

Exercise 5c – Enacting forgiveness

Exercise 6 – Beating cushions

Qigong exercise for the Liver

Chapter 4. The Fire Type – Loving Ourselves

Nadine is a Fire type

The Fire element in nature

The background to Fire in Chinese Medicine


The Organs of the Fire Element

The Heart and the Heart Protector

The Mental-Spiritual aspect of the Heart

The Small Intestines and Triple Burner

These symptoms may arise when the Heart and Pericardium are weak or obstructed

Observable Signs of a Fire Type

Postures, Gestures and Facial Expression

The emotional capacity of the Fire Element

A Fire Type and Relationships

Becoming Close to Others

Opening up our Heart Protectors

Emotions we experience when the ability is impaired

Feeling Miserable and Vulnerable

The importance of our emotional ties

Fluctuating Emotions

Feeling Muddled

The benefits of happiness and laughter

Recognizing the Emotion of a Fire Type in Everyday Life

Big Issues and unanswered questions for the Fire type

How would you know your friend is a Fire type?

Responses to the Big Issues

Being Cheerful

Clowning and Performing

Opening up Inappropriately

Becoming Isolated

Closely Relating

Virtues and vices of a Fire type

A famous Fire type – Marilyn Monroe

Golden rules for Fire types

Chapter 5. Exercises for Fire Types


Using the exercises

The exercises for Fire types

Exercise 1 – Discovering you are lovable

Exercise 2 – Building relationships with the people in your life

Exercise 3 – Entering an intimate relationship

Exercise 4 – In a relationship, ask for what you want!

Exercise 5 – Resolving our feelings of shame

Exercise 6 – Taking pleasure from the world

Exercise 7 – Releasing sad feelings

Exercise 8 – The inner smile

Qigong exercise for the Heart

Chapter 6. The Earth Type – Nourishing Ourselves

Martine is an Earth type

The Earth Element in nature

The background to Earth in Chinese medicine


The Organs of the Earth Element

The Stomach

The Spleen

The Mental-Spiritual Aspect of Earth

These symptoms may arise when the Stomach and Spleen are weak or obstructed

Observable signs of an Earth type

Posture, Gestures and Facial Expression

The emotional capacity of the Earth Element

Taking in Support and Nourishment

Giving Support and Nourishment

Emotions we experience when the ability is impaired

Cravings for Support, Sympathy and Understanding

The power of emotional support

Struggling to Assimilate

Empathy in our early life

Worry and Over-Thinking

Assessing the Earth type’s sympathy

Big Issues and unanswered questions for the Earth type

How would you know your friend is an Earth type?

Responses to the Big Issues

Mothering and Caring

Not Asking but Expecting

Expressing Needs a Lot

Searching for a Centre


Virtues and vices of an Earth type

A famous Earth type – Diana, Princess of Wales

Golden rules for Earth types

Chapter 7. Exercises for Earth Types


Using the exercises

The exercises for Earth types

Exercise 1 – Points of view – objective, other and self

Exercise 1a – The objective point of view

Exercise 1b – Experiencing another person’s point of view

Exercise 1c – My own point of view

Exercise 2 – Creating a balanced point of view

Exercise 3 – The people I care for

Exercise 4 – Dissolving your worries

Qigong exercises for earth types

Qigong exercise for reaching heaven and earth

Qigong exercise for grounding ourselves

Chapter 8. The Metal Type – Respecting Ourselves

Joan is a Metal type

The Metal Element in nature

The background to Metal in Chinese medicine


The Lung

The Lung and Defensive Qi

The Mental-Spiritual Aspect of the Lungs

The Large Intestine

These symptoms may arise when the Lungs and Large Intestine are weak or obstructed

Observable Signs of a Metal Type

Posture, Gestures and Facial Expression

The Emotional Capacity of the Metal Element

Qi and Heaven

Receiving Richness and Quality

Receiving Acknowledgement and Recognition

Emotions we experience when the ability is impaired

Bereft, Grief-Stricken, Incomplete or Inadequate

Bereavement and our immune system

Not Recognized or Misunderstood

Loss and diabetes

Recognizing the Emotion of a Metal Type in Everyday Life

Big Issues and unanswered questions for the Metal type

How would you know that your friend is a Metal type?

Responses to the Big Issues

Distancing and Protecting

Doing Well and Doing More

Resignation and Cynicism

Seeking Quality

Relating to the Father

Virtues and vices of a Metal type

A famous Metal type – Richard Feynman

Golden rules for Metal types

Chapter 9. Exercises for Metal Types


Using the exercises

The exercises for Metal types

Exercise 1 – Giving gifts

Exercise 2 – Receiving gifts

Exercise 3 – Educating others

Exercise 4 – Checking out my standards

Exercise 5 – Dealing with loss

Qigong exercise for moving energy through the chest

Qigong exercise for breathing fully

Chapter 10. The Water Type – Reassuring Ourselves

Frank is a Water type

The Water Element in nature

The background to Water in Chinese medicine


The Kidneys

The Mental-Spiritual aspect of Water

The Bladder

These symptoms may arise when the Kidneys and Bladder are weak or obstructed

Observable Signs of a Water Type

Posture, Gestures and Facial Expression

The emotional capacity of the Water Element

Assessing Risks

Protecting Ourselves Appropriately

Emotions we experience when the ability is impaired

Anxiety and Panic

Reassurance and recovery


Fear, Apprehension and Dread

Fear and our health


Recognizing the Emotion of a Water Type in Everyday Life

Big Issues and unanswered questions for the Water type

How would you know that your friend is a Water type?

Responses to the Big Issues

Taking Risks

Anticipating Risks


Fearing the Worst

Reassuring Others

Virtues and vices of a Water type

A famous Water type – President John F Kennedy

Golden rules for Water types

Chapter 11. Exercises for Water Types


Using the exercises

The exercises for Water types

Exercise 1 – Dissociating from our fears

Exercise 2 – Transforming our fear

Exercise 3 – Reclaiming our lost sensations of fear

Exercise 4 – Reassuring ourselves

Exercise 5 – Dealing with one-off fears and phobias

Qigong Dragon swimming exercise

Qigong exercise – the hula hoop

Chapter 12. The Five Types – Which Type Am I?


Using the questionnaire

If all else fails


Appendix – Five Element type and acupuncture



Useful addresses

About the Authors

About the Publisher

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