


Next.js Quick Start Guide电子书

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8人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Kirill Konshin

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:16.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Create, build and deploy universal JavaScript applications using Next.js 6.0 Key Features *Work with the entire tool-chain for developing universal Javascript applications with Next.js *A straightforward guide to implementing server-side rendering *Use Next.js to build SEO-friendly and super fast websites Book Description Next.js is a powerful addition to the ever-growing and dynamic JavaScript world. Built on top of React, Webpack, and Babel, it is a minimalistic framework for server-rendered universal JavaScript applications. This book will show you the best practices for building sites using Next. js, enabling you to build SEO-friendly and superfast websites. This book will guide you from building a simple single page app to a scalable and reliable client-server infrastructure. You will explore code sharing between client and server, universal modules, and server-side rendering. The book will take you through the core Next.js concepts that everyone is talking about – hot reloading, code splitting, routing, server rendering, transpilation, CSS isolation, and more. You will learn ways of implementing them in order to create your own universal JavaScript application. You will walk through the building and deployment stages of your applications with the JSON API,customizing the confguration, error handling,data fetching, deploying to production, and authentication. What you will learn *Explore the benefts of server-side rendering with Next.js *Create and link JavaScript modules together by understanding code splitting and bundling *Create website pages and wire them together through website navigation *Extend your application with additional Webpack loaders and features, as well as custom Babel plugins and presets *Use GraphQL and Apollo frameworks with Next.js to fetch data and receive push notifcations *Design and implement core modules, such as logging and authentication, and then more complex solutions for access control and business rule management *Write tests and use online CI tools such as Travis, GitLab, and more *Build a Docker-based container for your app and deploy it to online services such as Heroku and Now.sh Who this book is for This book is for JavaScript developers who want to learn how to generate server-rendered applications.

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Next.js Quick Start Guide


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Introduction to Server-Side Rendering and Next.js

What is a single-page app?

Creating JS Modules, code sharing, code splitting, and bundling

Introduction to React

Why single-page apps suffer performance issues

Server side rendering

How to do server-side rendering with React

React-based server-side rendering frameworks, why Next.js


Next.js fundamentals

Installation of Next.js

Running Next.js in developer mode

Creating your first Next.js page

Running a Next.js production build

Making Next.js routing

Dynamic routing

Making Next.js routing masks – SEO-friendly URLs

Dynamic Component Loading (aka Lazy Components)

Adding styles to an application – CSS in JS

Adding media content – images, video, and audio

Adding interactive graphs and charts


Next.js Configuration

Special pages

How to make custom configurations

Configuring Webpack

Configuring Babel


Next.js Data Flow

Nuances of fetching data on the client and on the server

Loading data from a remote server using vanilla Next.js

Using Redux with Next.js

Using GraphQL with Next.js to fetch data

Using the Apollo framework with Next.js to fetch data


Application Life Cycle Handlers and Business Logic


Access Control List, Roles, and Permissions

Business Rules Engine

Internationalization and Localization

Error handling




Continuous Integration

What is automated deployment?

Writing unit tests for Next.js apps

Writing end-to-end tests for Next.js apps

Setting up CI for Next.js: Travis, Gitlab, and so on

Setting up cloud coverage statistics

Commit hooks



What is a container for a Next.js app?

Creating a Docker container for Next.js

Deploying to Heroku

Deploying to Now.sh


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