


Delphi Cookbook,电子书

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11人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:Daniele Spinetti,Daniele Teti

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:74.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A fast-paced guide to putting your GeoServer-based application into fast, user-friendly, and secure production Key Features * Resolve bottlenecks, optimize data stores, and cluster server resources * Use identity management and authentication for a user-specific, secure web application * Go beyond traditional web hosting to explore the full range of hosting options in the cloud Book Description GeoServer is open source, server-side software written in Java that allows users to share and edit geospatial data. In this book, you'll start by learning how to develop a spatial analysis platform with web processing services. Then you'll see how to develop an algorithm by chaining together geospatial analysis processes, which you can share with anyone in the world. Next you'll delve into a very important technique to improve the speed of your map application—tile caching. Here, you'll understand how tile caching works, how to develop an effective tile cache-supported web service, and how to leverage tile caching in your OpenLayers web application. Further on, you'll explore important tweaks to produce a performant GeoServer-backed web mapping application. Moving on, you'll enable authentication on the frontend and backend to protect sensitive map data, and deliver sensitive data to your end user. Finally, you'll see how to put your web application into production in a secure and user-friendly way. You'll go beyond traditional web hosting to explore the full range of hosting options in the cloud, and maintain a reliable server instance. What you will learn * Develop a WPS-processing service to allow web-based geospatial data processing * Get to know important techniques to improve the speed of your web map application—tile caching, raster data optimization, and server clustering * Find out which GeoServer settings resolve bottlenecks * Develop an algorithm by chaining geospatial analysis processes together * Put your application into production with hosting, monitoring, and automated backup and recovery * Understand how to develop an effective tile cache-supported web service * Master techniques that ensure resilient server deployment Who this book is for This book is for anyone who wants to learn about advanced interfaces, security, and troubleshooting techniques in GeoServer. A basic understanding of GeoServer is required

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Delphi Cookbook Third Edition

Packt Upsell

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Delphi Basics


Changing your application's look and feel with VCL styles

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Changing the style of your VCL application at runtime

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Customizing TDBGrid

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Using owner-draw combos and listboxes

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Making an owner-draw control aware of the VCL styles

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Creating a stack of embedded forms

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Manipulating JSON

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Manipulating and transforming XML documents

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I/O in the 21st century – knowing the streams

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Creating a Windows Service

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Using the TService.LogMessage method

Associating a file extension with your application on Windows

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Be coherent with the Windows look and feel using TTaskDialog

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The amazing TFDTable – indices, aggregations, views, and SQL

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ETL made easy – TFDBatchMode

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Data integration made easy – TFDLocalSQL

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See also

Becoming a Delphi Language Ninja


Fun with anonymous methods – using higher-order functions

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Writing enumerable types

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See also

Using enumerable types to create new language features

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RTTI to the rescue – configuring your class at runtime

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See also

Duck typing using RTTI

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BOs validation using RTTI attributes

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Bonus recipe – Validation using RTTI attributes

See also...

Creating helpers for your classes

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Knowing Your Friends – The Delphi RTL


Checking strings with regular expressions

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Consuming RESTful services using native HTTP(S) client libraries

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Some HTTP considerations

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THTTPClient's methods which directly map HTTP verbs

How to verify that HTTP TRACE is disabled

Coping with the encoded internet world using System.NetEncodings

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Saving space using System.Zip

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Decoupling your code using a cross-platform publish/subscribe mechanism

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Going Cross-Platform with FireMonkey


Giving a new appearance to the standard FireMonkey controls using styles

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See also

Creating a styled TListBox

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How it works...

See also

Impressing your clients with animations

How to do it...

How it works...

See also

Using master/details with LiveBindings

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See also

Showing complex vector shapes using paths

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Using FireMonkey in a VCL application

How to do it...

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Reinventing your GUI, also known as mastering Firemonkey controls, shapes, and effects

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The Thousand Faces of Multithreading


Synchronizing shared resources with TMonitor

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Talking with the main thread using a thread-safe queue

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Synchronizing multiple threads using TEvent

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Bonus recipe – AsyncTaskTests

Communication made easy with Delphi Event Bus

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See also

Displaying a measure on a 2D graph like an oscilloscope

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Using the Parallel Programming Library in the real world: Tasks

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Using the Parallel Programming Library in the real world: Futures

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Using the Parallel Programming Library in the real world: Parallel For/Join

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Putting Delphi on the Server


Developing web client JavaScript applications with WebBroker on the server

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How it works...

Retrieving the people list

Creating or updating a person

Running the application

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Converting a console application into a Windows service

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Serializing a dataset to JSON and back

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Serializing objects to JSON and back using RTTI

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Sending a POST HTTP request for encoding parameters

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Implementing a RESTful interface using WebBroker

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Controlling the remote application using UDP

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How it works...

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Using app tethering to create a companion app

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Creating DataSnap Apache modules

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How to do it...

How it works...

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Creating WebBroker Apache modules

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How it works...

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Using native HTTP(S) client libraries

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Logging like a pro using LoggerPro

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See also

Linux Development


Creating Linux TCP/IP servers

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How to correctly handle Linux signals

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See also

How to build a modern Linux daemon

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See also

Building a TCP/IP Linux server and daemonizing it

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How to do it...

How it works...

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Building a RESTFul server for Linux

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How to do it...

How it works...

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Building a complete RESTful server with database access and web client interface

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How it works...

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See also

Creating WebBroker Apache modules for Linux

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How it works...

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See also

Riding the Mobile Revolution with FireMonkey


Taking a photo, applying effects, and sharing it

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Using TListView to show and search local data

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How to do it...

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Using SQLite databases to handle a to-do list

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Do not block the main thread!

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How it works...

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Using a styled TListView to handle a long list of data

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How it works...

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Customizing the TListView

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How it works

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Taking a photo and location and sending it to a server continuously

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How to do it...

The client side

The server side

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Talking with the backend

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Making a phone call from your app

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How it works...

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Tracking the application's life cycle

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Building your own SMS sending service with the REST API

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REST server

Mobile sending application

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Using specific platform features


Using Android SDK Java classes

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Using iOS Objective-C SDK classes

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Displaying PDF files in your app

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How it works...

Showing the PDF file on Android

Showing the PDF file on iOS

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Downloading the PDF file from the server

Sending Android Intents

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How it works...

More complex intent – sending a full flagged email

Starting an activity for a result – the SpeechToText engine

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Letting your phone talk – using the Android TextToSpeech engine

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Using Java classes in Android apps with Java2OP

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Doing it in the background, the right way – Android services

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Delphi and IoT




Raspberry Pi

Arduino versus Raspberry Pi

How to blink an LED using Arduino

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See also

How to drive multiple relays with Arduino and Delphi

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See also

Reading data from Arduino

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How it works...

How to blink an LED using Raspberry Pi

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How it works...

See also

How to drive multiple relays with Raspberry Pi and Delphi

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How it works...

Reading data from Raspberry PI

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How it works...

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