


Developing Middleware in Java EE 8电子书

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作       者:Abdalla Mahmoud

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:31.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Use Java features such as JAX-RS, EJBs, and JPAs to build powerful middleware for newer architectures such as the cloud About This Book ? Explore EJBs to build middleware solutions for enterprise and distributed applications ? Understand middleware designs such as event-based and message-driven web services ? Learn to design and maintain large-scale systems and vendor disputes Who This Book Is For Enterprise architects, designers, developers, and programmers who are interested in learning how to build robust middleware solutions for enterprise software will find this book useful. Prior knowledge of Java EE is essential What You Will Learn ? Implement the latest Java EE 8 APIs and manage dependencies with CDI 2.0 ? Perform CRUD operations and access databases with JPA 2.1 ? Use bean validation API 2.0 to validate data ? Develop business logic with EJB 3.2 ? Incorporate the REST architecture and RESTful API design patterns ? Perform serialization and deserialization on JSON documents using JSON-B ? Utilize JMS for messaging and queuing models and securing applications ? Test applications using JUnit and Mockito and deploy them using Docker In Detail Middleware is the infrastructure in software based applications that enables businesses to solve problems, operate more efficiently, and make money. As the use of middleware extends beyond a single application, the importance of having it written by experts increases substantially. This book will help you become an expert in developing middleware for a variety of applications. The book starts off by exploring the latest Java EE 8 APIs with newer features and managing dependencies with CDI 2.0. You will learn to implement object-to-relational mapping using JPA 2.1 and validate data using bean validation. You will also work with different types of EJB to develop business logic, and with design RESTful APIs by utilizing different HTTP methods and activating JAX-RS features in enterprise applications. You will learn to secure your middleware with Java Security 1.0 and implement various authentication techniques, such as OAuth authentication. In the concluding chapters, you will use various test technologies, such as JUnit and Mockito, to test applications, and Docker to deploy your enterprise applications. By the end of the book, you will be proficient in developing robust, effective, and distributed middleware for your business. Style and approach Learn how to design and implement professional enterprise middleware solutions using the latest techniques and features provided by the Java EE 8 platform.

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Developing Middleware in Java EE 8


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Delving into Java EE 8

What is Java EE?

Enterprise applications

Java EE architecture

Chapter roadmap

Contexts and dependency injection

Data persistence

Data validation

Enterprise JavaBeans

RESTful services

JSON processing





Required software


Application server

Build tool

Relational database system

Book project

Goodbye Java EE, welcome Jakarta EE!


Dependency Injection Using CDI 2.0

What's new in CDI 2.0?

Creating your first CDI bean

First CDI bean

Providing alternative implementations to your bean

Using qualifiers

Specifying a bean scope

Injecting beans

Direct field injection

Bean constructor parameter injection

Initializer method parameter injection

Using producers

Scope of producer methods

Injection into the producer methods

Using interceptors

Interceptor types

Using events


Accessing the Database with JPA 2.1

What's new in JPA 2.2?


Writing your first JPA application

Step 1: Creating a data source

Step 2: Creating a persistence unit

Step 3: Creating an entity class

Step 4: Creating a data access object


Entity mapping

Primary keys

Table mapping

Column mapping

Date and time mapping

Ignoring properties

Composite primary keys

Embedded objects

Performing CRUD operations

Managed versus detached entities

Inserting a new record

Retrieving an existing record

Updating an existing record

Deleting a record

Detaching an entity

Mapping entity relationships

Many-to-one relationships

Many-to-many relationships

Bidirectional relationships


Map collections of primitives

JPA query language

Basic syntax

Query parameters

Named parameters

Positional parameters

Query examples

Selecting entities

Ordering entities

Limiting records

Selecting entities with clauses

Selecting entities with projection

Eliminating duplicates

Entity navigation

Update entities

DELETE entities

Using native SQL queries

Named queries

Criteria queries

Mapping inheritance

Single table strategy

Joined table strategy

Table per class strategy

Comparing strategies

Polymorphic queries


Validating Data with Bean Validation 2.0

What's new in Bean Validation 2.0?

First validation example

First approach – programmatic validation

Second approach – auto validation

Injecting the validator object

Graph validation

List of available constraints

Validating parameters and return values

Defining a custom constraint

Associating messages with attributes

Adding more constraints


Exposing Web Services with JAX-RS 2.1

What are web services?

RESTful versus SOAP services

SOAP services

RESTful services

Understanding HTTP


HTTP request

HTTP response

Writing your first REST service

Writing a resource class

Configuring a project for Jersey

Testing your web services

Postman as a test tool

Handling HTTP methods


Receiving parameters

Query parameters

Matrix parameters

Path parameters

Form parameters

Header parameters

Providing default values

Bean parameters

Using context objects

Handling JSON

Enabling Moxy

Returning JSON

Consuming JSON

Custom responses

Uploading files

Handling exceptions

Declaring custom web application exceptions

Mapping existing exceptions

Server-sent events


Manipulating JSON with JSON-B 1.0


Mapping objects

Mapping collections

Formatting output

Customizing property names

Customizing naming strategies

Customizing property ordering

Ignoring properties

Handling nulls

Formatting dates and numbers

Using binary


Communicating with Different Systems with JMS 2.0

Message-Oriented Middleware

Java Messaging System (JMS)


JMS provider

JMS clients


Administered objects

Messaging styles

Point-to-point style


First JMS application

Creating administered objects

Creating a destination

Creating a connection factory

Creating the producer

Creating the consumer

Using JMS resources with annotations

Creating connection factories

Creating destinations

Injecting connection factories

Injecting destinations

Putting them all together

Message-Driven Beans

Creating a message-driven bean

Sending and receiving messages

Text messages

Map messages

Object messages


Sending Mails with JavaMail 1.6

Explaining mail protocols



Sending an email

Sending an HTML email message

Setting To, CC, and BCC fields

Sending an email with attachments


Securing an Application with Java Security 1.0


Authentication mechanism


Caller principal

Identity store

Basic login example

Creating a web page to protect

Mentioning who's allowed to access the web page

Defining users and associated roles in a database

Mapping security configuration to the user database

Identity stores

Database identity store

LDAP identity store

Custom identity store

Creating a custom identity store class

Creating an HTTP authentication mechanism

Security context

Authentication mechanisms

Basic authentication

Form authentication


Making Interactive Applications with WebSockets 1.1

Understanding WebSockets

How does WebSockets work?

Sending and receiving messages

Creating an endpoint

Creating a client web page

Lifecycle events

Accepting path parameters

Maintaining user state

Using encoders

Seat-booking application

Designing and implementing the backend

Designing and implementing the frontend


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