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62人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:马庆军

出  版  社:中国财富出版社


字       数:37.3万

所属分类: 人文社科 > 历史 > 中国史



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  • 读书简介
  • 目录
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Overview of Tianjin's Status

1 政治

1.1 天津开埠

1.2 天津教案

1.3 维新变法

1.4 义和团

1.5 都统衙门的设立及对天津的影响

1.6 袁世凯新政

1.7 自治运动与立宪请愿运动

1.8 天津革命党人响应武昌起义

1.9 护国战争

1.10 张勋复辟

1.11 老西开事件

1.12 五四运动

1.13 社会主义青年团和共产党组织的诞生

1.14 共产主义在天津的发展

1.15 反军阀斗争

1.16 抗日救亡运动

1.17 天津走上社会主义道路

2 经济

2.1 北方最大贸易口岸和重要商业中心

2.2 近代工业发展历程

2.3 外国资本在天津的发展

2.4 洋务军工类企业

2.5 民生经济、实业

2.6 金融:北方的金融中心

2.7 城市基础设施建设

2.8 农牧业

3 军事

3.1 近代发生在天津的影响中国历史的各次战争

3.2 军事工业和北洋海军

3.3 小站练兵

3.4 义和团抗击八国联军

3.5 辛亥革命时期的天津

3.6 抗日战争时期的天津

3.7 解放战争时期的天津

4 文化

4.1 教育

4.2 报业、出版

4.3 文学

4.4 戏剧、曲艺

4.5 民间特种工艺

5 天津物质文化遗产

5.1 历史人物的遗迹、遗物、纪念性的设施

5.2 著名社会遗存

5.3 人造的著名景观


ChapterOne Politics

1.1 Tianjin Opened As a Commercial Port

1.2 Tianjin Missionary Case

1.3 Wu Hsu Reform Movement

1.4 The Yihe Boxers Movement

1.5 Dutong Yamen (Interim Government of Tianjin)

1.6 Yuan Shikai's "New Deal"

1.7 Autonomy Movement and Constitutional Petition Campaign

1.8 Tianjin revolutionaries responding to Wuchang Uprising

1.9 The Republic Protection War

1.10 Zhang Xun's Restoration Farce

1.11 Lao Xikai Incident (St. Joseph's Cathedral Incident)

1.12 The May Fourth Movement

1.13 The Emergence of the Socialist Youth League and the Communist Party

1.14 The Development of Communist Movement in Tianjin

1.15 The Anti-Warlord Fighting

1.16 Anti-Japanese National Salvation Movements

1.17 Tianjin Embarked on the Socialist Road

ChapterTwo Economy

2.1 The Largest Trading Port and an Important Commercial Center in the North of China

2.2 The Development History of Modern Industry

2.3 The Development of Foreign Capital in Tianjin

2.4 Military Enterprises of Westernization Movement

2.5 The People's Livelihood Economy and Industry

2.6 Finance:Financial Centre in the North of China

2.7 Infrastructure Construction of the City

2.8 Farming and Stockbreeding

ChapterThree Military Affairs

3.1 Wars in Modern Tianjin Impacting the History of China

3.2 Military Industries and Beiyang Navy

3.3 Xiaozhan Training

3.4 The Yihe Boxers'Fight against the Eight-Power Allied Forces

3.5 Tianjin in the Revolution of 1911

3.6 Tianjin during the Anti-Japanese War Period

3.7 Tianjin during the Liberation War

ChapterFour Culture

4.1 Education

4.2 Newspapers and Publication

4.3 Literature

4.4 Drama and Traditional Folk Art

4.5 Special Folk Arts and Crafts

ChapterFive Material Cultural Heritages of Tianjin

5.1 Relics of Historic Figures and Monumental Buildings

5.2 Famous Relics

5.3 Famous Man-made Landscapes

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