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作       者:陈娟

出  版  社:重庆大学出版社


字       数:46.6万

所属分类: 教育 > 大中专教材 > 研究生/本科/专科教材



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Chapter 1 English Essay Writing完整作文写作

UNIT 1 Title of Essay题目与构思

1.1 题目与体裁Genre Analysis

1.2 构思Ideation

1.3 主题的确立Thesis Statement

1.4 编写提纲Writing an Outline

1.5 语言功能Functional Language

1.6 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 2 Openings and Conclusions开头和结尾

2.1 开头Openings

2.2 结尾Conclusions

2.3 语言功能:开头和结尾常用句型Fuctional Language:Useful Expressions

2.4 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 3 Structure of Essay文章结构

3.1 文章结构Essay Structure

3.2 英语文章各部分的写法All Parts of An Essay

3.3 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 4 Order文章顺序

4.1 常用英文顺序Common Order of Essay

4.2 语言功能:顺序连接词Functional Language:Transitional Order

4.3 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 5 Unity统一性

5.1 句子的统一性Sentence Unity

5.2 段落的统一性Paragraph Unity

5.3 篇章的统一性Thesis Unity

5.4 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 6 Coherence语篇的衔接与连贯

6.1 衔接手段Cohesion

6.2 如何构建连贯的英文段落How to Make a Coherent Paragraph?

6.3 如何构建语篇衔接How to Make a Coherent Text?

6.4 语言功能:表达连贯性的过渡用语Fuctional Language:Transitional Words

6.5 例文赏析Additional Samples

Chapter 2 Types of English Essays完整作文类型

UNIT 7 Argumentation议论文:论证法

7.1 议论文的结构The Structure of an Argumentative Essay

7.2 议论文写作练习话题Some Argument Essay Topics

7.3 语言功能:委婉的反驳Fuctional Language:Tactful Refutation

7.4 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 8 Cause and Effect说明文:原因结果法

8.1 原因/结果短文的结构The Structure of a Cause-effect Essay

8.2 进行因果分析时应注意的问题Problems in Writing a Cause-effect Essay

8.3 因果短文写作练习的题目Cause-effect Essay Topics

8.4 语言功能:因果短文常用的衔接词Fuctional Language:Common Transitional Words in Cause-effect Essays

8.5 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 9 Comparison and Contrast说明文:比较与对照

9.1 对照和比较的三种模式Three Patterns of Comparison and Contrast Essay

9.2 语言功能Fuctional Language

9.3 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 10 Process Analysis说明文:过程分析

10.1 过程分析的两种模式Two Patterns of Process Analysis

10.2 过程分析的元素Elements of Process Analysis

10.3 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 11 Division and Classification说明文:分类法

11.1 分类和归类Division and Classification

11.2 分类的标准Principles of Classification

11.3 分类法说明文写作要点Key Points in Writing a“Division-and-Classification”Essay

11.4 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 12 Examplification说明文:举例子

12.1 举例子的定义What is“Giving Examples”?

12.2 例子的作用Functions of Examples

12.3 例子的筛选Filtering the Examples

12.4 例子的组织Arrangement of the Examples

12.5 举例子说明文撰写要点Key Points in Writing an Example Essay

12.6 语言功能:举例常用表达法Functional Language:Useful Expressions

12.7 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 13 Definition说明文:下定义

13.1 下定义Definition

13.2 怎样下定义How to Define?

13.3 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 14 Description描写文

14.1 人物描写Description of a Person

14.2 空间描写Description of a Place

14.3 语言功能:有效选择单词进行描写Functional Language:Effective Choice of Words

14.4 例文赏析Additional Samples

UNIT 15 Narration记叙文

15.1 记叙文的展开Developing a Narrative Essay

15.2 语言功能Functional Language

15.3 例文赏析Additional Samples

Chapter 3 Optional Units可选章节

UNIT 16 Critical Reading and Writing批判性阅读和批判性写作

16.1 批判性阅读Critical Reading

16.2 批判性写作Critical Writing

UNIT 17 Thesis Writing for Undergraduates本科毕业论文写作

17.1 论文的准备工作Preparation of Thesis

17.2 论文的框架结构Structure of Thesis

17.3 论文的规范格式Format of Thesis

17.4 引文格式的其他注意事项Quotation Format and Other Matters

17.5 论文的修改与润色Revision of Thesis

17.6 各方向选题研究热点介绍Current Trend of Researches

UNIT 18 Writing of TEM8英语专业八级(TEM8)写作

18.1 TEM8写作考纲要求Writing Test Syllabus of TEM8

18.2 TEM8写作中的常见错误Common Errors in Writing of TEM8

18.3 TEM8写作训练建议Suggestions of Writing Skills in TEM8


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