


Hymns of the Christian Life No.2电子书

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作       者:A. B. Simpson

出  版  社:CrossReach Publications


字       数:12.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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Hymns of the Christian Life No.2


Hymns of the Christian Life

No. 1. My Holy Guest

No. 2. The Comforter has Come

No. 3. O Comforter, Gentle and Tender

No. 4. Ho! Every One that is Thirsty

No. 5. Lord God, the holy Ghost

No. 6. The Holy Ghost is Come

No. 7. Breathing Out and Breathing In

No. 8. Be Filled With the Spirit

No. 9. The Wondrous River

No. 10. Spirit Divine

No. 11. The Comfort of the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:31)

No. 12. O Worship the King

No. 13. All people that on Earth Do Dwell (old hundredth. l.m.).

No. 14. My Beloved Lord!

No. 15. Stand Up and Bless the Lord

No. 16. O God of Bethel

No. 17. Behold the Throne of Grace

No. 18. Let Us with a Gladsome Mind

No. 19. O Day of Rest and Gladness

No. 20. Welcome, Delightful Morn

No. 21. Where High the Heavenly Temple

No. 22. Behold Me Standing at the Door

No. 23. Weary One

No. 24. The Very Same Jesus

No. 25. De Massa ob de Sheepfol’

No. 26. Seeking the Cost

No. 27. The Cost Soul

No. 28. Since I found My Saviour

No. 29. Is it Right with God?

No. 30. Blind Bartimeus

No. 31. Jesus is Looking for Thee

No. 32. Come to the Throne of Grace

No. 33. Like Sheep We Went Astray

No. 34. Wondrously Redeemed

No. 35. The Shepherd True

No. 36. Follow Me

No. 37. Don’t You Miss the Light, Brother

No. 38. Jesus for Me

No. 39. There is Nothing to Do but to Come

No. 40. Come to Jesus Now

No. 41. A Sinner Once Came to the Saviour

No. 42. O Sacred Head

No. 43. I Came to Jesus?

No. 44. Salvation! Oh, The Joyful Sound

No. 45. Calvary! Dear Calvary

No. 46. What Will You Do With Jesus?

No. 47. To Save a Poor Sinner

No. 48. Grieve Not the Spirit

No. 49. Life at the Cross

No. 50. Loving Kindness

No. 51. The Three Bidders for the Soul

No. 52. Jesus Is Tenderly Pleading

No. 53. Redeeming Love

No. 54. Waiting at the Pool

No. 55. Yesterday, To-Day and To-Morrow

No. 56. He Set the Joy-Bells Ringing

No. 57. O, I Never Can Forget

No. 58. Come to Jesus

No. 59. Jesus is Mighty to Save

No. 60. It Just Suits Me

No. 61. Grace! ’tis a Charming Sound

No. 62. O that my Load of Sin were Gone

No. 63. Amazing Grace

No. 64. I Saw One

No. 65. On Calvary there Stood a Cross

No. 66. Art Thou Weary

No. 67. Come, Saith Jesus

No. 68. When They Crucified My Lord

No. 69. In Tenderness He Sought Me

No. 70

No. 71

No. 72

No. 73

No. 74

No. 75. I’ve Washed my Robes

No. 76. Step by Step

No. 77. Jesus, I would Faithful Be

No. 78. Not I, but Christ

No. 79. Consecration

No. 80. Search Me, O God

No. 81. Sweet Rest of Purity

No. 82. I am Thine Own, O Christ!

No. 83. I Am Entering In

No. 84. Dwelling in Canaan

No. 85. None of Self and All of Thee

No. 86. Give Me Strength

No. 87. Nothing Between

No. 88. Lie Low

No. 89. Keep Close to Jesus

No. 90. Say, is it All For Jesus?

No. 91. Christ is All

No. 92. I have Given Myself Away

No. 93. Songs in the night

No. 94. Draw me, Saviour

No. 95. My Choice

No. 96. O Lamb of God

No. 97. O, Give Me Rest from Self

No. 98. Not to Ourselves We Live

No. 99. When I Survey

No. 100. Stand Up

No. 101. Never Further

No. 102. I Seek Not to follow

No. 103. O Lord in Me Thy mighty Power Exert

No. 104. “Thy will Be Done.”

No. 105

No. 106

No. 107. God’s Best

No. 108. There is a Name I Love to Hear

No. 109. O, Jesus Christ

No. 110. In the Cross of Christ

No. 111. Trust and Rest

No. 112. We Walk By Faith

No. 113. Day By Day

No. 114. God Is My Home

No. 115. Yielded to God

No. 116. Only Wait

No. 117. Light of the Lonely Pilgrim

No. 118. Blessed Quietness

No. 119. I Must Cell Jesus

No. 120. The Peace of God

No. 121. Our Times are in Thy Hand

No. 122. Jesus! I am Resting, Resting

No. 123. He Knows

No. 124. It Means Just What it Says

No. 125. I am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus

No. 126. Leaning on Jesus

No. 127. Our God, Our Help

No. 128. My Grace Is Sufficient for Thee

No. 129. Tarry With Me

No. 130. Cease Your Thinking

No. 131. Give to the Winds Thy Fears

No. 132. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

No. 133. Calm Me, My God

No. 134. To the Cross of Christ

No. 135. Reckon

No. 136. My Heart is Resting

No. 137. Jesus is the Same Forever

No. 138. Lovest Thou Me?

No. 139. In Heavenly Love Abiding

No. 140. Am I Not Better Unto Thee?

No. 141. ’Twas Out of Darkness

No. 142. Your Harps

No. 143. ’Tis I

No. 144. Love Divine

No. 145. Peace, Perfect Peace

No. 146. Is it for me?

No. 147. Come, Jesus, Lord

No. 149. Timnath-Serah

No. 150. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee

No. 151. Full Salvation

No. 152. I Love him So

No. 153. The Fetters that Bound Me

No. 154. The Right Side

No. 155. When I Can Read My Title Clear

No. 156. Christ of All My Hopes

No. 157. Healing in His Wings

No. 158. Trust for Body and Soul

No. 159. Come ye disconsolate

No. 160. Balm in Gilead

No. 161. At Even

No. 162. Taking Life From Jesus

No. 163. Nothing is Too Hard for Jesus

No. 164. The Unfailing One

No. 165. Jesus Heals To-Day

No. 166. Help, Just a Little

No. 167. Up for Jesus Stand

No. 168. One Sole Baptismal Sign

No. 169. The Church’s One Foundation

No. 170. Jesus Shall Reign

No. 171. Onward Christian Soldiers

No. 172. Pass It On

No. 173. The Missionary’s Call

No. 174. How Beauteous!

No. 175. Hold the Ropes

No. 176. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord

No. 177. Help Along

No. 178. I Have Overcome

No. 179. Be True

No. 180. Who Will Go and Witness for Jesus?

No. 181. The Gospel Banner

No. 182. Arm of the Lord

No. 183. Anywhere, Everywhere

No. 184. Go and Cell

No. 185. Gideon’s Band

No. 186. Speed Thy Servants, Saviour!

No. 187. Go Forward

No. 188. Fill Up the Ranks

No. 189. Plod

No. 190. Dying Without Jesus

No. 191. Thy Kingdom Come

No. 192. Power From On High

No. 193. Brethren Go!

No. 195. A Macedonian Cry

No. 196. We’re Bound to Cake the Congo for Jesus

No. 197. Away Across the Ocean

No. 198. Wave the Gospel Banner

No. 199. We Are Living

No. 200. The Dark Soudan

No. 201. I’m Going to the Congo

No. 202. Bringing the World to Jesus

No. 203. I’ll Live the world Around

No. 204. Beautiful Japan

No. 205. A Charge to Keep

No. 206. The Land of Congo

No. 207. Some Little Thing Each Day

No. 208. Jesus Calls Us

No. 209. Lord, Speak to Me

No. 210. Glorious Things

No. 211. Laborers Arise

No. 212. Hasten Lord

No. 213. Lo, Jesus Comes!

No. 214. Christ Is Coming

No. 215. Come, Lord and Carry Not

No. 216. The Comforter Has Come

No. 217. Jerusalem the Golden

No. 218. Our Lord’s Return

No. 219. Jerusalem, My Happy Home

No. 220. The King in His Beauty

No. 221. Some Sweet Morn

No. 222. We are Waiting for Thy Coming

No. 223. Some Sweet Day My Lord Will Come

No. 224. Let Us Live in the Light

No. 225. O Israel. Return

No. 226. Jesus is Coming Again

No. 227. A Few More Years

No. 228. Far From These Scenes

No. 229. Even as He

No. 230. The Church Has Waited

No. 231. When the Pearly Gates Unfold

No. 232. ’Tis Come

No. 233. The Coming Christ

No. 234. The City of Gold

No. 235. Even So

No. 236. Jesus Knows Our Every Care

No. 237. The King of Glory

No. 238. In Glory

No. 239. I Always will Remember Thee

No. 240. Forever With The Lord

No. 241. We Shall Sleep

No. 242. He Is Coming for Me

No. 243. Watchman Tell Me

No. 244. Christ Is Coming

No. 245. The God Of Abraham Praise

No. 246. Just Beyond the Golden Gate

No. 247. Peace to the World

No. 248. Yes. He’ll Come Again

No. 249. Home at Last

No. 250. We’ll Work ’Till Jesus Comes

No. 251. Hark the Song

No. 252. To Be There

No. 253. Little Children

No. 254. Only A Little Baby Girl

No. 255. Living to Shine for Jesus

No. 256. Keep Sweet

No. 257. We Are Little Soldiers of the Cross

No. 258. Saviour, Like a Shepherd

No. 259. I Think When I Read

No. 260. I Believe In God the Father

No. 261. Buried in Baptism

No. 262. Come, Holy Spirit

No. 263. Around Thy Grave

No. 264. Awake and Sing

No. 265. O, Bread to Pilgrims Given

No. 266. Bread of the World

No. 267. If Human Kindness

No. 268. How Sweet and Awful

No. 269. Not a Sound Invades the Stillness

No. 270. Never to Say Farewell

No. 271. The Wonderful Star

No. 272. I Will Not Forget Thee

No. 273. They Sang of Redemption

No. 274. To Him That Loved

No. 275. Advent Song

No. 276. God Bless our Native Land

No. 277. Now the Day is Over

No. 278. Asleep in Jesus

No. 279. Why Do We Mourn?

No. 280. Fill the Censer

No. 281. Clinging And Resting

No. 282. Bring to Jesus

No. 283. He is Able to Deliver Thee

No. 284. Behold! O, God

No. 285. The God of Harvest

No. 286. Have Faith in God

No. 287. Silent Night

No. 288. Over a Babe

No. 289. Come Back to God

No. 290. Jesus Only

No. 291. Hark, Hark! My Soul

No. 292. Luthers Cradle Hymn

No. 293. All the way Long it is Jesus

No. 294. Jesus Saves

No. 295. The Fountain

No. 296. Childrens’ Missionary Hymn

No. 297. Thou must Deny Thyself

No. 298. Rejoice, Rejoice

No. 299. Hark, Ten Thousand

No. 300. As Helpless as a Child

No. 301. The Ark of God

No. 302. His Peace

No. 303. There is an Eye

No. 304. Thy Sheltering wing

No. 305. Through All The Changing Scenes

No. 306. I Give myself to Jesus

No. 307. Hark The Song

No. 308. Hark my Soul

No. 309. Wake the Song

No. 310. Faint Not

No. 311. We Bless Thee For Thy Peace

No. 312. There Is A Safe And Secret Place

No. 313. O Lord, our God

No. 314. With Thee

No. 315. Not all the Blood of Beasts

No. 316. As Jesus Died and Rose

No. 317. Cease ye Mourners

No. 318. Hear What God Hath Spoken

No. 319. My God, Now Endless

No. 320. God is the Refuge

No. 321. Thy Father’s House

No. 322. How Sweet The Name

No. 323. When The Blind

No. 324. With Jesus

No. 325. O For A Closer Walk

No. 326. The Holy Spirit

No. 327. Come Enter, Lord!

No. 328. Spirit Of the Living God

No. 329. From every Stormy Wind That Blows

No. 330. Come Humble Sinner

No. 331. To-Day The Saviour Calls

No. 332. Jesus Paid It All

No. 333. O Lord, How Happy

No. 334. Just as I Am

No. 335. How Bright

No. 336. Upward

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