


Albert Jack's Ten Minute Mysteries: World Famous Mysteries Solved电子书

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作       者:Albert Jack

出  版  社:Albert Jack Publishing


字       数:35.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Albert Jack's Ten Minute Mysteries: World Famous Mysteries Solved

About the Author

1. The Famous Aurora Spaceship Mystery

2. The Mysterious Death of God’s Own Banker

3. Try to See It from My Angle: The Bermuda Triangle

4. Does Bigfoot Exist?

5. The Spine-chilling Tale of the Chase Vault

6. The Real-life Agatha Christie Mystery

7. Committing the Perfect Crime: The Mysterious D. B. Cooper

8. Who Really Makes Crop Circles?

9. John Dillinger: Whatever Happened to America’s Robin Hood?

10. The Missing Navy Diver

11. The Dover Demon

12. The Mysterious Disappearance of the Lighthouse Keepers of Eilean Mor

13. Fairies at the Bottom of the Garden

14. The Mystery of Our Lady of Fatima

15. What Happened to the Lost King of France?

16. The Strange Case of Kaspar Hauser

17. The Great Loch Ness Con Trick

18. Will the Real Paul McCartney Please Stand Up?

19. The Magnetic Strip

20. Whatever Happened to the Crew of the Mary Celeste?

21. The Men Who Cheated Death

22. Not in the Mood: The Real Glenn Miller Story

23. The Mystifying Death of a Media Mogul

24. The Real Da Vinci Code: The Mona Lisa Debate

25. If Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Who Killed Marilyn Monroe?

26. The Piano Man

27. The Dreadful Demise of Edgar Allan Poe

28. It’s Raining Frogs

29. The Terrifying Affair of Spring-heeled Jack

30. Beware of USOs

31. The St Valentine’s Day Massacre

32. The World’s Strangest Unsolved Crimes

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