


Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War电子书

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作       者:Herman Melville

出  版  社:Seltzer Books


字       数:15.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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Poems by the author of Moby Dick. He explains, "With few exceptions, the Pieces in this volume originated in an impulse imparted by the fall of Richmond. They were composed without reference to collective arrangement, but being brought together in review, naturally fall into the order assumed. The events and incidents of the conflict--making up a whole, in varied amplitude, corresponding with the geographical area covered by the war--from these but a few themes have been taken, such as for any cause chanced to imprint themselves upon the mind. The aspects which the strife as a memory assumes are as manifold as are the moods of involuntary meditation--moods variable, and at times widely at variance. Yielding instinctively, one after another, to feelings not inspired from any one source exclusively, and unmindful, without purposing to be, of consistency..."



The Portent.


The Conflict of Convictions.[1]

Apathy and Enthusiasm.

The March into Virginia, Ending in the First Manassas.

Lyon. Battle of Springfield, Missouri.

Ball's Bluff. A Reverie.

Dupont's Round Fight.

The Stone Fleet.[2] An Old Sailor's Lament.


The Cumberland.

In the Turret.

The Temeraire.[3]

A Utilitarian View of the Monitors Fight.

Shiloh. A Requiem.

The Battle for the Mississipppi.

Malvern Hill.

The Victor of Antietam.[5]

Battle of Stone River, Tennessee. A View from Oxford Cloisters.

Running the Batteries, As observed from the Anchorage above Vicksburgh.

Stonewall Jackson. Mortally wounded at Chancellorsville.

Stonewall Jackson.

Gettysburg. The Check.

The House-top. A Night Piece.

Look-out Mountain. The Night Fight.


The Armies of the Wilderness.

On the Photograph of a Corps Commander.

The Swamp Angel.[10]

The Battle for the Bay.

Sheridan at Cedar Creek.

In the Prison Pen.

The College Colonel.

The Eagle of the Blue.[12]

A Dirge for McPherson,[13] Killed in front of Atlanta.

The March to the Sea.

The Frenzy in the Wake.[14] Sherman's advance through the Carolinas.

The Fall of Richmond. The tidings received in the Northern Metropolis.

The Surrender at Appomattox.

A Canticle: Significant of the national exaltation of enthusiasm at the close of the War.

The Martyr. Indicative of the passion of the people on the 15th of April, 1865.

"The Coming Storm:"A Picture by S.R. Gifford, and owned by E.B. Included in the N.A. Exhibition, April, 1865.

Rebel Color-bearers at Shiloh:[16] A plea against the vindictive cry raised by civilians shortly after the surrender at Appomattox.

The Muster:[17] Suggested by the Two Days' Review at Washington

Aurora-Borealis. Commemorative of the Dissolution of Armies at the Peace.

The Released Rebel Prisoner.[18]

A Grave near Petersburg, Virginia.[19]

"Formerly a Slave." An idealized Portrait, by E. Vedder, in the Spring Exhibition of the National Academy, 1865.

The Apparition. (A Retrospect.)

Magnanimity Baffled.

On the Slain Collegians.[20]


Verses Inscriptive and Memorial

On the Home Guards who perished in the Defense of Lexington, Missouri.

Inscription for Graves at Pea Ridge, Arkansas.

The Fortitude of the North under the Disaster of the Second Manassas.

On the Men of Maine killed in the Victory of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

An Epitaph.

Inscription for Marye's Heights, Fredericksburg.

The Mound by the Lake.

On the Slain at Chickamauga.

An uninscribed Monument on one of the Battle-fields of the Wilderness.

On Sherman's Men who fell in the Assault of Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia.

On the Grave of a young Cavalry Officer killed in the Valley of Virginia.

A Requiem for Soldiers lost in Ocean Transports.

On a natural Monument in a field of Georgia.[21]

Commemorative of a Naval Victory.

Presentation to the Authorities, by Privates, of Colors captured in Battles ending in the

Surrender of Lee.

The Returned Volunteer to his Rifle.

The Scout toward Aldie.

Lee in the Capitol.[24]

A Meditation:



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