


The Critique of Judgement电子书

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作       者:Immanuel Kant

出  版  社:Jester House Publishing


字       数:65.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The Critique of Judgment, or in the new Cambridge translation Critique of the Power of Judgment, also known as the third critique, is a 1790 philosophical work by Immanuel Kant. It lays the foundations for modern aesthetics.

The Critique of Judgement

Editor’s Introduction

Introduction to the Second Edition

Glossary of Kant’s Philosophical Terms



I. Of the Division of Philosophy

II. Of the Realm of Philosophy In General

III. Of the Critique of Judgement As a Means of Combining the Two Parts of Philosophy Into a Whole.

IV. Of Judgement As a Faculty Legislating A Priori

V. The Principle of the Formal Purposiveness of Nature Is a Transcendental Principle of Judgement.

VI. Of the Combination of the Feeling of Pleasure With the Concept of the Purposiveness of Nature.

VII. Of the Aesthetical Representation of the Purposiveness of Nature.

VIII. Of the Logical Representation of the Purposiveness of Nature

IX. Of the Connexion of the Legislation of Understanding With That of Reason By Means of the Judgement

Part I. Critique of the Aesthetical Judgement

First Division. Analytic of the Aesthetical Judgement

First Book. Analytic of the Beautiful

First Moment. Of the Judgement of Taste1 According to Quality

Second Moment. Of the Judgement of Taste, Viz. According to Quantity

Third Moment. Of Judgements of Taste, According to the Relation of the Purposes Which Are Brought Into Consideration Therein.

Fourth Moment. Of the Judgement of Taste, According to the Modality of the Satisfaction In the Object

Second Book. Analytic of the Sublime

A.— Of the Mathematically Sublime

B.— Of the Dynamically Sublime In Nature

Deduction of [Pure]1 Aesthetical Judgements

Second Division. Dialectic of the Aesthetical Judgement

Remark I.

Remark II.


Part II. Critique of the Teleological Judgement

First Division. Analytic of the Teleological Judgement

Second Division. Dialectic of the Teleological Judgement

Methodology of the Teleological Judgement.1

General Remark On Teleology

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