


Complete Bootstrap: Responsive Web Development with Bootstrap 4电子书

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1人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Matt Lambert, Bass Jobsen, David Cochran, Ian Whitley

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:183.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Learn all the new features and build a set of example applications for your portfolio with the latest version of Bootstrap About This Book Do more with JavaScript and learn how to create an enhanced user experience Leverage Sass to make your CSS code maintainable, reusable and prevent code duplications Leverage Bootstrap's excellent JavaScript plugins Who This Book Is For This course is mainly intended for web developers who want to learn to build enterprise-level and professional websites efficiently with Bootstrap. You must have a basic and fundamental understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; however, there is no need to have prior Bootstrap experience. What You Will Learn Fire up Bootstrap and set up the required build tools to get started Understand how and when to use Flexbox with the Bootstrap layouts Learn responsive web design and discover how to build mobile-ready websites with ease Find out how to extend the capabilities of Bootstrap with a huge range of tools and plugins, including jQuery Play around with the huge variety of components that Bootstrap offers Customize your designs by working directly with Bootstrap's SASS files Explore the inner workings of Bootstrap 4 by building different websites In Detail Since its debut in August 2011, Bootstrap has become by far the most popular framework for empowering and enhancing frontend web design. With version 4, Bootstrap reaches an exciting new milestone, a lean code base optimized for modern browsers. Bootstrap 4 introduces a wide range of new features that make frontend web design even more simple and exciting. So, if you're interested to unearth the potential of Bootstrap 4 to build highly responsive and beautiful websites using modern web techniques, then you should surely go for this course. The highlights of this course are: Learn out how to make your websites responsive Explore the robust features of Bootstrap 4 and create exciting websites through excellent hands-on projects Find out how to extend the capabilities of Bootstrap with a huge range of tools and plugins, including jQuery Customize your designs by working directly with SASS files Let's take a quick look at your learning journey. In this comprehensive course, you'll learn everything that you need to know excel in Bootstrap web development. You'll first learn to build a simple blog named Hello World! You'll then discover the principles of mobile-first design in order to ensure your pages can fit any screen size and meet the responsive requirements. You'll learn to play with Bootstrap's grid system and base CSS to ensure your designs are robust and that your development process is speedy and efficient. You'll then find out how you can extend your current build with some cool JavaScript plugins, and throw in some Sass to spice things up and customize your themes. Finally, you'll go through different hands-on projects on Bootstrap such as building your portfolio, building an ecommerce website, and many more! By the end of this course, you will able to build amazingly beautiful and responsive websites with Bootstrap. Note: This course is a blend of text and quizzes, all packaged up keeping your journey in mind. It includes content from the following Packt products: Learning Bootstrap 4, Second Edition by Matt Lambert Bootstrap 4 Site Blueprints by Bass Jobsen, David Cochran, and Ian Whitley Style and approach This course takes a practical approach to teach you how to build modern responsive websites with Bootstrap. It follows a project-based approach to creating different types of popular websites using Bootstrap.

Complete Bootstrap: Responsive Web Development with Bootstrap 4


What's in it for me – Course Roadmap?

How is this course different from other courses?

What will I get from this course?



Meet your experts

1. Setting up Our First Blog Project

Implementing framework files

Inserting the JavaScript files

The starter template


Structuring the responsive meta tag

Normalizing and Rebooting

Taking the starter template further

Using a static site generator

Converting the base template to a generator

Setting up the blog project






EJS files

Setting up the JSON files

Creating the data JSON file

Setting up the layout

Setting up the header

Setting up the footer

Creating our first page template

Compiling your project

Running your project

Viewing your project

A note about Sass

Browser support

Vendor prefixes




2. Jumping into Flexbox

Flexbox basics and terminology

Ordering your Flexbox

Stretching your child sections to fit the parent container

Changing the direction of the boxes

Wrapping your Flexbox

Creating equal-height columns

Setting up the Bootstrap Flexbox layout grid

Updating the Sass variable

Setting up a Flexbox project

Adding a custom theme

Creating a basic three-column grid

Creating full-width layouts

Designing a single blog post



3. Working with Layouts

Working with containers

Creating a layout without a container

Using multiple containers on a single page

Inserting rows into your layout

Adding columns to your layout

Extra small




Extra large

Choosing a column class

Creating a simple three-column layout

Mixing column classes for different devices

What if I want to offset a column?

Coding the blog home page

Writing the index.ejs template

Using spacing CSS classes

Testing out the blog home page layout

Adding some content

What about mobile devices?

Using responsive utility classes

Coding the additional blog project page grids

Updating _data.json for our new pages

Creating the new page templates

Coding the contact page template

Adding the contact page body

Coding the blog post template

Adding the blog post feature

Adding the blog post body

Converting the mailing list section to a partial



4. Working with Content

Reboot defaults and basics

Headings and paragraphs


Preformatted text



Learning to use typography

Using display headings

Customizing headings

Using the lead class

Working with lists

Coding an unstyled list

Creating inline lists

Using description lists

How to style images

Making images responsive

Using image shapes

Aligning images with CSS

Coding tables

Setting up the basic table

Inversing a table

Inversing the table header

Adding striped rows

Adding borders to a table

Adding a hover state to rows

Color-coating table rows

Making tables responsive



5. Playing with Components

Using the button component

Basic button examples

Creating outlined buttons

Checkbox and radio buttons

Creating a radio button group

Using button groups

Creating vertical button groups

Coding a button dropdown

Creating a pop-up menu

Creating different size drop-down buttons

Coding forms in Bootstrap 4

Setting up a form

Adding a select dropdown

Inserting a textarea tag into your form

Adding a file input form field

Inserting radio buttons and checkboxes to a form

Adding a form to the blog contact page

Updating your project

Additional form fields

Creating an inline form

Hiding the labels in an inline form

Adding inline checkboxes and radio buttons

Changing the size of inputs

Controlling the width of form fields

Adding validation to inputs

Using the Jumbotron component

Adding the Label component

Using the Alerts component

Adding a dismiss button to alerts

Using Cards for layout

Moving the Card title

Changing text alignment in cards

Adding a header to a Card

Inverting the color scheme of a Card

Adding a location card to the Contact page

Updating the Blog index page

Adding the sidebar

Setting up the Blog post page

How to use the Navs component

Creating tabs with the Nav component

Creating a pill navigation

Using the Bootstrap Navbar component

Changing the color of the Navbar

Making the Navbar responsive

Adding Breadcrumbs to a page

Adding Breadcrumbs to the Blog post page

Using the Pagination component

Adding the Pager to the Blog post template

How to use the List Group component



6. Extending Bootstrap with JavaScript Plugins

Coding a Modal dialog

Coding the Modal dialog

Coding Tooltips

Updating the project layout

How to use Tooltips

How to position Tooltips

Adding Tooltips to buttons

Updating the layout for buttons

Avoiding collisions with our components

Using Popover components

Updating the JavaScript

Positioning Popover components

Adding a Popover to a button

Adding our Popover button in JavaScript

Using the Collapse component

Coding the collapsable content container

Coding an Accordion with the Collapse component

Coding a Bootstrap Carousel

Adding the Carousel bullet navigation

Including Carousel slides

Adding Carousel arrow navigation



7. Throwing in Some Sass

Learning the basics of Sass

Using Sass in the blog project

Updating the blog project

Using variables

Using the variables in CSS

Using other variables as variable values

Importing partials in Sass

Using mixins

How to use operators

Creating a collection of variables

Importing the variables to your custom style sheet

Adding a color palette

Adding some background colors

Setting up variables for typography

Coding the text color variables

Coding variables for links

Setting up border variables

Adding variables for margin and padding

Adding mixins to the variables file

Coding a border-radius mixin

Customizing components

Customizing the button component

Extending the button component to use our color palette

Writing a theme

Common components that need to be customized

Theming the drop-down component

Customizing the alerts component

Customizing the typography component



8. Bootstrapping Your Portfolio

What we'll build

Surveying the exercise files

Marking up the carousel

How does the carousel work?

Changing the carousel by adding new animations

JavaScript events of the Carousel plugin

Creating responsive columns

Turning links into buttons

Understanding the power of Sass

Customizing Bootstrap's Sass according to our needs

Customizing variables

Customizing the navbar

Adding the logo image

Adding icons

Styling the carousel

Adding top and bottom padding

Repositioning the carousel indicators

Styling the indicators

Tweaking the columns and their content

Styling the footer

Recommended next steps



9. Bootstrapping Business

Sizing up our beginning files

Setting up the basics of your design

Adding drop-down menus to our navbar

Setting the bottom border for the page header

Adding images with holder.js

Creating a complex banner area

Placing a logo above the navbar

Reviewing and checking navbar drop-down items

Adding utility navigation

Making responsive adjustments

Implementing the color scheme

Styling the collapsed navbar

Customizing the drop-down menus

Styling the horizontal navbar

Enabling Flexbox support

Designing a complex responsive layout

Adjusting the large and extra-large layout

Adjusting the medium layout for tablet-width viewports

Adjusting headings, font sizes, and buttons

Enhancing the primary column

Adjusting the tertiary column

Fine touches for multiple viewports

Laying out a complex footer

Setting up the markup

Adjusting for tablet-width viewports

Adding a targeted responsive clearfix

Refining the details



10. Bootstrapping E-Commerce

Surveying the markup for our products page

Styling the breadcrumbs, page title, and pagination

Adjusting the products grid

Don't forget the Card module

Cards with the CSS3 Flexbox layout module

Styling the options sidebar

Setting up basic styles

Styling the Clearance Sale link

Styling the options list

Adding Font Awesome checkboxes to our option links

Using Sass mixins to arrange option links in columns

Adjusting the options list layout for tablets and phones

Collapsing the options panel for phone users

Adding a search form to your designing

Using the Typeahead plugin



11. Bootstrapping a One-Page Marketing Website


Surveying the starter files

Viewing the page content

Adding Font Awesome to our project

Adjusting the navbar

Customizing the jumbotron

Refining the jumbotron message design

Beautifying the features list

Tackling customer reviews

Positioning and styling captions

Refining the caption position

Adjusting for tiny screens

Creating attention-grabbing pricing tables

Setting up the variables, files, and markup

Beautifying the table head

Styling the table body and foot

Differentiating the packages

Adjusting for small viewports

Providing a visual hierarchy to our tables

Adding the final touches

Adding ScrollSpy to the navbar

Animating the scroll



12. Assessment Answers

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