


Neural Network Programming with TensorFlow电子书

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作       者:Manpreet Singh Ghotra, Rajdeep Dua

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:24.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Neural Networks and their implementation decoded with TensorFlow About This Book Develop a strong background in neural network programming from scratch, using the popular Tensorflow library. Use Tensorflow to implement different kinds of neural networks – from simple feedforward neural networks to multilayered perceptrons, CNNs, RNNs and more. A highly practical guide including real-world datasets and use-cases to simplify your understanding of neural networks and their implementation. Who This Book Is For This book is meant for developers with a statistical background who want to work with neural networks. Though we will be using TensorFlow as the underlying library for neural networks, book can be used as a generic resource to bridge the gap between the math and the implementation of deep learning. If you have some understanding of Tensorflow and Python and want to learn what happens at a level lower than the plain API syntax, this book is for you. What You Will Learn Learn Linear Algebra and mathematics behind neural network. Dive deep into Neural networks from the basic to advanced concepts like CNN, RNN Deep Belief Networks, Deep Feedforward Networks. Explore Optimization techniques for solving problems like Local minima, Global minima, Saddle points Learn through real world examples like Sentiment Analysis. Train different types of generative models and explore autoencoders. Explore TensorFlow as an example of deep learning implementation. In Detail If you're aware of the buzz surrounding the terms such as "machine learning," "artificial intelligence," or "deep learning," you might know what neural networks are. Ever wondered how they help in solving complex computational problem efficiently, or how to train efficient neural networks? This book will teach you just that. You will start by getting a quick overview of the popular TensorFlow library and how it is used to train different neural networks. You will get a thorough understanding of the fundamentals and basic math for neural networks and why TensorFlow is a popular choice Then, you will proceed to implement a simple feed forward neural network. Next you will master optimization techniques and algorithms for neural networks using TensorFlow. Further, you will learn to implement some more complex types of neural networks such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and Deep Belief Networks. In the course of the book, you will be working on real-world datasets to get a hands-on understanding of neural network programming. You will also get to train generative models and will learn the applications of autoencoders. By the end of this book, you will have a fair understanding of how you can leverage the power of TensorFlow to train neural networks of varying complexities, without any hassle. While you are learning about various neural network implementations you will learn the underlying mathematics and linear algebra and how they map to the appropriate TensorFlow constructs. Style and Approach This book is designed to give you just the right number of concepts to back up the examples. With real-world use cases and problems solved, this book is a handy guide for you. Each concept is backed by a generic and real-world problem, followed by a variation, making you independent and able to solve any problem with neural networks. All of the content is demystified by a simple and straightforward approach.

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Neural Network Programming with TensorFlow


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Maths for Neural Networks

Understanding linear algebra

Environment setup

Setting up the Python environment in Pycharm

Linear algebra structures

Scalars, vectors, and matrices





Matrix multiplication

Trace operator

Matrix transpose

Matrix diagonals

Identity matrix

Inverse matrix

Solving linear equations

Singular value decomposition

Eigenvalue decomposition

Principal Component Analysis








Deep Feedforward Networks

Defining feedforward networks

Understanding backpropagation

Implementing feedforward networks with TensorFlow

Analyzing the Iris dataset

Code execution

Implementing feedforward networks with images

Analyzing the effect of activation functions on the feedforward networks accuracy


Optimization for Neural Networks

What is optimization?

Types of optimizers

Gradient descent

Different variants of gradient descent

Algorithms to optimize gradient descent

Which optimizer to choose

Optimization with an example


Convolutional Neural Networks

An overview and the intuition of CNN

Single Conv Layer Computation

CNN in TensorFlow

Image loading in TensorFlow

Convolution operations

Convolution on an image



Max pool

Example code

Average pool

Image classification with convolutional networks

Defining a tensor for input images and the first convolution layer

Input tensor

First convolution layer

Second convolution layer

Third convolution layer

Flatten the layer

Fully connected layers

Defining cost and optimizer


First epoch

Plotting filters and their effects on an image


Recurrent Neural Networks

Introduction to RNNs

RNN implementation

Computational graph

RNN implementation with TensorFlow

Computational graph

Introduction to long short term memory networks

Life cycle of LSTM

LSTM implementation

Computational graph

Sentiment analysis

Word embeddings

Sentiment analysis with an RNN

Computational graph


Generative Models

Generative models

Discriminative versus generative models

Types of generative models



Sequence models


GAN with an example

Types of GANs

Vanilla GAN

Conditional GAN

Info GAN

Wasserstein GAN

Coupled GAN


Deep Belief Networking

Understanding deep belief networks

DBN implementation

Class initialization

RBM class

Pretraining the DBN

Model training

Predicting the label

Finding the accuracy of the model

DBN implementation for the MNIST dataset

Loading the dataset

Input parameters for a DBN with 256-Neuron RBM layers

Output for a DBN with 256-neuron RBN layers

Effect of the number of neurons in an RBM layer in a DBN

An RBM layer with 512 neurons

An RBM layer with 128 neurons

Comparing the accuracy metrics

DBNs with two RBM layers

Classifying the NotMNIST dataset with a DBN



Autoencoder algorithms

Under-complete autoencoders


Basic autoencoders

Autoencoder initialization

AutoEncoder class

Basic autoencoders with MNIST data

Basic autoencoder plot of weights

Basic autoencoder recreated images plot

Basic autoencoder full code listing

Basic autoencoder summary

Additive Gaussian Noise autoencoder

Autoencoder class

Additive Gaussian Autoencoder with the MNIST dataset

Training the model

Plotting the weights

Plotting the reconstructed images

Additive Gaussian autoencoder full code listing

Comparing basic encoder costs with the Additive Gaussian Noise autoencoder

Additive Gaussian Noise autoencoder summary

Sparse autoencoder

KL divergence

KL divergence in TensorFlow

Cost of a sparse autoencoder based on KL Divergence

Complete code listing of the sparse autoencoder

Sparse autoencoder on MNIST data

Comparing the Sparse encoder with the Additive Gaussian Noise encoder


Research in Neural Networks

Avoiding overfitting in neural networks

Problem statement



Large-scale video processing with neural networks

Resolution improvements

Feature histogram baselines

Quantitative results

Named entity recognition using a twisted neural network

Example of a named entity recognition

Defining Twinet


Bidirectional RNNs

BRNN on TIMIT dataset


Getting started with TensorFlow

Environment setup

TensorFlow comparison with Numpy

Computational graph


Session objects



Data input

Placeholders and feed dictionaries

Auto differentiation


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