


Dancing at the Edge: Competence, Culture and Organization in the 21st Century电子书

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作       者:Graham Leicester, Maureen O'Hara

出  版  社:Triarchy Press


字       数:143.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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In his 1980 essay,? The World of Tomorrow and the Person of Tomorrow , the psychologist Carl Rogers contemplated the future. He described those who would usher in this new era as people with the capacity to understand, bring about and absorb a paradigm shift. He added: "I have an uneasy feeling about this chapter… It is a beginning, an outline, a suggestion… I believe that what I am saying here will some day be fleshed out much more fully, either by me or someone else." Maureen O’Hara and Graham Leicester are uniquely qualified to flesh out Carl Rogers’s vision (Maureen worked closely with Rogers for many years). Here they explore the competencies – the ways of being, doing, knowing and organising - that can help us navigate in complex and powerful times. They argue that these competencies are innate and within reach of all of us – given the right setting, plenty of practice and some gentle guidance. But they are seldom seen because they are routinely undervalued in today’s culture. That must change, the authors insist, and this book is intended to begin that change. The book is based on the authors’ extensive research and their practical experience observing the qualities demonstrated by some of today’s most successful cultural, political and business leaders.?


Title Page

Copyright Page

Introduction: Persons of Tomorrow

The World of Tomorrow

Culture and Competence

Beyond the Limitations of 20th-Century Competence

21st-Century Competencies

Recogizing the 21st-Century Competencies in Practice

Start Where You Are

Part One: The Contemporary Context

Chapter 1: Powerful Times

Powerful Times Foretold

Disturbing the Psychosphere

Culture Matters

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish, Don’t Settle

Chapter 2: Growing With The Times

Defensive Denial

The Growth Response

How We Grow

Getting Beyond the Neurotic Response

Chapter 3: Competence in the 21st Century

The Full Development of the Human Personality

The Neurotic Pursuit of Competence

Nudging Ourselves to Competence

There Is No Hierarchy of Needs

Defining Competence

Part Two: 21st-Century Competencies

Chapter 4: Enabling Conditions for 21st-Century Competence

Psychological Literacy

Competence in Practice

Enabling Conditions

Chapter 5: Being a Person of Tomorrow

Four Pillars of Learning




Faith in the Future

Chapter 6: Cultural Leadership and the Person of Tomorrow

Being Together

The Importance of Culture

Cultural Literacy

Navigating the Cultural Landscape

Cultural Leadership

Changing Cultures

Chapter 7: Knowing Like a Person of Tomorrow

The Enlightenment and Beyond

Containing Multitudes

Expanding Our Ways of Knowing

Knowing and Feeling

Knowledge in Motion

Maps and Compasses

Chapter 8: Organizing Persons of Tomorrow

The Setting: Places To Grow

The Promise of Adhocracy

And Its Dangers

The Producer

Robust Adhocracy

Money at the Margins

Chapter 9: Developing 21st-Century Competencies

Becoming Through Doing

What Kind of Action?

Messy and Complex

Hopeful and Wise

Patient and Reflective

The Master of Go

Theatres for Action Learning

Rehearsal Spaces

Chapter 10: Conclusion

Why Last Chapters Disappoint

Blowing An Uncertain Trumpet




About the Authors

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