


The Impeccable Host电子书

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作       者:Mark Perl

出  版  社:Filament Publishing


字       数:27.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 其他



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The Impeccable Host is the world's first, definitive, training resource on how to Host corporate events of all types and sizes, more profitably than you ever have before. With well in excess of ?1.3 billion being spent on corporate hospitality during the year of the Olympics in the UK, a significant amount of that will be spent by businesses using the opportunity to extend corporate hospitality to their clients. However, studies have shown that most companies have no idea how to measure the effectiveness of that spend, or more importantly, how to influence it. This book guides you through tactical, interpersonal processes which any savvy Executive can manage, to improve yield from events in three key areas: 1. Customer acquisition ?2. Revenue generation ?3. Customer retention ?Throughout an extensive career as an operational manager in hotels, corporate hospitality, conferencing and events, Mark Perl has developed a deep understanding of the value of 'connection' and the tactical skills of 'networking'. In today's highly competitive marketplace, acquiring superior relationship development skills differentiates the extraordinary business professional from the ordinary. Mark demystifies the tactical processes involved in become a confident and effective relationship builder and business developer. He helps professionals to explode their self-confidence, develop profitable relationships with ease, and to win new business in a way that brings in more money, consistently, with less personal stress.

This book is for you if…

About the Author

Other Books by Mark Perl

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How To Get The Best Out Of This Book

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Why Trust Me?

Chapter 3: For Whom Has The Impeccable Host Been Written?

Chapter 4: Why Hospitality Works

Chapter 5: Definition of a Host

Chapter 6: Personality Traits and Core Skills of Impeccable Hosts

Chapter 7: Understanding How Your Guests will be Feeling

Chapter 8: Definition of Impeccable

Chapter 9: Planning and Preparation

Chapter 10: The Pre-Event General Staff Briefing

Chapter 11: Hosts’ Preparation for Small Events

Chapter 12: The Pre-Event Host Briefing

Chapter 13: The Process for Receiving Guests at Large Events

Chapter 14: First Impressions Count - The Impeccable Handshake

Chapter 15: First Impressions Count - Wearing Your Name Badge

Chapter 16: First Impressions Count - The Elevator Pitch

Chapter 17: First Impressions Count - Remembering Names

Chapter 18: Structuring Profitable Conversations

Chapter 19: The Four Questioning Zones

Chapter 20: Zone 1 - Breaking the Ice

Chapter 21: Zone 2 - Small Talk

Chapter 22: Zone 3 – The Business Questions

Chapter 23: Zone 4 - Current Supplier Questions

Chapter 24: The $64,000 Question

Chapter 25: The Weekend Question

Chapter 26: Spotting the Opportunity

Chapter 27: Etiquette of the Business Card Exchange

Chapter 28: The Follow-Up Call

Chapter 29: The Wash-Up Meeting

Chapter 30: Event ROI

Chapter 31: Conclusion

Chapter 32: Toolkit Downloads

Chapter 33: Client Testimonials

Chapter 34: Client List

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