


Smoking Hot: The Diary of a Fire Demon电子书

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作       者:Amy Mah

出  版  社:Reardon Publishing


字       数:31.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Swapping bodies with a young female demon had not been part of the planned vacation. Nor was having to attend a demonic high school for the magically gifted. When the most magical thing you could do was set your own underwear on fire. Life was not going to be easy, even less so with a painful tail that everyone trod on. Owning a magic sword that always tried to look up your skirt when fighting, was not helpful. But then nor was having a telepathic diary that corrected your thinking instead of your spelling. The Author Amelia Mah is a snarky, sarcastic and cynical author who has a very popular blog of how she sees the world from the point of view of a modern teenage vampire. Following the success of her vampire Novels she has now expanded into Demons and the problems in owning a pair of horns and a tail.

The Diary of a Fire Demon Smoking Hot: (1)

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Smoking Hot: (Epilogue)

Fangs Rule by Amy Mah

Vampire by Amy Mah

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