


Peregrine Harker & The Black Death电子书

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作       者:Luke Hollands

出  版  社:Sparkling Books


字       数:20.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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MURDER. SPIES. EXPLOSIONS. REVENGE. THIS BOOK FOR TEENS HAS IT ALL Peregrine Harker is about to learn you’re never too young to die. London 1908: A secret society stalks the murky streets, a deadly assassin lurks in the shadows and a series of unexplained deaths are linked by a mystery symbol… When boy-detective Peregrine Harker stumbles across a gruesome murder he sparks a chain of events that drag him on a rip-roaring journey through a world of spluttering gas lamps, thick fog, deadly secrets and dastardly villains. Every step of Peregrine’s white-knuckle adventure brings him closer to the vile heart of a terrifying mystery – the true story behind the Brotherhood of the Black Death. Reviews: "One hell of a lot of fun! Readers of all ages will gobble up this non-stop rip roaring adventure – don’t miss this one!" – Bill Baker, Educator, USA "I completely enjoyed Peregrine Harker. This novel is a welcome addition to current offerings in children's literature, particularly those aimed at boys." – Drennan Spitzer, Educator, USA

Praise for Peregrine

Peregrine Harker and the Black Death

1. One-way ticket to hell

2. Trouble brewing

3. Buried alive

4. It’s all about smugglers

5. Ghost in the darkness

6. Under attack

7. The mysterious symbol

8. The man with the cigar

9. Your life is at stake

10. Hugging a corpse

11. The ride of your life

12. Strange goings on

13. A little pistol practice

14. Incredibly dangerous

15. The coldest-blooded of scoundrels

16. Skulking in the shadows

17. A tower of flame

18. A curious fellow

19. Stop meddling

20. Nightmarish faces

21. Anything goes

22. Two large fangs

23. Flesh and blood

24. A sense of dread

25. Shocked and exhausted

26. Two fugitives

27. Murderer!

28. The man with the scar

29. Despicable errands

30. A dance of death

31. One final shudder

32. The grave of a traitor

33. Not quite the end

Sparkling Books

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