


Trips to the Edge:Tales of the Unexpected电子书

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作       者:Diane Wing

出  版  社:Modern History Press


字       数:8.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Kick back and enjoy this mini-anthology of spine-tingling short stories from Diane Wing, author of "Thorne Manor And Other Bizarre Tales" and "Coven: Scrolls of the Four Winds." ·Another Walk in the Park: A familiar walking path leads to a disturbing encounter in an unexpected realm. ·Dark Hollow Road: A grieving sister searches for her brother on a road notorious for missing persons. ·The Restaurant: An adventurous foodie couple are consumed by a life-changing meal when they explore the peculiar cuisine at a mysterious new restaurant. ·Wrong Directions: Jealousy prompts a technological genius to conjure a diabolical solution to deal with unfaithful husbands. Raves for Trips to the Edge "Prepare yourself for some chilling late night indulgence: Diane Wing continues to serve up tasty, elegant tales of spiritual mayhem and revenge with a modern flare. It's all included - hair raising action, mystical quandaries, chilling surprises, karmic debts and unexpected twists of fate. A must read for all true lovers of the supernatural." --M. Ashcraft, Oakland, California "Diane Wing's stories lead you to one seemingly obvious conclusion, and then she throws a flaming curve ball you slowly recover from. She sucks me in and as soon as I think I have it figured out, she turns the story in an unexpected direction, leaving me with chills and the sense that the world is not always as it seems." --Antoinette Brickhaus Philadelphia, PA "Trips to the Edge is surely that! Visually mesmerizing and breathtaking. If Pink Floyd, the Grateful Dead, and Led Zeppelin wrote a book together, it would read like Trips to the Edge." --Annette Sadelson, Baltimore, MD Book #3 in the Modern Gothic series from Modern History Press FIC015000 Fiction : Horror - General

Title Page


Another Walk in the Park

Dark Hollow Road

The Restaurant

Wrong Directions

About the Author

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