


Humanizing Madness:Psychiatry and the Cognitive Neurosciences电子书

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作       者:Niall McLaren

出  版  社:Modern History Press


字       数:467.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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An application of the philosophy of science to psychiatryAlthough it's been 140 years since Maudley's groundbreaking treatise, modern psychiatry is in a state of intellectual collapse. No psychiatrist practicing today can point to a universally agreed model of mental disorder which explains the common observations of mental disorder, dictates a research program and ordains a form of management.This book, the result of thirty years research in the philosophy of science, takes each of the major theories in psychiatry and demonstrates conclusively that it is so flawed as to be beyond salvation. It goes further, in that the author outlines a model of mental function which both satisfies the essential requirements of any scientific model, and shows how the phenomena of mental disorder can be described in a parsimonious dualist model which leads directly to a humanist form of management of the most widespread form of disability in the world today."This book is a tour de force. It demonstrates a tremendous amount of erudition, intelligence and application in the writer. It advances an interesting and plausible mechanism for many forms of human distress. It is an important work that deserves to take its place among the classics in books about psychiatry." --Robert Rich, PhD, AnxietyAndDepression-Help.comAbout the AuthorNiall McLaren has been an M.D. and practicing psychiatrist since 1977. Since then, he has undertaken a far-reaching research program, some of which has previously been published. For six years, while working in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia, he was the world's most isolated psychiatrist. He is married with two children and lives in a tropical house hidden in the bush near Darwin, Australia.From Future Psychiatry Press www.FuturePsychiatry.coman imprint of Loving Healing Press

Title Page


Acclaim for Humanizing Madness


I-1. Personal Preliminaries

I-2. What Is Psychiatry?

I-3. Theoretical Preliminaries

I-4. Summary of Part I: Psychiatry in Crisis: Intellectual Failure in the Science of Mental Disorder

I-5. Summary Of Part II: The Working Mind

I-6. Summary Of Part III: Toward The Future Of Psychiatry

Part I: Psychiatry in Crisis: Intellectual Failure in the Science of Mental Disorder

Chapter 1 - Brain Disease, Mental Disease, and The Limits to Biological Psychiatry

1-1. Introduction

1-2. Biological Psychiatry in Practice

1-2(A). Restricted Biological Psychiatry

1-2(B). Unrestricted Biological Psychiatry

1-2(C). Unlimited Biologism: Extreme Reductionism

1-3. Biological Psychiatry and Mind-Brain Identity Theory

1-4. Reductionism as the Logic of Biomedicine

1-5. Mental Illness in the Reductionist Biomedical Framework

1-6. Objections to Biological Reductionism in Psychiatry

1-7. Conclusion

Chapter 2 - Behaviorism from the Psychiatric Perspective

2-1. Introduction

2-2. Early Behaviorism

2-3. Skinner's Radical Behaviorism

2-4. Pavlov's Conditioning Model

2-5. Eysenck and the Decline of Behaviorism

2-6. Conclusion

Chapter 3. Mentalism in Psychiatry: Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Psychology

3-1. Introduction

3-2. The Logical Status of Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory

3-3. Saving Freudian Theory

3-4. Critique of the Apologists

3-5. Other Logical Errors in the Freudian Model

3-6. Modern Mentalism: Cognitive Psychology

3-7. Conclusion

Chapter 4 - Classic Dualism: Selves and Brains

4-1. Introduction

4-2. Popper's Case for Dualist Interaction

4-3. Eccles' Outline of Dualist Interaction

4-4. Metaphysics and Dualist Interaction

4-5. A Note On Skinner's Anti-Dualism

4-6. Conclusion

Chapter 5 - The Concept of An Eclectic Psychiatry

5-1. Introduction

5-2. Eclecticism as a Virtue

5-3. Eclecticism as a Vice

5-4. Theoretical Eclecticism

5-5. Eclectic Research

5-6. An Eclectic Psychiatry in Practice

5-7. Conclusion

Chapter 6 - The Biopsychosocial Model In Psychiatry

6-1. Introduction

6-2. The Need for a Moderate Approach

6-3. The Role of Models in Science

6-4. The Biopsychosocial Model

6-5. The Concept of a Model

6-6. The End of the Biopsychosocial Model

6-7. Conclusion

Chapter 7 - The Categorical System Of Diagnosis: Personality Disorder

7-1. Introduction

7-2. The Psychiatric Concept of Categories

7-3. Categories of Personality Disorder

7-4. Discussion of Categories of Personality Disorder

7-5. Alternatives to Categories: The Dimensional Approach

7-6. The Limits of Dimensional Models

7-7. Conclusion

Chapter 8 - When Does Self-Deception Become Culpable?

8-1. Introduction and Review

8-2. Caveats

8-3. The Place of Criticism in Psychiatry

8-4. The Biopsychosocial Model in Contemporary Psychiatry

8-5. Critique of the Place of Biopsychosocialism in Psychiatry

8-6. Conclusion

Part II: The Working Mind

Chapter 9 - Functionalism And The Nature Of Control In Human Behavior

9-1. Introduction

9-2. Functionalism

9-3. Problems of Functionalism

9-4. Getting Around the Problems

9-5. Experience and Functionalism

9-6. Conclusions: Functionalism Fails

Chapter 10 - Dualism

10-1: Introduction: Dualism Re-emergent

10-2. Property Dualism

10-3: Expanding Materialist Science

10-4. Consciousness as a Category Error

10-5. The Paradox of Phenomenal Judgment

10-6: Future Directions

10-7. Conclusion

Chapter 11 - The Effable And The Ineffable: Property Dualism And Self-Control.

11-1. Introduction

11-2. The Phenomenal and the Psychological

11-3. The Psychological Realm in Action

11-4. The Phenomenal Realm in Action

11-5. The Psychological and the Phenomenal in Concert

11-6. The Sense of Self

11-7. Conclusion

Chapter 12 - Interactive Dualism As A Partial Solution To The Mind-Brain Problem

12-1. Introduction

12-2. Functionalism

12-3. Natural Dualism

12-4. Tasks of a Theory of Mind

12-5. Turing's Automated, Non-Conscious Decision-Maker

12-6. Generating Conscious Experience

12-7. The Emergence of a Biocognitive Model

12-8. Conclusion

Part III: Toward the Future of Psychiatry

Chapter 13 - Personality Disorder

13-1. Defining the Problem

13-2. Solving the Problem

13-3. Personality Disorder

13-4. Conclusion

Chapter 14 - Anxiety

14-1. Introduction

14-2. Explaining Normal Anxiety

14-3. The Psychophysiology of Normal Anxiety

14-4. The Descriptive Psychophysiology of Abnormal Anxiety

14-5. Explaining Abnormal Anxiety Responses

14-6. Conclusion

Chapter 15 - Depression

15-1. Introduction

15-2. The Depressive Syndrome as Absence of Pleasure

15-3. Depression as the Final Common Pathway

15-4. Conclusion

Chapter 16 - Psychosis

16-1. Introduction

16-2. The Category Of Psychosis

16-3 Conclusion: Everybody is Right

Chapter 17 - Other Myths in Psychiatry

17-1. Introduction

17-2. Dissociative Disorders

17-3. Eating Disorders

17-4. Addictions and Compulsive Behaviors

17-5. The Placebo Effect

17-6. Conclusion

Notes and References


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