


How to Be Everything电子书

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作       者:Emilie Wapnick,Emily McDowell

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:25.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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What do you want to be when you grow upIt's a familiar question we're all asked as kids. While seemingly harmless, the question has unintended consequences. It can make you feel like you need to choose one job, one passion, one thing to be about. Guess whatYou don't. Having a lot of different interests, projects and curiosities doesn't make you a "jack-of-all-trades, master of none." Your endless curiosity doesn't mean you are broken or flaky. What you are is a multipotentialite: someone with many interests and creative pursuits. And that is actually your biggest strength. How to Be Everything helps you channel your diverse passions and skills to work for you. Based on her popular TED talk, "Why some of us don't have one true calling", Emilie Wapnick flips the * on conventional career advice. Instead of suggesting that you specialize, choose a niche or accumulate 10,000 hours of practice in a single area, Wapnick provides a practical framework for building a sustainable life around ALL of your passions. You'll discover: Why your multipotentiality is your biggest strength, especially in today's uncertain job market. How to make a living and structure your work if you have many skills and interests. How to focus on multiple projects and make progress on all of them. How to handle common insecurities such as the fear of not being the best, the guilt associated with losing interest in something you used to love and the challenge of explaining "what you do" to others. Not fitting neatly into a box can be a beautiful thing. How to Be Everything teaches you how to design a life, at any age and stage of your career, that allows you to be fully you, and find the kind of work you'll love.


Title Page




Preface: A Letter to the Reader

Part I: Everything? Welcome to the Tribe

1. There Is Nothing Wrong with You

2. Multipotentialites: Slackers or Innovators?

3. The Components of a Happy Multipotentialite Life

Part II: The Four Multipotentialite Work Models Different Strokes for Different Folks

4. The Group Hug Approach

5. The Slash Approach

6. The Einstein Approach

7. The Phoenix Approach

Part III: Common Multipotentialite Stumbling Blocks Slaying Your Dragons

8. Your Personal Productivity System

9. Fear, Confidence, and Dealing with People Who Don’t Understand

10. Conclusion


Appendix A: Famous Multipotentialites

Appendix B: Examples of Interdisciplinary Fields

Notes and Selected Further Reading


About the Author



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