


Shake It / Got Pride:Cheer Drama / Baller Swag电子书

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作       者:Stephanie Perry Moore

出  版  社:Saddleback Educational, Inc.


字       数:25.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Urban Teen Fiction Flip Book - showing the point of view from two sides- the cheer squad and the football team. Want a different point of view? The Lockwood High cheer squad has it all. And the ballers are hot, tough, and on point. But where there's cheer, there's drama...The girls story are part of Cheer Drama - Always Upbeat, Keep Jumping, Yell Out, Settle Down, and Shake It. The boys stories are Baller Swag - All That, No Hating, Do You, Be Real and Got Pride. Together they tell the story of high school couples through the eyes of the cheerleading squad and the varsity football team. The first letter in each book, C-H-E-E-R, and B-A-L-L-ER, represent the names of the featured high school couple. Shake It (Cheer Drama): Randal Raines is trapped between two cultures and awkward in both. Sensitive and shy, Randal craves to belong. She is embarrassed by her white mother and uncomfortable in her own skin. Trying to hard to fit in, she goes off the deep end and risks losing it all. Will Randal learn what it means to be "more than one?" Got Pride (Baller Swag): Coach hopes that ER Stone's kicking ability will be just what the Lions need for a championship year. The season may rest on ER's shoulders. But ER's eligibility is in question, and the other ballers are not too thrilled to have a white boy on their star team. Everyone is tense with so much on the line, which leaves ER wondering if this environment is the right fit.

Title Page



Chapter 1: Move Closer

Chapter 2: Reduce Stress

Chapter 3: Rattle Things

Chapter 4: Ludicrous Feelings

Chapter 5: Completely Shattered

Chapter 6: Decided Path

Chapter 7: Pleasures Abound

Got Pride

Title Page



Chapter 1: Heated Exchange

Chapter 2: Diminish Pressure

Chapter 3: Anxious Time

Chapter 4: Foolish Behavior

Chapter 5: Downright Disgusted

Chapter 6: Certain Lane

Chapter 7: Will Thrive

Stephanie Perry Moore

Derrick Moore

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