


A to Z Gardening for Beginners电子书

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作       者:Lisa Bond

出  版  社:sbBooks


字       数:4.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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Gardening might seem like an easy thing to do. Buy a plant, dig a hole in the ground, drop the plant in it, and cover it up waiting for blooms to suddenly appear. If only it were that simple. The overall idea of gardening is basic, but gardening is very intricate. It’s not as simple as just buying a plant and planting it. Gardening involves pest control, weeding, knowing the needs of each plant, soil types, etc. But if you’ve just started to become interested in gardening, there’s a lot to know. It can be easy to get excited and buy everything you see garden related, but take it slow. This guide will help you know all the basics of gardening. Everything from types of gardens, how much sunlight plants need, companion planting, essential gardening tools to have, and much more. When you’re done reading, you’ll be fully prepared to create your garden and make it one of the best. The Benefits of Gardening So, you decided to give gardening a try. That’s great! Gardening has many benefits for your health. It can not only help to improve it, but it has the ability to reduce stress and anxiety and works to keep your mind active. It also good to help relax. Relax? Yes, gardening can lead to relaxation in many ways. One is that you’re outside and in nature. It’s been scientifically proven that being outside can help give you daily doses of Vitamin D, help improve your mood, and give you a better night’s sleep. The other way of relaxation is just that, sleep. Working in a garden can help give you a better’s night sleep. So, before you decide to take other means to fall asleep, try spending a day gardening instead. These benefits are just a sample of the happiness and fulfillment that gardening will give you.

A to Z Gardening For Beginners

The Benefits of Gardening

Types of Gardens

Vegetable Garden

The Importance of Companion Planting in Vegetable Gardens

Herb Garden

Container Garden

Flower Garden

Picking a Location and the Types of Plants




Preventing Invasive Plants

Hardiness Zone and Frost/Freeze Dates

Frost/Freeze Dates

Knowing Your Soil

Planning and Designing Your Garden

Hi there from Lisa Bond

Flower Colors

Caring For Plants





Give Your Plants a Haircut

Give Your Plant Some Food

Plant Diseases and Problems to Watch For

Removing Weeds From Your Garden

Training Your Plants with Stakes and Trellises

Keeping Pests Away and Inviting Helpful Pollinators

Keeping Animals Out of Your Garden

Some plants that deer detest: rosemary, lavender, boxwood, and oregano.

Removing and Preventing Insects

Beneficial Insects for the Garden

Not So Beneficial Insects


Gardening Tips/Reminders

Essential Gardening Tools

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