


Recovering The Self:A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. V, No. 1 )电子书

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作       者:Ernest Dempsey, Victor R. Volkman

出  版  社:Loving Healing Press


字       数:29.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Recovering the Self: A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. V, No. 1) July 2016 Recovering The Self is a quarterly journal which explores the themes of recovery and healing through the lenses of poetry, memoir, opinion, essays, fiction, humor, art, media reviews and psycho-education. Contributors to RTS Journal come from around the globe to deliver unique perspectives you won't find anywhere else! The theme of Volume V, Number 1 is "Focus on Relationships". Inside, we explore physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects of this and several other areas of concern including: Intimacy Success Loving yourself Soul mates Happiness Living alone with confidence Recovering from infidelity Partnership Mother/daughter issues Narcissism Sexuality and gender ...and more! This issue's contributors include: Ernest Dempsey, Gerry Ellen Avery, Barbara Sinor, Ken La Salle, Bonnie Spence, Michelle Carmela, Chandru Bhojwani, Candy Czernickim Jacqueline K. Prescott, Peter MacQuarrie, Harris Green, Martha M. Carey, Bernie Siegel, Pamela Meek, Holli Kenley, Leslee Tessmann, Sam Vaknin, Nikolas , Sweta Srivastava Vikram, Eva Schlesinger, Trisha Faye, Karen Sherman, Zdravka Evtimova, Carolyn Agee, Christy Lowry, Doug Parker, Rich Devlin, Patricia Wellingham-Jones, Ghenrietta Gordon, Karen Evancic, and others. "I highly recommend a subscription to this journal, Recovering the Self, for professionals who are in the counseling profession or who deal with crisis situations. Readers involved with the healing process will also really enjoy this journal and feel inspired to continue on. The topics covered in the first journal alone, will motivate you to continue reading books on the subject matter presented. Guaranteed." --Paige Lovitt for Reader Views Visit us online at www.RecoveringSelf.com Published by Loving Healing Press www.LovingHealing.com

Title Page


... from the Editor’s Desk by Ernest Dempsey


Intimacy by Barbara Sinor

Somewhere Between The Light and The Dark by Gerry Avery


Your Relationships Are Your Success by Ken La Salle

Angels and Devils and Relationships by Bonnie Spence

Real or Reality in Relationships by Michelle Carmela

Karmic Connection by Chandru Bhojwani

Life Coaster

Knot Me ....by Candy Czernicki

Why Wait for the Relationship... Be Happy Now! by Jacqueline K. Prescott

The Art of Living Alone by Peter MacQuarrie


The Day I Burned Up the Golf Course by Harris Green

Electronic Vignette by Martha M. Carey


Partners by Bernie Siegel, MD

The Real Mother by Pamela Meek

And Then We Were Three A Troubled Relationship with a Borderline Sister by Holli Kenley


To Evolve or Not to Evolve: Are We Playing It Safe in Cyberspace? by Leslee Tessmann

Countering Abandonment and Separation Anxiety by Sam Vaknin


Something Simple by Nikolas Wong


What My Soul-Searching Trip Led Me To by Sweta Srivastava Vikram


The Flip Side of Coming Out by Eva Schlesinger

Help Desk

Ten Easy Steps to Ruin a Relationship by Trisha Faye

How to Let Your Relationship Survive the Argument by Karen Sherman, Ph.D.


Behind The Clouds by Zdravka Evtimova


Shore, Tide, Remains by Carolyn Agee

Ohana: Family by Christy Lowry

Seeing Into You by Doug Parker

Gift by Rich Devlin

The Perfect Cup of Tea by Patricia Wellingham-Jones

Maybe the Last Time by Patricia Wellingham-Jones


I Married an American by Ghenrietta Gordon

When A Red Bird Flies by Karen Evancic


The Chicken Chronicles by Patricia Wellingham-Jones

Home front by Patricia Wellingham-Jones

The Little Women Letters by Patricia Wellingham-Jones

Nothing Daunted by Patricia Wellingham-Jones


The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain by Patricia Wellingham-Jones

My Afternoons with Margueritte by Patricia Wellingham-Jones

Quartet by Patricia Wellingham-Jones

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