


Writing for Bliss:A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your电子书

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作       者:Diana Raab

出  版  社:Loving Healing Press


字       数:338.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Writing for Bliss is most fundamentally about reflection, truth, and freedom. With techniques and prompts for both the seasoned and novice writer, it will lead you to ·tap into your creativity through storytelling and poetry, ·examine how life-changing experiences can inspire writing, ·pursue self-examination and self-discovery through the written word, and, ·understand how published writers have been transformed by writing. Poet and memoirist Raab (Lust) credits her lifelong love of writing and its therapeutic effects with inspiring her to write this thoughtful and detailed primer that targets pretty much anyone interested in writing a memoir. Most compelling here is Raab's willingness to share her intimate stories (e.g., the loss of a relative, ongoing struggles with cancer, a difficult relationship with her mother). Her revelations are encouraging to writers who feel they need "permission to take... a voyage of self-discovery." The book's seven-step plan includes plenty of guidance, including on learning to "read like a writer," and on addressing readers as if "seated across the table ." Raab covers big topics such as the "art and power of storytelling" and small details such as choosing pens and notebooks that you enjoy using. She also helps readers with the important step of "finding your form." --PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY "Writing for Bliss is about the profound ways in which we may be transformed in and through the act of writing. I am grateful to Diana Raab for sharing it, and I trust that you will feel the same as you read on. May you savor the journey." --from the foreword by MARK FREEMAN, PhD "By listening to ourselves and being aware of what we are saying and feeling, the true story of our life's past experience is revealed. Diana Raab?s book gives us the insights by which we can achieve this through her life-coaching wisdom and our writing." --BERNIE SIEGEL, MD, author of The Art of Healing "Only a talented writer who has fought hard to overcome life?s many obstacles could take her readers by the hand and lead them through the writing process with such enormous compassion, amazing insight, and kindness. Diana Raab is a powerful, wise, intelligent guide well worth our following." --JAMES BROWN, author of The Los Angeles Diaries and The River "Writing for Bliss is far more than a 'how-to manual'; it enlightens the creative process with wisdom and a delightful sense of adventure. Bravo to Bliss!" --LINDA GRAY SEXTON, author of Searching for Mercy Street: My Journey Back to My Mother, Anne Sexton "Uniquely blending inspiring insights with practical advice, Diana guides you on a path to discover the story that is truly inside you?and yearning to be told." --PATRICK SWEENEY, coauthor of the New York Times bestseller Succeed on Your Own Terms DIANA RAAB, PhD, is an award-winning memoirist, poet, blogger, workshop facilitator, thought provoker, and survivor. She?s the author of eight books and over one thousand articles and poems. She lives in Southern California. Learn more at www.DianaRaab.com

Title Page



Foreword by Mark Freeman, PhD



Introduction Writing for Change

Writing and Bliss

Writing as Therapy

Writing for Healing

Writing for Transformation

How to Use This Book

Step One: Preparing to Write

Becoming a Seeker

Rituals for Writing

Creating a Sacred Space


How to Ground Yourself

Feeling Gratitude

The Mind, Body, Spirit Connection and Writing

Calming Your Mind

Being Fearless and Courageous

Nurturing Creativity, Inspiration, and Flow

Step Two: Cultivating Self-Awareness

Transpersonal Psychology

Transpersonal Techniques

Setting Intentions

Mindfulness Meditation

A Simple Meditation Exercise

Lovingkindness Meditation

Guided Creative Visualization


Breath Work

Recalling Your Dreams

Knowing Your Shadow and Your Anima/Animus

Muses for Inspiration

Step Three: Speaking Your Truth

The Art and Power of Storytelling

Writing Your Emotional Truth

Finding Your Authentic Voice

Writing Techniques

Embodied Writing

Reflective Writing

The Challenges of Remembering and Not Remembering

Memory and Imagination

Step Four: Examining Your Life

Life Purposes and Themes

The Meaning of Experiences

The Patterns in Our Lives

Writing about Difficult Times

Wounded Healers and Storytellers

Sharing Stories to Heal

Mortality as a Great Teacher

Inner-Child Healing

Step Five: Finding Your Form

Journal Writing

Tools for Journaling


Writing Instruments


Stream-of-Consciousness Writing

Types of Journals

Dream Journals

Gratitude Journals

Travel Journals

Organizing Your Journal

Letter Writing

Essay Writing


Memoirs, Biographies, and Autobiographical Writing

How to Make a Memoir Compelling

Some Essential, Personal Writing Tips

Writing Fiction

Step Six: Unleashing with Poetry

What is Poetry?

Types of Poems

Poetry as Inspiration

Reading Poetry

Poetry and Healing

Poetry as Therapy

The Courage to Write Poetry

Letting Go and Beginning

Writing Compelling Poetry



Step Seven: Sharing Your Writing

Writing about Others

What to Include

Writing about Family Secrets

Writing about Sex and Intimacy

Writing Love Letters

Revising and Editing

Showing Drafts to Others

Publishing Basics

Choosing Where to Submit Your Work

Appendix A: A List of Writing Prompts

Other suggestions for topics:


Further Reading

Recommended Memoirs


About the Author


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