


Rough Diamond: Turning Disruption Into Advantage in Business and Life电子书

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作       者:Nicole Yershon

出  版  社:Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press


字       数:33.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 家庭/亲子



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In life you are most likely to regret that you didn’t do more of what you love...You will likely feel as though you spent your professional life getting up, going to the office and living the same day over and over, week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Ironically, it’s the same people who wind up regretting not doing more who spend their careers resisting change and shutting down creative ideas. I know, because I spent nearly two decades as a change agent in a large advertising agency.If you found your way to this book, chances are it’s because you have a fire in your belly, a hunger for change, and a belief in the transformative power of disruption. If you found this book, it’s probably because you know it’s time to shake things up but you’re not quite sure how.This book puts you on notice. You have it within your power to do more and be more, and I’m going to give you the tools to start. This is your opportunity to change your destiny, so you are the statistical anomaly - the Rough Diamond - who shines bright, even if unpolished, and savors each day for the opportunity it presents to innovate, connect and disrupt the status quo. "Ultimately, this book is about how to live a truthful life without regrets. It's about how to turn the inevitable disruptions into advantages - and in doing so - polish your own diamond."?(Nicole Yershon) Readers' reviews "A great insight into how to make things happen, nurture people in the workplace, and believe in yourself. Truly inspiring!" -?5 stars "This is not your typical business book and that's what makes it perfect" -?5 stars "Wonderfully inspiring!" -?5 stars About the AuthorNicole Yershon is a maverick, inspiration and the original rough diamond. She is, at once a consultant, speaker, judge, mentor and connector. She works on the front line of innovation - bringing organisations kicking and screaming into the 21st century. In that sense she properly defines disruption.Nicole is the founder of Lab For Hire? and before that the Ogilvy Labs – a dedicated Innovation unit of Ogilvy & Mather Group. Part of WPP Group plc.Just a few of the clients she has worked with over recent years. Amex, IBM, BP, Crimestoppers, Selfridges, Unilever, BA and Wetherspoons.


Chapter 1: Directing Traffic

Chapter 2: Start up Mentality

Chapter 3: The Irresistible Force, Against Immovable Objects

Chapter 4: There is No No...

Chapter 5: Bigger, Better, Stronger, Faster

Chapter 6: It's Easier to Ask Forgiveness Than it is to Get Permission

Chapter 7: Hunting With Hunters

Chapter 8: I' m Making it up as I go Along

Chapter 9: Measuring Success as an Intrapreneur- The 6 'R's

Chapter 10: The Black Book-It is all About people

Chapter 11: How to Innovate Successfully: Semesters of Learning

Chapter 12: The Rough Diamond

Chapter 13: Regrettably and Sadly the Labs Have Been Shut Down

Chapter 14: Intrapreneur Becomes Entrepreneur

Chapter 15: Life- The Biggest Disruption


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