


Kultur in Cartoons: "With Accompanying Notes by Well-Known English Writers"电子书

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作       者:Louis Raemaekers

出  版  社:Cheapest Books


字       数:18.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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When his cartoons began to reach America toward the end of 1916 this country was neutral. It is with peculiar satisfaction, therefore, that I base this brief foreword upon press extracts published prior to America’s participation in the war. If it were possible to discover today an individual who was entirely ignorant as to the causes and conduct of the war, he would, after an inspection of a hundred or more of these cartoons, probably utter his conviction somewhat as follows: ?“I do not believe that these drawings have the slightest relation to the truth; I do not believe that it is possible for such things to happen in the twenti-eth century.” ??He would be quite justified, in his ignorance of what has happened in Europe, in expressing such an opinion, just as any of us, with the possible exception of the disciples of Bernhardi himself, would have been justified in expressing a similar view in July, 1914.??What is the view of all informed people today? “To Raemaekers the war is not a topic, or a subject for charity. It is a vivid heartrending reality,” says the New York “Evening Post,” “and you come away from the rooms where his cartoons now hang so aware of what war is that mental neutrality is for you a horror. If you have slackened in your determination to find out, these cartoons are a slap in the face. ??Raemaekers drives home a universal point that concerns not merely Germans, but every country where royal decrees have supreme power. Shall one man ever be given the power to seek his ends, using the people as his pawns? We cannot look at the cartoons and remain in ignorance of exactly what is the basis of truth on which they are built.”?The “Philadelphia American” likens Raemaekers to a sensitized plate upon which the spirit which brought on the war has imprinted itself forever, and adds: ?“What he gives out on that subject is as pitilessly true as a photograph. They look down upon us in their naked truth, those pictures which are to be, before the judgment-seat of history, the last indictment of the German nation. Of all impressions, there is one which will hold you in its inexorable grip: it is that Louis Raemaekers has told you the truth.”

Kultur in Cartoons


The Zeppelin Raider

The Exhumation of the Martyrs of Aerschot

The Old Serb

The “Lusitania” Nightmare

“Fancy, How Nice....”

The Laodiceans

“A Pitiful Exodus”

“Death the Friend”

A Higher Pile

Peace Reigns at Dinant

Humanity v. Kultur

The Bill

“You need not storm this place”

Hohenzollern Madness

“My master asks you to look after these peace doves”

Famine in Belgium

Poor Old Thing

Germany and the Neutrals

Those Horrible Britons

Dr. Kuyper to Germany

The Kaiser’s Diplomacy


The Counter-Attack at Douaumont

The Morning Paper

“And such a brave Zepp he was”

Flying Over Holland

“If they don’t increase their Army”

Religion and Patriotism

The Prisoners

Well, My Friend!

“How quiet it must be in the English harbors blockaded by our fleet”

The Brigands

It Looks So in Serbia

Victory by Imposture


Another Australian Success

The Sea the Path of Victory

Balaam and his Ass

A Genuine Dutchman

Another Victory for the Germans

Submarine “Bags”

Within the Pincers

German Poison

The Organization of Victory by Imposture


The Broken Alliance

The Shower-Bath

The Anniversary Bouquet

The Stranded Submarine

Herod’s Nightmare

“My Beloved People”

On Their Way to Verdun

Bethmann-Hollweg’s Peace Song

A German “Victory”


The Kaiser as a Diplomatist

Hun Hypocrisy

The Prussian Guard

Greek Treachery

The World’s Judgment Seat

The Kaiser’s Cry for Peace

Tit for Tat

Forced Labor in Germany

The Fall of the Child-Slayer

The Climber

Culture at Wittenberg

The “Civilians”

Two Peals of Thunder

A Universal Conscience

Joan of Arc and St. George

The Bringers of Happiness

The Old Poilu

Humanity Torpedoed

The Super-Hooligans

Before the Fall

The Shirkers

For Merit

Duty v. Militarism

The Troubadour

See the Conquering Hero Comes


The Giant’s Task

“I Must Have Something for My Trouble”

“Cinema Chocolate”

The Doctrine of Expediency

Murder on the High Seas

Pounding Austria

Durchhalten—“Hold Out”

The Satyr of the Sea

War Council with Ferdinand and Enver Pasha

The Burial of Private Walker

The Supreme Effort

“Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind? Dass ist der Vater mit seinem Kind” (Erlkönig)

The Voices of the Guns

The Death’s-Head Hussar

The “Franc-tireur” Excuse

The Entry Into Constantinople

Come Away, My Dear!

The “Harmless” German

The Propagandist in Holland


Shakspere’s Tercentenary

Nobody Sees Me

The Orient Express

The Bloomersdijk

The “U” Boats off the American Coast

To the Peace Woman

The Wolf Bleats

Strict Neutrality

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