


A Little Frog’s Heart: The Stellar Waltz of Life电子书

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作       者:George Virtosu

出  版  社:Adenium


字       数:68.1万

所属分类: 人文社科 > 政治/军事 > 政治



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Volumul analizeaz? con?inutului drepturilor minorit??ilor na?ionale ?i principalele pozi?ii ale comunit??ii interna?ionale ?n abordarea problemelor din acest domeniu. Sunt formulate solu?ii ce pot servi drept baz? pentru dezvoltarea ?i punerea ?n aplicare a programelor pe termen lung privind protec?ia drepturilor minorit??ilor na?ionale. Cartea are un caracter interdisciplinar ?i se adreseaz? studen?ilor facult??ilor de drept, sociologie, psihologie ?i ?tiin?e politice, dar ?i tuturor celor interesa?i s? ?n?eleag? profunzimile unor fenomene at?t de actuale.


Let us take the third step…

Jailhouse Story III

The Flea’s Adventure in the Priest’s Pocket

The Little Churches Made of Gold Coins

How to Vanquish Our Nightmares

A Useful Piece of Advice from Grandfather

The Mystery of the Gold Coins’ History

The Mirage of Richness

“Measure Nine Times and Cut Once”

They Need Mercy To Help Them Grow Up

The Measure of Friendship Is Trust

The Magic Knot of Friendship

The Flea and His Courage

The Unsuspected Traps of Desires

Getting Ready for Marriage

One of Life’s Treasures: Patience

The First Disappointment

The Story of the Cunning Wolf and the Silly Sheep

Mother Nature’s Teachers: the Wind, the Sun and the Rain

Recipe for a Strong Character

One of the Rain’s Lessons: “Don’t leave for Tomorrow What You Can Do Today”

The Stellar Waltz of Life

The Parable of the Paradisiac Ice-Cream

You Attract More Flies with Honey Than with Vinegar

Dancing with Life – An Adventure in Unknown Dimensions

How the Flea’s Adventure in the Fox Priest’s Pocket Ended

The Mystery of the Stellar Map

The Legend of the Horned Boars

Going through the Fox Priest’s House

Grandparents’ Sacred Love

The Mystery of the Icons

A Small Treatise on Happiness

The Joys of the Sun

The End of the Road

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