


Little Dorrit电子书

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作       者:Charles Dickens

出  版  社:Booklassic


字       数:153.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Little Dorrit



Part 1

Chapter 1 - Sun and Shadow

Chapter 2 - Fellow Travellers

Chapter 3 - Home

Chapter 4 - Mrs Flintwinch has a Dream

Chapter 5 - Family Affairs

Chapter 6 - The Father of the Marshalsea

Chapter 7 - The Child of the Marshalsea

Chapter 8 - The Lock

Chapter 9 - Little Mother

Chapter 10 - Containing the whole Science of Government

Chapter 11 - Let Loose

Chapter 12 - Bleeding Heart Yard

Chapter 13 - Patriarchal

Chapter 14 - Little Dorrit’s Party

Chapter 15 - Mrs Flintwinch has another Dream

Chapter 16 - Nobody’s Weakness

Chapter 17 - Nobody’s Rival

Chapter 18 - Little Dorrit’s Lover

Chapter 19 - The Father of the Marshalsea in two or three Relations

Chapter 20 - Moving in Society

Chapter 21 - Mr Merdle’s Complaint

Chapter 22 - A Puzzle

Chapter 23 - Machinery in Motion

Chapter 24 - Fortune-Telling

Chapter 25 - Conspirators and Others

Chapter 26 - Nobody’s State of Mind

Chapter 27 - Five-and-Twenty

Chapter 28 - Nobody’s Disappearance

Chapter 29 - Mrs Flintwinch goes on Dreaming

Chapter 30 - The Word of a Gentleman

Chapter 31 - Spirit

Chapter 32 - More Fortune-Telling

Chapter 33 - Mrs Merdle’s Complaint

Chapter 34 - A Shoal of Barnacles

Chapter 35 - What was behind Mr Pancks on Little Dorrit’s Hand

Chapter 36 - The Marshalsea becomes an Orphan

Part 2

Chapter 1 - Fellow Travellers

Chapter 2 - Mrs General

Chapter 3 - On the Road

Chapter 4 - A Letter from Little Dorrit

Chapter 5 - Something Wrong Somewhere

Chapter 6 - Something Right Somewhere

Chapter 7 - Mostly, Prunes and Prism

Chapter 8 - The Dowager Mrs Gowan is reminded that ‘It Never Does’

Chapter 9 - Appearance and Disappearance

Chapter 10 - The Dreams of Mrs Flintwinch thicken

Chapter 11 - A Letter from Little Dorrit

Chapter 12 - In which a Great Patriotic Conference is holden

Chapter 13 - The Progress of an Epidemic

Chapter 14 - Taking Advice

Chapter 15 - No just Cause or Impediment why these Two Personsshould not be joined together

Chapter 16 - Getting on

Chapter 17 - Missing

Chapter 18 - A Castle in the Air

Chapter 19 - The Storming of the Castle in the Air

Chapter 20 - Introduces the next

Chapter 21 - The History of a Self-Tormentor

Chapter 22 - Who passes by this Road so late?

Chapter 23 - Mistress Affery makes a Conditional Promise,respecting her Dreams

Chapter 24 - The Evening of a Long Day

Chapter 25 - The Chief Butler Resigns the Seals of Office

Chapter 26 - Reaping the Whirlwind

Chapter 27 - The Pupil of the Marshalsea

Chapter 28 - An Appearance in the Marshalsea

Chapter 29 - A Plea in the Marshalsea

Chapter 30 - Closing in

Chapter 31 - Closed

Chapter 32 - Going

Chapter 33 - Going!

Chapter 34 - Gone

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