


My Bondage and My Freedom电子书

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作       者:Frederick Douglass

出  版  社:Booklassic


字       数:62.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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My Bondage and My Freedom


Part 1 - Life as a slave

Editor's preface


Chapter 1 - Childhood

Chapter 2 - Removed from My First Home

Chapter 3 - Parentage

Chapter 4 - A General Survey of the Slave Plantation

Chapter 5 - Gradual Initiation to the Mysteries of Slavery

Chapter 6 - Treatment of Slaves on Lloyd's Plantation

Chapter 7 - Life in the Great House

Chapter 8 - A Chapter of Horrors

Chapter 9 - Personal Treatment

Chapter 10 - Life in Baltimore

Chapter 11 - "A Change Came O'er the Spirit of My Dream"

Chapter 12 - Religious Nature Awakened

Chapter 13 - The Vicissitudes of Slave Life

Chapter 14 - Experience in St. Michael's

Chapter 15 - Covey, the Negro Breaker

Chapter 16 - Another Pressure of the Tyrant's Vice

Chapter 17 - The Last Flogging

Chapter 18 - New Relations and Duties

Chapter 19 - The Run-Away Plot

Chapter 20 - Apprenticeship Life

Chapter 21 - My Escape from Slavery

Part 2 - Life as a freeman

Chapter 1 - Liberty Attained

Chapter 2 - Introduced to the Abolitionists

Chapter 3 - Twenty-One Months in Great Britain

Chapter 4 - Various Incidents

RECEPTION SPEECH 10. At Finsbury Chapel, Moorfields, England, May 12, 1846

Dr. Campbell's Reply

LETTER TO HIS OLD MASTER. To My Old Master, Thomas Auld

THE NATURE OF SLAVERY. Extract from a Lecture on Slavery, at Rochester, December 1, 1850

INHUMANITY OF SLAVERY. Extract from A Lecture on Slavery, at Rochester, December 8, 1850

WHAT TO THE SLAVE IS THE FOURTH OF JULY?. Extract from an Oration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852

THE INTERNAL SLAVE TRADE. Extract from an Oration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852

THE SLAVERY PARTY. Extract from a Speech Delivered before the A. A. S. Society, in New York, May, 1853.

THE ANTI-SLAVERY MOVEMENT. Extracts from a Lecture before Various Anti-Slavery Bodies, in the Winter of 1855.


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