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作       者:Voltaire

出  版  社:Booklassic


字       数:17.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Chapter 1 - How Candide Was Brought Up in a Magnificent Castle and How He Was Driven Thence

Chapter 2 - What Befell Candide among the Bulgarians

Chapter 3 - How Candide Escaped from the Bulgarians and What Befell Him Afterward

Chapter 4 - How Candide Found His Old Master Pangloss Again and What Happened to Him

Chapter 5 - A Tempest, a Shipwreck, an Earthquake, and What Else Befell Dr. Pangloss, Candide, and James, the Anabaptist

Chapter 6 - How the Portuguese Made a Superb Auto-De-Fe to Prevent Any Future Earthquakes, and How Candide Underwent Public Flagellation

Chapter 7 - How the Old Woman Took Care Of Candide, and How He Found the Object of His Love

Chapter 8 - Cunegund's Story

Chapter 9 - What Happened to Cunegund, Candide, the Grand Inquisitor, and the Jew

Chapter 10 - In What Distress Candide, Cunegund, and the Old Woman Arrive at Cadiz, and Of Their Embarkation

Chapter 11 - The History of the Old Woman

Chapter 12 - The Adventures of the Old Woman Continued

Chapter 13 - How Candide Was Obliged to Leave the Fair Cunegund and the Old Woman

Chapter 14 - The Reception Candide and Cacambo Met with among the Jesuits in Paraguay

Chapter 15 - How Candide Killed the Brother of His Dear Cunegund

Chapter 16 - What Happened to Our Two Travelers with Two Girls, Two Monkeys, and the Savages, Called Oreillons

Chapter 17 - What Happened to Our Two Candide and His Valet Arrive in the Country of El Dorado-What They Saw There

Chapter 18 - What They Saw in the Country of El Dorado

Chapter 19 - What Happened to Them at Surinam, and How Candide Became Acquainted with Martin

Chapter 20 - What Befell Candide and Martin on Their Passage

Chapter 21 - Candide and Martin, While Thus Reasoning with Each Other, DrawNear to the Coast of France

Chapter 22 - What Happened to Candide and Martin in France

Chapter 23 - Candide and Martin Touch upon the English Coast-What They See There

Chapter 24 - Of Pacquette and Friar Giroflee

Chapter 25 - Candide and Martin Pay a Visit to Seignor Pococurante, a Noble Venetian

Chapter 26 - Candide and Martin sup with six sharpers - who they were

Chapter 27 - Candide's Voyage to Constantinople

Chapter 28 - What Befell Candide, Cunegund, Pangloss, Martin, etc.

Chapter 29 - What Manner Candide Found Miss Cunegund and the Old Woman Again

Chapter 30 - Conclusion

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