


Dear Miss Landau电子书

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作       者:Christie, James

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:27.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Every morning James Christie puts on a blue rugby shirt and jeans. His wardrobe is full of identical outfits. Every day he eats the same meal and drinks from the same mug. These are not ingrained habits, but survival strategies. For James, coping with new experiences feels like smashing his head through a plate glass window. The only relief comes from belting the heavy bag at the boxing club or watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He's an autistic man lost in a neuro-typical world. Differently wired. Alien.Despite a high IQ, it seems he'll spend the next 20 years cleaning toilets. But then his life takes an amazing turn - from a Glasgow tenement to a rendezvous with a Hollywood star on Sunset Boulevard.On that road trip across America, the man who feels he lacks a soul will find it. Eight time zones and 5,000 miles away, he has a date with the actress who played Drusilla, the kooky vampire who changed his life when he saw her in a Buffy episode. Drusilla has no soul either. And maybe that's the attraction. But Drusilla is fictional. The lady he'll see on Sunset is Juliet Landau. She's real, and that's a very different proposition...


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information



Dear Miss Landau

1: Alien

2: An autistic Reginald Perrin

3: Naturally pernickety

4: Mr Spock’s wisdom

5: The cleanest toilets in the country

6: Sullen xenophobia

7: In the ghetto

8: Looking into the abyss

9: Cheating fate

10: Punchy

11: Behind the monster’s mantle

12: The Great Scottish Novel

13: A door into summer

14: Opening the Pukka pad

15: An odd couple

16: Drusilla’s Roses

17: The blunt instrument

18: Keeper of the flame

19: That quiet desperation

20: Purring lethally

21: A trendy road-trip

22: Fifteen minutes of fame

23: Crossing a line

24: A rare and delicate thing

25: Sometimes there are signs

26: The beast wants westering

27: The 72-hour rule

28: Back to the heavy bags

29: Enter Juliet the Notebook

30: Beware the Ides of March

31: Stealing the Enterprise

32: The luck of the Devil

33: Noo Yawk

34: Chicago blues

35: 2,048 miles to go

36: Turning into Homer Simpson

37: Following in Steinbeck’s footsteps

38: A date for breakfast

39: Smoke and mirrors

40: The best of days

41: Victorian at heart

42: The house on Candlewood Drive

43: Right from the start

44: Point Lobos

45: Dog Easy Fox

46: Eighty-sixed

47: I see something!

End Matter


Photographic Acknowledgements

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