


Team Formula电子书

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作       者:Flint, Mandy

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:27.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This is a business book told in a story format for leaders; a Leadership Tale. It takes place in the world of international business where, as a result of an acquisition, two companies merge creating a team: A team struggling with conflicts and dishonesty, but also showing glimpses of loyalty and hope. Stephen, the team's leader, is challenged to get them working together. In these times of change and economic downturn, it's more important than ever that he gets it right. Follow Stephen and his team on their journey through the thorny maze that all teams travel through. This is a quick, must-read for leaders and team members in any organisation. The book offers a fun, engaging and informative experience, providing opportunities for reflection as well as valuable ideas that can be implemented immediately. The story tempts the reader, to look at him/herself and ask the questions: What choices am I making? How does this apply to me and my team? What am I doing to make this team work? The reader can easily relate to the characters and real-life situations. Everyone will recognise a part of themselves, as well as their colleagues, so you want to know what's going to happen next: It's a page-turner. Above all, this is a book about going from intellectual understanding to a change in behaviour for everyone on the team. A little book for BIG team success. This is the first book in the 'little Book for BIG Success' series, a series of business books with a difference, written in an entertaining and easily digestible story format.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information


How to read this book

The Team Formula

Chapter 1: The Merger

Chapter 2: Coming together

Chapter 3: The emails - the set-up

Chapter 4: Quad bikes in the archipelago

Chapter 5: The Agreement

Chapter 6: A Chance Meeting

Chapter 7: The team ‘talks’ without Stephen

Chapter 8: A Manhattan dinner reveals an unpleasant truth

Chapter 9: The Article

Chapter 10: Stephen confronts Samuel

Chapter 11: Everyone gets a call

Chapter 12: Stephen talks to Helmut

Chapter 13: It’s all in the planning

Chapter 14: The dreaming spires of Oxford

Chapter 15: The transformation - Opening up

Chapter 16: The Transformation - Diving Deeper

Chapter 17: Laughing at Lunch

Chapter 18: The Transformation - Deeper and Deeper

Chapter 19: Which way now?

Chapter 20: Learning from the Maze

Chapter 21: TOP feedback

Chapter 22: A Team of Purpose

Chapter 23: The Payoff

Chapter 24: Different perspectives

Now, let’s make use of this book...

The Team Formula

Summary and Key Learning Points

Back Matter

Discussion Questions

About the Authors

Mandy Flint

Elisabet Vinberg Hearn

Also Available

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