


Meanings of Michael Oakeshott's Conservatism电子书

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作       者:Abel, Corey

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:115.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This collection of recent scholarship on the thought of Michael Oakeshott includes essays by both distinguished and established authors as well as a fresh crop of younger talent. Together, they address the meanings of Oakeshott's conservatism through the lenses of his ideas on religion, history, and tradition, and explore his relationships to philosophers ranging from Hume to Ryle, Cavell, and others. The collection assigns no single or final meaning to Oakeshott's conservatism, but finds in him a number of possibilities for thinking fruitfully about what conservatism might mean, when it is no longer considered as a doctrine, but as a habit or a turn of mind.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information

List of Contributors

List of Abbreviations



Body matter

Part I. Religion

1. Skepticism and Tradition: The Religious Imagination of Michael Oakeshott, Ian Tregenza

2. Oakeshott’s Wise Defense: Christianity as a Civilization, Corey Abel

3. Language and the Conservation of the Religious Disposition, Todd Breyfogle

4. Religion and Art: Modal Formalism and Political Antinomies, Byron Kaldis

Part II. History

5. What is Political Thought? The Example of Law in Greece and Rome in Oakeshott’s London School of Economics Lectures, Josiah Lee Auspitz

6. A Conservative Concept of Freedom: Otto von Gierke’s ‘Genossenschaftslehre’ and Oakeshott’s Philosophy of Practice, Michael Henkel

7. Geography Cannot Replace History, Gene Callahan

Part III. Currents in Philosophy

8. The Relation of Philosophy to Conservatism in the Thought of Michael Oakeshott, Timothy Fuller

9. Conservatism, Romanticism, and the Understanding of Modernity, Roy Tseng

10. Ryle and Oakeshott on the ‘Knowing-How/Knowing-That’ Distinction, Leslie Marsh

11. Conversation, Conversion and Conservation: Oakeshott, Arendt and a Little Bit of Cavell, Richard Flathman

12. Richard Rorty, Michael Oakeshott and the Impossibility of Liberalism Without Tradition, Jeff Rabin

13. The Conservative Disposition and the Precautionary Principle, Stephen Turner

Part IV. On Being Conservative

14. Being English: The Conservative Witness of Michael Oakeshott, George Feaver

15. A Brief Enchantment: The Role Of Conversation And Poetry In Human Life, Ferenc Horcher

16. One Hand Clapping: The Reception of Oakeshott’s Work by American Conservatives, Kenneth B. McIntyre

17. Conservatives’ Paradox in Post-Communism, Attila K. Molnar

18. ‘A Dark Age Devoted to Barbaric Affluence’: Oakeshott’s Verdict on the Modern World, Ivo Mosley

Back matter

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