


Models of the Self电子书

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作       者:Gallagher, Shaun

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:204.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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A long history of inquiry about human nature and the self stretches from the ancient tradition of Socratic self-knowledge in the context of ethical life to contemporary discussions of brain function in cognitive science. It begins with a conflict among the ancients. On one view, which comes to be represented most clearly by Aristotle, the issue is settled in terms of a composite and very complex human nature. Who I am is closely tied to my embodied existence. The other view, found as early as the Pythagoreans, and developed in the writings of Plato, Augustine and Descartes, held that genuine humanness is not the result of an integration of 'lower' functions, but a purification of those functions in favour of a liberating spirituality. The animal elements are excluded from the human essence. The modern debate on the problem of the self, although owing much to the insights of Locke and Hume, can still be situated within the context of the two schools of ancient thought, and this has led many to despair over the lack of apparent progress in this problem.Today, of course, we often tend to look to science rather than philosophy to develop our understanding of a wide range of fundamental issues. To what extent is the problem of the self a scientific issue? Can insights from the study of neuropsychology and cognitive development in infancy provide a new perspective? Can the study of schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorders tell us anything about the nature of human self-consciousness?Many would answer yes to the above questions, but then is it not also the case that the study of exceptional 'self-actualised' human experience is equally relevant? And can the phenomenological tradition, dedicated to the systematic study of human experience, and contemporary analytic approaches in philosophy help us out of some of the impasses that have bedevilled the empiricist tradition?MODELS OF THE SELF includes all these perspectives in an attempt to cast light on one of the most intractable problems in science and the humanities.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information


Shaun Gallagher and Jonathan Shear, Editors’ Introduction

Body matter

Part 1: Philosophical controversies

Galen Strawson, ‘The Self’

Kathleen V. Wilkes, Gnothi Seauton (Know Thyself)

Andrew Brook, Unified Consciousness and the Self

Eric T. Olson, There Is No Problem of the Self

John Pickering, The Self Is a Semiotic Process

Part 2: Cognitive and neuroscientific models

V. S. Ramachandran and William Hirstein, Three Laws of Qualia: What Neurology Tells Us about the Biological Functions of Consciousness, Qualia and the Self

Jaak Panksepp, The Periconscious Substrates of Consciousness: Affective States and the Evolutionary Origins of the Self

Donald Perlis, Consciousness as Self-Function

Jun Tani, An Interpretation of the ‘Self’ from the Dynamical Systems Perspective: A Constructivist Approach

James Blachowicz, The Dialogue of the Soul with Itself

Part 3: Developmental and phenomenological constraints

George Butterworth, A Developmental–Ecological Perspective on Strawson’s ‘The Self’

Maria Legerstee, Mental and Bodily Awareness in Infancy: Consciousness of Self-existence

Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, Phenomenology and Agency: Methodological and Theoretical Issues in Strawson’s ‘The Self’

Dan Zahavi and Josef Parnas, Phenomenal Consciousness and Self-awareness: A Phenomenological Critique of Representational Theory

Part 4: Pathologies of the self

Shaun Gallagher and Anthony J. Marcel, The Self in Contextualized Action

Jonathan Cole, On ‘Being Faceless’: Selfhood and Facial Embodiment

Louis A. Sass, Schizophrenia, Self-consciousness, and the Modern Mind

Jennifer Radden, Pathologically Divided Minds, Synchronic Unity and Models of Self

Part 5: Meditation-based approaches

Robert K.C. Forman, What Does Mysticism Have to Teach Us About Consciousness?

Jeremy Hayward, A rDzogs-chen Buddhist Interpretation of the Sense of Self

Steven W. Laycock, Consciousness It/Self

Jonathan Shear, Experiential Clarification of the Problem of Self

Arthur J. Deikman, ‘I’ = Awareness

Part 6: Further methodological questions

José Luis Bermúdez, Reduction and the Self

Mait Edey, Subject and Object

Tamar Szabó Gendler, Exceptional Persons: On the Limits of Imaginary Cases

Mary Midgley, Being Scientific About Our Selves

Part 7: Response from keynote author

Galen Strawson, The Self and the SESMET

Back matter

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