


Giovanni Gentile and the State of Contemporary Constructivism电子书

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作       者:Wakefield, James

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:424.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This book presents Giovanni Gentile's actual idealism as a radical constructivist doctrine for use in moral theory. The first half describes the moral theory that Gentile explicitly identifies with actual idealism, according to which all thinking, rather than an exclusive domain of 'practical reason', has a moral character. It is argued that after Gentile's turn to Fascism in the early 1920s, this theory is increasingly conflated with his political doctrine. This entails several major changes that cannot be squared with the underlying metaphysics. The second half of the book develops a more plausible account of Gentilean moral constructivism based on the pre-Fascist idea of reasoning as an internal dialogue. Comparisons and contrasts are drawn with contemporary constructivist doctrines, as well as theories employing dialogical conceptions of reason. The internal dialogue is presented as a device enabling the thinking subject to make objective judgments about real-world problems despite the impossibility of her occupying a fully objective standpoint. Thus actual idealist moral theory is offered as an example of constructivism at its most radical, inviting advocates of less radical varieties to reassess the foundations on which their theories are built.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information



The State of Contemporary Constructivism

Chapter 1

1. Defining ‘constructivism’

2. Introducing Giovanni Gentile

2i. The death of the author

2ii. Gentile criticism since his assassination

3. A new approach to Gentile

4. The argument in outline

Chapter 2

1. On method

2. Toward pensiero pensante, or ‘the thought that thinks itself’

2i. The Cogito Justification

2ii. The Logical Priority Justification

3. The abstract/concrete division

4. Truth in the method of immanence

4i. The will and truth

4ii. The Gentilean will: being and Being There

4iii. The value of truth and its construction

5. Coherence and construction

6. Actual idealism’s positivity and the unknown

7. Conclusion

Chapter 3

1. Actual idealism and the person

1i. The Solipsist Objection

1ii. The Conditionality Objection

1iii. Persons and personalism

2. Socialising the pure act

2i. The internal society and the conscience

2ii. The internal dialogue

3. Constructing the universal will

3i. Internality and indeterminacy

3ii. A schematic for the socius

4. Politicising the internal society

4i. Internal and external dialogues

4ii. The state and the universal will

5. Conclusion

Chapter 4

1. Gentile on the state in Diritto and Introduzione

2. Gentile on the Hegel’s ethical state

3. Gentile’s mature state

4. ‘The real shipwreck of actualism’: some standard objections

5. The ethical state of mind

6. Conclusion

Chapter 5

1. Reason in actual idealism

1i. The internal dialogue re-visited

1ii. Universality and objectivity

1iii. The heart of reason

1iv. The IDP in outline

2. Kant’s categorical imperative

3. The Universal Law Formula

3i. O’Neill on universality

3ii. A Gentilean reply to Kant and O’Neill

4. The Kingdom of Ends Formula

5. The Autonomy Formula

5i. Kant on autonomy

5ii. Korsgaard’s account of Kantian autonomy

5iii. Gentile on autonomy (and autarchy)

6. Re-constructing Gentilean moral theory

7. Conclusion

Chapter 6

1. Autonomy, indeterminacy and ‘determined subjectivity’

2. Gentile’s phenomenology of education

3. Education and the state

4. Three objections to Gentilean education

4i. The Falsity Objection

4ii. The Manipulation Objection

4iii. The Coercion Objection

5. Replies to the Objections

6. Re-appraising Gentilean education

6i. Gentilean education and political theory

6ii. Gentilean Education and the IDP

7. Conclusion

Chapter 7

1. Justifying dialogue

2. Internalism and the real world

2i. Triangulation and objectivity

2ii. Two principles for the IDP

3. Agreement and the IDP

3i. Hypothetical agreements and constructivism

3ii. Verification and the IDP

3iii. Falsification and the IDP

4. Inter-personal applications of the IDP

4i. ‘Stacking’ and objectivity

4ii. Persons and principles

5. Conclusion

Chapter 8

1. Overview of conclusions

2. Actual idealism assessed

3. Constructivism writ large

4. Final remarks

Back Matter

Bibliography & Appendix

1. List of works cited

2. Appendix: abbreviations for Gentile’s works

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