


Scottish Philosophical Theology电子书

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作       者:Fergusson, David

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:187.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This volume concentrates on the period from the beginning of the 18th century to the latter part of the 20th. It is impossible to depict a single school of philosophical theology in Scotland across three centuries, yet several strains have been identified that suggest some recurrent themes or intellectual habits. These include the following: the mutually beneficial cross-fertilisation of the disciplines of philosophy and theology; the tendency to eschew powerful philosophical systems that might threaten to imprison theological ideas; a stress on both the providential limitations and reliability of human reason; a suspicion of reductive theories of a materialist inclination; and a determination to inspect critically the proposals of theology and to place these in positive relation to other disciplines.


Front matter

Title page

Copyright page

Series Editor’s Note


Body matter

Part One — The Early Enlightenment: 1700–1750

1. Gershom Carmichael (1672–1729)

On the Scope of Natural Theology

2. Thomas Halyburton (1674–1712)

Natural Religion Insufficient and Reveal’d Necessary to Man’s Happiness in his Present State

3. George Turnbull (1698–1748)

A Philosophical Enquiry Concerning the Connexion betwixt the Doctrine and Miracles of Jesus Christ in a Letter to a Friend

4. Francis Hutcheson (1694–1746)

A System of Moral Philosophy

An Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections with Illustrations on the Moral Sense

Part Two — Moderate Theology and Humean Scepticism: 1750–1800

5. Thomas Reid (1710–96)

Introduction to the Intellectual Powers

Essays on the Active Powers

The Active Powers

6. Hugh Blair (1718–1800)

On Our Present Ignorance of the Ways of God

7. David Hume (1711–76)

Of Miracles

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

Natural History of Religion

8. George Campbell (1719–96)

Dissertation on Miracles

9. Henry Home, Lord Kames (1696–1782)

Of the Benevolence of the Deity

Part Three — Natural Theology, Apologetics and Idealism: 1800–1900

10. Thomas Chalmers (1780–1847)

Astronomical Discourses

Astronomical Discourses

11. Robert Flint (1838–1910)


12. Edward Caird (1835–1908)

The Evolution of Religion

13. John Caird (1820–98)

Fundamental Ideas of Christianity

14. Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison (1856–1931)

Hegelianism and Personality

15. Alexander Campbell Fraser (1819–1914)

Philosophy of Theism

Part Four — Epistemology, Ethics and Faith: 1900–2000

16. Norman Kemp Smith (1872–1958)

Is Divine Existence Credible?

17. John Baillie (1886–1960)

Our Knowledge of God

18. William G. Maclagan (1903–72)

Theological Frontier of Ethics

19. John Macmurray (1891–1976)

Persons in Relation

20. Donald M. MacKinnon (1913–1994)

The Conflict between Realism and Idealism

Back matter

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