


Using Stories to Teach ICT Ages 5 to 6电子书

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作       者:Loughrey, Anita

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:61.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Using stories to teach ICT is a new, excellent series of four books that will make the teaching of ICT a more exciting and creative cross-curricular experience. The aim of the series is for ICT to be presented in a format that shows how information technology is used in our everyday lives and demonstrates ways how ICT skills can be taught and extended while linking to a wide variety of other subject areas of the curriculum. Ages 5-6 contains: 6 fun and original stories, detailed lesson plans, up to 4 worksheets with each lesson, activities to develop a range of ICT skills.Stories include: Playground Proposal (Modelling), Football Crazy (Word Banks), Song Quest (Presenting Information), The Cycle Of Life (Labelling and Classifying), In The Garden (Pictograms), How Does This Work? (Instructions)


Front matter

Title page

Copyright page


Curriculum overview

Body matter

Playground Proposal

Teachers’ notes

Playground Proposal

Activity sheet 1: Playground visit

Activity sheet 2: Play equipment

Activity sheet 3: Playground choices

Activity sheet 4: Playground Proposal

Football Crazy

Teachers’ notes

Football Crazy

Activity sheet 1: Where in the world

Activity sheet 2: Flags

Activity sheet 3: Design a T-shirt

Activity sheet 4: Football story

Song Quest

Teachers’ notes

Activity three — Images in your mind

Song Quest

Activity sheet 1: Musical instruments

Activity sheet 2: Compositions

Activity sheet 3: Images in your mind

Activity sheet 4: Song Quest

The Cycle of Life

Teachers’ notes

The Cycle of Life

Activity sheet 1: Faces

Activity sheet 2: The body

Activity sheet 3: Lifecycle of a frog

Activity sheet 4: Lifecycle of a butterfly

Activity sheet 5: Butterfly

In the Garden

Teachers’ notes

In the Garden

Activity sheet 1: How many?

Activity sheet 2: Tally chart

Activity sheet 3: Questions

Activity sheet 4: Growing beans

How Does This Work?

Teachers’ notes

How Does This Work?

Activity sheet 1: In the home

Activity sheet 2: How Does This Work?

Activity sheet 3: Sequencing

Activity sheet 4: Instructions

Back matter

Also available

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