


Transformational Corporate Leadership电子书

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作       者:Minja, David

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:486.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The future of any or any organization is so much dependent upon the quality of its leadership. In today's complex and dynamic world. Share holders and stakeholders in any organization are looking for leaders who will transform organizations for the common good. This book shares the essence of what it takes to transform any organization successfully and provides examples of transformation in organizations from Kenya. The authors have focused on the various areas that the leadership of an organization should focus on to achieve a balanced transformation of the organization. The authors also place an emphasis on the sound foundation of Strategic Leadership, which should be characterized by both visionary and ethical practices.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information


About The Authors



A Big Thank You!

Part 1

Chapter 1

The History of A Corporation

Passive Devices That Hold Property

Structures That Exert Monopoly Control And Regulate A Domain Of Specialized Knowledge And Skill

A Set Of Means Specially Designed To Pool Capital And Resources Including Human Resources

Providing A Legal Shield To Limit Owner And Operator Liability

Organizational Structure That Subordinate And Synthesize The Actions Of Human Agents

Modern Corporations

References And Bibliography

Chapter 2

Definitions Of Transformational Leadership

The History Of Transformational Leadership

Transformational Versus Transactional Leadership

The Transactional Leader:

The Transformational Leader:

Three Fundamental Goals Of Transformational Leadership

Why Transformational Leadership Is Important For Organizational Functioning

Transformational Leaders:

Transformational Leadership: Born or Bred?

Limitations Of Transformational Leadership

References And Bibliography

Foundations Of Transformational Corporate Leadership

Part 2

Chapter 3

Strategic Leadership

Essentials Of Strategic Leadership

What Makes Strategic Leadership Different?

Exercise Of Effective Strategic Leadership

The Concepts Of Strategic, Visionary, And Managerial Leadership

Visionary Leader

Strategic Leader

Making Strategy A Learning Process In Your Organization

Anatomy Of A Strategic Leader

Improving Your Organization’s Leadership Strategy

Strategic Thinking

Strategic Thinking Insights

Developing Strategic Thinking

Strategic Thinking Competencies

Strategic Acting

How Strategic Acting Relates To Thinking And Influencing

Strategic Influence

Outcomes Of Strategic Influence

Components Of Strategic Influence

Strategic Leadership Teams (SLTs)

Creating An Slt At The Top

SLT Strategic Acting

Four Critical Competencies

References And Bibliography

Chapter 4


The Power Of Visioning

Identifying The Transformation Initiatives

References And Bibliography

Chapter 5

Ethical Leadership

Submissive Model

Purist Model

Accommodating Purist Model

Ethos- Rules Based Or Led By Principles?

Why Corporate Leaders Act Unethically

Developing A Society That Is Ethical

Model For Establishing An Ethically Responsive Society

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

References And Bibliography

Part 3

Fundamental Areas Of Transformation

Model For Transforming A Corporation

References And Bibliography

Chapter 6

Corporate Governance

Agency Theory

Corporate Governance Principles And Practices

Types Of Boards

Legal Requirements For Boards Of Directors

Boards Of Directors’ Responsibilities

Recruitment Of Board Members

Training And Retention

Energizing Existing Boards

Case Illustration: Success Through Effective Leadership – Kenyatta University

References And Bibliography

Chapter 7

Institutional Culture And Brand Image

Culture Defined

Three Layers Of Culture

The Characteristics Of Organizational Culture

The Role Of Culture In Corporate Transformation

Organizational Culture And Change

Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures?

What Do Cultures Do?

How Organization Cultures Form

Keeping Culture Alive

How Employees Learn Culture

Creating An Ethical Organizational Culture

Spirituality And Organizational Culture

Characteristics Of Workplace Spirituality

References And Bibliography

Chapter 8

Quality Assurance And Standards

What Is Quality?

Achieving Continuous Quality Improvement

Why Quality Must Be Measured

Why Include Customers Of Competitors

How Exit Interviews Can Translate Into Huge Profit

Quality Assurance

Why Customers Are More Profitable Over Time

Quality Assurance Standards

Outline Of Services Offered By Kenya Bureau Of Standards






When Is QA Appropriate

How To Implement A QA System

Strategies For Maximizing Effectiveness

References And Bibliography

Chapter 9

Human Resource


Performance Management

Compensation And Benefits

Corporate Transformation: The Role Of Human Resource Management Function

Managing Knowledge For Strategic Success

Corporate Transformation And The Changing Psychological Contract

Ten Human Resource Practices That Catalyze Organizational Transformation

References And Bibliography

Chapter 10

Partnerships - Stakeholder Relations

The Concept Of Stakeholder Management

Identification Of Stakeholders

Stakeholder Analysis

Ten Ways To Be Better At Stakeholder Management

Achieving Organizational Growth

Ways In Which Organizations Achieve Growth

Problems Encountered With Organizational Growth

References And Bibliography

Chapter 11

Finance Management And Resource Mobilization

Meaning Of Financial Management


Objectives Of Financial Management

Functions Of Financial Management

Strategic Financial Management

Finance For Non-Financial Managers

References And Bibliography

Chapter 12

Marketing And Business Development

Marketing Mix

Using The 4ps Marketing Mix Model

New Product Development Process

Idea Screening

Concept Development And Testing

References And Bibliography

Chapter 13

Product Development

Sources Of Ideas For New Products

Product Strategy Orientation


Low Product Cost

Low Development Cost

Product Performance, Technology & Innovation

Quality, Reliability, Robustness

Service, Responsiveness & Flexibility

Various Approaches to Building Products and Services

“Build It And They Will Come” Approach

Seat-Of-The-Pants Approach

Incremental Planning Approach

Business Planning Approach

Business Development Approach

Product Development Strategies

Sound Management Of Products and Services

Innovation And Organizational Change

References And Bibliography

Chapter 14

Managing Change For Transformation

Change Management: Theoretical Review

Definition Of Change Management

Nature Of Change

Organization Development (OD) Approach To Change Management

Lewin’s Work

Lewin’s 3-Step Model

Newer Perspectives On Change

Images Of Managing Change

Types Of Change

Organizational Change

Triggers To Organizational Change

Substantive Element Of Change

Why People Resist Organizational Change

The Concept Of Organizational Change

The 3 Phases Of Transition

How To Get People To ‘Let Go’

Leading People Through The Neutral Zone

Dangers Presented By The Neutral Zone

How To Handle The Neutral Zone

Launching A New Beginning

Reinforcing The New Beginning

The Process Of Analysis

Consolidating Change

Actions To Consolidate Change

Avoiding Escalation

Six Steps To Effective Change

References And Bibliography

Chapter 15

Infrastructure, Facilities & Equipment

The Four Components Of Every Organization

Strategies For Changing An Organization’s Culture

Assessing The Current And Desired Organizational Culture

Organizational Life Cycles

Life Cycle Of Non-Profit Organizations

References And Bibliography


Appendix 1

Transforming Kenyatta University To A World Class University


Pathway To Transformation

Physical And Infrastructural Transformation

Governance And Management Transformation

Process Transformation

Social Transformation

The Road Ahead

Appendix 2

Family Bank

The Power Of A Dream: Case Of Family Bank

Appendix 3

Kenya Commercial Bank

Corporate Turn-Around: Case Of Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)

Appendix 4


Transformation Through Technology

Appendix 5

Chapter Six Leadership And Integrity

Responsibilities Of Leadership

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