


Emotional Literacy电子书

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作       者:Adams, Jane

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:134.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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  • 读书简介
  • 目录
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A must have for every teacher who wants to develop the emotional competence of children in their class. This resource contains 45 lessons - more than enough for one lesson per week! The lessons each contain detailed teachers' notes, warm up games and activities, questions to ask and ideas about what to expect. Most lessons also include a photocopiable activity. The activities are divided into 5 sections: knowing myself, developing empathy, managing feelings, developing social skills and the big picture


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information

Body matter


Section 1: Knowing myself

1. About me

2. Who do I trust?

3. Trusting each other

4. Showing respect

5. Developing self awareness - feelings words

6. Our feelings range in intensity

7. We can talk about feelings

8. Are all feelings OK?

9. How do we recognise our feelings?

10. The way we think about ourselves

11. Beliefs and self talk

12. How important are our memories?

Section 2: Developing empathy

13. We all see and feel things differently

14. How do others feel?

15. Different people feel differently

16. Understanding points of view

17. Accident or deliberate - how do we know?

18. How can we support others?

19. Supporting others by listening

Section 3: Managing feelings

20. We can choose our behaviour

21. Developing optimism

22. Recognising and managing anger

23. Using a problem-solving strategy

24. Impulsive and thinking behaviour

25. Recognising and managing frustration

26. Can we change how we feel?

27. Using affirmations

28. Seeing things from a different perspective

29. Am I willing to take risks?

30. My strengths and how I like to learn

31. Setting goals for myself

32. How can being resilient help us?

Section 4: Developing social skills

33. What is a friend?

34. Friendship words and actions

35. Judgements

36. Non-verbal communication

37. Empathy and sympathy

38. Expressing feelings respectfully

39. Passive or assertive?

40. Learning to negotiate

41. Being part of a team

42. The importance of saying sorry

42. The importance of saying sorry

43. How to pay compliments

Section 5: The Big Picture

44. What are our values?

45. What have we learned?

Back matter


Appendix 1: Feelings words

Appendix 2: Games to use in EL lessons

Appendix 3: Useful children’s books

Appendix 4: Other emotional literacy books

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