


Machine Learning for Mobile电子书

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作       者:Revathi Gopalakrishnan

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:28.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Leverage the power of machine learning on mobiles and build intelligent mobile applications with ease Key Features *Build smart mobile applications for Android and iOS devices *Use popular machine learning toolkits such as Core ML and TensorFlow Lite *Explore cloud services for machine learning that can be used in mobile apps Book Description Machine learning presents an entirely unique opportunity in software development. It allows smartphones to produce an enormous amount of useful data that can be mined, analyzed, and used to make predictions. This book will help you master machine learning for mobile devices with easy-to-follow, practical examples. You will begin with an introduction to machine learning on mobiles and grasp the fundamentals so you become well-acquainted with the subject. You will master supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, and then learn how to build a machine learning model using mobile-based libraries such as Core ML, TensorFlow Lite, ML Kit, and Fritz on Android and iOS platforms. In doing so, you will also tackle some common and not-so-common machine learning problems with regard to Computer Vision and other real-world domains. By the end of this book, you will have explored machine learning in depth and implemented on-device machine learning with ease, thereby gaining a thorough understanding of how to run, create, and build real-time machine-learning applications on your mobile devices. What you will learn *Build intelligent machine learning models that run on Android and iOS *Use machine learning toolkits such as Core ML, TensorFlow Lite, and more *Learn how to use Google Mobile Vision in your mobile apps *Build a spam message detection system using Linear SVM *Using Core ML to implement a regression model for iOS devices *Build image classification systems using TensorFlow Lite and Core ML Who this book is for If you are a mobile app developer or a machine learning enthusiast keen to use machine learning to build smart mobile applications, this book is for you. Some experience with mobile application development is all you need to get started with this book. Prior experience with machine learning will be an added bonus

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Machine Learning for Mobile

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Introduction to Machine Learning on Mobile

Definition of machine learning

When is it appropriate to go for machine learning systems?

The machine learning process

Defining the machine learning problem

Preparing the data

Building the model

Selecting the right machine learning algorithm

Training the machine learning model

Testing the model

Evaluation of the model

Making predictions/Deploying in the field

Types of learning

Supervised learning

Unsupervised learning

Semi-supervised learning

Reinforcement learning

Challenges in machine learning

Why use machine learning on mobile devices?

Ways to implement machine learning in mobile applications

Utilizing machine learning service providers for a machine learning model

Ways to train the machine learning model

On a desktop (training in the cloud)

On a device

Ways to carry out the inference – making predictions

Inference on a server

Inference on a device

Popular mobile machine learning tools and SDKs

Skills needed to implement on-device machine learning


Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

Introduction to supervised learning algorithms

Deep dive into supervised learning algorithms

Naive Bayes

Decision trees

Linear regression

Logistic regression

Support vector machines

Random forest

Introduction to unsupervised learning algorithms

Deep dive into unsupervised learning algorithms

Clustering algorithms

Clustering methods

Hierarchical agglomerative clustering methods

K-means clustering

Association rule learning algorithm



Random Forest on iOS

Introduction to algorithms

Decision tree

Advantages of the decision tree algorithm

Disadvantages of decision trees

Advantages of decision trees

Random forests

Solving the problem using random forest in Core ML


Naming the dataset

Technical requirements

Creating the model file using scikit-learn

Converting the scikit model to the Core ML model

Creating an iOS mobile application using the Core ML model


Further reading

TensorFlow Mobile in Android

An introduction to TensorFlow

TensorFlow Lite components

Model-file format



Interface to hardware acceleration

The architecture of a mobile machine learning application

Understanding the model concepts

Writing the mobile application using the TensorFlow model

Writing our first program

Creating and Saving the TF model

Freezing the graph

Optimizing the model file

Creating the Android app

Copying the TF Model

Creating an activity


Regression Using Core ML in iOS

Introduction to regression

Linear regression


Dataset naming

Understanding the basics of Core ML

Solving the problem using regression in Core ML

Technical requirements

How to create the model file using scikit-learn

Running and testing the model

Importing the model into the iOS project

Writing the iOS application

Running the iOS application

Further reading


The ML Kit SDK

Understanding ML Kit


Text recognition

Face detection

Barcode scanning

Image labeling

Landmark recognition

Custom model inference

Creating a text recognition app using Firebase on-device APIs

Creating a text recognition app using Firebase on-cloud APIs

Face detection using ML Kit

Face detection concepts

Sample solution for face detection using ML Kit

Running the app


Spam Message Detection

Understanding NLP

Introducing NLP

Text-preprocessing techniques

Removing noise



Feature engineering

Entity extraction

Topic modeling

Bag-of-words model

Statistical Engineering



Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)


Classifying/clustering the text

Understanding linear SVM algorithm

Solving the problem using linear SVM in Core ML

About the data

Technical requirements

Creating the Model file using Scikit Learn

Converting the scikit-learn model into the Core ML model

Writing the iOS application



Introduction to Fritz

Prebuilt ML models

Ability to use custom models

Model management

Hand-on samples using Fritz

Using the existing TensorFlow for mobile model in an Android application using Fritz

Registering with Fritz

Uploading the model file (.pb or .tflite)

Setting up Android and registering the app

Adding Fritz's TFMobile library

Adding dependencies to the project

Registering the FritzJob service in your Android Manifest

Replacing the TensorFlowInferenceInterface class with Fritz Interpreter

Building and running the application

Deploying a new version of your model

Creating an android application using fritz pre-built models

Adding dependencies to the project

Registering the Fritz JobService in your Android Manifest

Creating the app layout and components

Coding the application

Using the existing Core ML model in an iOS application using Fritz

Registering with Fritz

Creating a new project in Fritz

Uploading the model file (.pb or .tflite)

Creating an Xcode project

Installing Fritz dependencies

Adding code

Building and running the iOS mobile application


Neural Networks on Mobile

Introduction to neural networks

Communication steps of a neuron

The activation function

Arrangement of neurons

Types of neural networks

Image recognition solution

Creating a TensorFlow image recognition model

What does TensorFlow do?

Retraining the model

About bottlenecks

Converting the TensorFlow model into the Core ML model

Writing the iOS mobile application

Handwritten digit recognition solution

Introduction to Keras

Installing Keras

Solving the problem

Defining the problem statement

Problem solution

Preparing the data

Defining the model's architecture

Compiling and fitting the model

Converting the Keras model into the Core ML model

Creating the iOS mobile application


Mobile Application Using Google Vision

Features of Google Cloud Vision

Sample mobile application using Google Cloud Vision

How does label detection work?



Understanding the Application



The Future of ML on Mobile Applications

Key ML mobile applications


Google Maps




Oval Money






Key innovation areas

Personalization applications


Targeted promotions and marketing

Visual and audio recognition


Finance management

Gaming and entertainment

Enterprise apps

Real estate



Mobile security

Opportunities for stakeholders

Hardware manufacturers

Mobile operating system vendors

Third-party mobile ML SDK providers

ML mobile application developers


Question and Answers


Data science

What is data science?

Where is data science used?

What is big data?

What is data mining?

Relationship between data science and big data

What are artificial neural networks?

What is AI?

How are data science, AI, and machine learning interrelated?

Machine learning framework




Core ML

Mobile machine learning project implementation

What are the high-level important items to be considered before starting the project?

What are the roles and skills required to implement a mobile machine learning project?

What should you focus on when testing the mobile machine learning project?

What is the help that the domain expert will provide to the machine learning project?

What are the common pitfalls in machine learning projects?



Python dependencies



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