


Machine Learning with the Elastic Stack电子书

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作       者:Rich Collier

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:26.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Leverage Elastic Stack’s machine learning features to gain valuable insight from your data Key Features * Combine machine learning with the analytic capabilities of Elastic Stack * Analyze large volumes of search data and gain actionable insight from them * Use external analytical tools with your Elastic Stack to improve its performance Book Description Machine Learning with the Elastic Stack is a comprehensive overview of the embedded commercial features of anomaly detection and forecasting. The book starts with installing and setting up Elastic Stack. You will perform time series analysis on varied kinds of data, such as log files, network flows, application metrics, and financial data. As you progress through the chapters, you will deploy machine learning within the Elastic Stack for logging, security, and metrics. In the concluding chapters, you will see how machine learning jobs can be automatically distributed and managed across the Elasticsearch cluster and made resilient to failure. By the end of this book, you will understand the performance aspects of incorporating machine learning within the Elastic ecosystem and create anomaly detection jobs and view results from Kibana directly. What you will learn * Install the Elastic Stack to use machine learning features * Understand how Elastic machine learning is used to detect a variety of anomaly types * Apply effective anomaly detection to IT operations and security analytics * Leverage the output of Elastic machine learning in custom views, dashboards, and proactive alerting * Combine your created jobs to correlate anomalies of different layers of infrastructure * Learn various tips and tricks to get the most out of Elastic machine learning Who this book is for If you are a data professional eager to gain insight on Elasticsearch data without having to rely on a machine learning specialist or custom development, Machine Learning with the Elastic Stack is for you. Those looking to integrate machine learning within their search and analytics applications will also find this book very useful. Prior experience with the Elastic Stack is needed to get the most out of this book.

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Machine Learning with the Elastic Stack


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Machine Learning for IT

Overcoming the historical challenges

The plethora of data

The advent of automated anomaly detection

Theory of operation

Defining unusual

Learning normal, unsupervised

Probability models

Learning the models


Scoring of unusualness



ML nodes


The datafeed

Supporting indices




The orchestration


Installing the Elastic Stack with Machine Learning

Installing the Elastic Stack

Downloading the software

Installing Elasticsearch

Installing Kibana

Enabling Platinum features

A guided tour of Elastic ML features

Getting data for analysis

ML job types in Kibana

Data Visualizer

The Single metric job

Multi-metric job

Population job

Advanced job

Controlling ML via the API


Event Change Detection

How to understand the normal rate of occurrence

Exploring count functions

Summarized counts

Splitting the counts

Other counting functions

Non-zero count

Distinct count

Counting in population analysis

Detecting things that rarely occur

Counting message-based logs via categorization

Types of messages that can be categorized by ML

The categorization process

Counting the categories

Putting it all together

When not to use categorization


IT Operational Analytics and Root Cause Analysis

Holistic application visibility

The importance and limitations of KPIs

Beyond the KPIs

Data organization

Effective data segmentation

Custom queries for ML jobs

Data enrichment on ingest

Leveraging the contextual information

Analysis splits

Statistical influencers

Bringing it all together for root cause analysis

Outage background

Visual correlation and shared influencers


Security Analytics with Elastic Machine Learning

Security in the field

The volume and variety of data

The geometry of an attack

Threat hunting architecture

Layer-based ingestion

Threat intelligence

Investigation analytics

Assessment of compromise


Alerting on ML Analysis

Results presentation

The results index

Bucket results

Record results

Influencer results

Alerts from the Machine Learning UI in Kibana

Anatomy of the default watch from the ML UI in Kibana

Creating ML alerts manually


Using Elastic ML Data in Kibana Dashboards

Visualization options in Kibana

Visualization examples


Time series visual builder

Preparing data for anomaly detection analysis

The dataset

Ingesting the data

Creating anomaly detection jobs

Global traffic analysis job

A HTTP response code profiling of the host making requests

Traffic per host analysis

Building the visualizations

Configuring the index pattern

Using ML data in TSVB

Creating a correlation Heat Map

Using ML data in Timelion

Building the dashboard


Using Elastic ML with Kibana Canvas

Introduction to Canvas

What is Canvas?

The Canvas expression

Building Elastic ML Canvas slides

Preparing your data

Anomalies in a Canvas data table

Using the new SQL integration



Forecasting versus prophesying

Forecasting use cases

Forecasting – theory of operation

Single time series forecasting

Dataset preparation

Creating the ML job for forecasting

Forecast results

Multiple time series forecasting


ML Tips and Tricks

Job groups

Influencers in split versus non-split jobs

Using ML on scripted fields

Using one-sided ML functions to your advantage

Ignoring time periods

Ignoring an upcoming (known) window of time

Creating a calendar event

Stopping and starting a datafeed to ignore the desired timeframe

Ignoring an unexpected window of time, after the fact

Clone the job and re-run historical data

Revert the model snapshot

Don't over-engineer the use case

ML job throughput considerations

Top-down alerting by leveraging custom rules

Sizing ML deployments


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