


Serverless Integration Design Patterns with Azure电子书

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作       者:Abhishek Kumar

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:42.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A practical guide that helps you progress to using modern integration methods and leverage new cloud capability models Key Features * Design critical hybrid integration solutions for your organization * Gain in-depth knowledge of how to build cloud-native integration solutions * Leverage cognitive services to build smart cloud solutions Book Description With more enterprises adapting cloud-based and API-based solutions, application integration has become more relevant and significant than ever before. Parallelly, Serverless Integration has gained popularity, as it helps agile organizations to build integration solutions quickly without having to worry about infrastructure costs. With Microsoft Azure’s serverless offerings, such as Logic Apps, Azure Functions, API Management, Azure Event Grid and Service Bus, organizations can build powerful, secure, and scalable integration solutions with ease. The primary objective of this book is to help you to understand various serverless offerings included within Azure Integration Services, taking you through the basics and industry practices and patterns. This book starts by explaining the concepts of services such as Azure Functions, Logic Apps, and Service Bus with hands-on examples and use cases. After getting to grips with the basics, you will be introduced to API Management and building B2B solutions using Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Pack. This book will help readers to understand building hybrid integration solutions and touches upon Microsoft Cognitive Services and leveraging them in modern integration solutions. Industry practices and patterns are brought to light at appropriate opportunities while explaining various concepts. What you will learn * Learn about the design principles of Microsoft Azure Serverless Integration * Get insights into Azure Functions, Logic Apps, Azure Event Grid and Service Bus * Secure and manage your integration endpoints using Azure API Management * Build advanced B2B solutions using Logic Apps, Enterprise Integration Pack * Monitor integration solutions using tools available on the market * Discover design patterns for hybrid integration Who this book is for Serverless Integration Design Patterns with Azure is for you if you are a solution architect or integration professional aiming to build complex cloud solutions for your organization. Developers looking to build next-level hybrid or cloud solutions will also find this book useful. Prior programming knowledge is necessary.

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Serverless Integration Design Patterns with Azure

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Serverless Integration with Microsoft Azure

Introduction to serverless in the cloud

Benefits and disadvantages of serverless architecture

Azure Integration Services

Azure Logic Apps – cloud workflow engine

Azure Service Bus – cloud messaging service

Azure API Management – API gateway

Azure Functions

Azure Event Grid – event-handling platform


Azure Functions and Enterprise Integration

Azure Functions hosting architecture

Sample Azure Function

Prerequisites for using Visual Studio

Creating dependent Azure services

Step 1 – Creating a Service Bus queue

Step 2 – Creating a Cosmos DB account and a collection

Step 3 – Creating a storage account

Creating a function app project

Creating a function

Running and debugging functions locally

Publishing Azure Functions

Understanding the components of an Azure Function

Application host file (host.json)

Application settings (local.settings.json)

Function triggers

Function bindings

Sample scenario continued

Installing the NuGet package for the Cosmos DB WebJobs extension

Adding input bindings to Inventory DB

Adding output bindings for the orders collection

Running the end-to-end sample scenario

Azure Function use cases

Important considerations when building Azure Functions

Securing application settings with Azure Key Vault

Service plan versus consumption plan

Using deployment slots

Leveraging Application Insights for monitoring

Function proxies

Durable Functions

Function chaining

Fan-out or fan-in



Human interaction

Creating a sample durable function

Installing a durable task package


Introduction to Azure Event Grid

Eventing or messaging for enterprise solutions

Characteristics of events and eventing

Event sources and event handlers

Event sources

Foreground events

Background events

Event handlers

Azure Event Grid topics

Azure Event Grid security and authentication

Webhook event delivery

Event delivery security

Event subscriptions

Publishing events through custom topics

Key authentication with code

Azure Event Grid management access control

Azure Event Grid message delivery retry and event filtering

Dead-letter events with Azure Event Grid

Event delivery status codes

Event filtering through Azure Event Grid subscription

Event type filtering

Subject filtering

Advanced filtering

Example 1 – storage events and Logic Apps single event listener

Example 2 – custom Azure Event Grid topic and event broadcast

Azure Event Grid domain for enterprise integration


Azure API Management

The API Management platform

The Azure APIM platform

API gateway

The publisher portal

The developer portal

API products

Authorization groups


Policy scopes

Logistical company ShipAnyWhere – case study

The product service

The order fulfillment service

The purchase order service

ShipAnyWhere digital transformation

Creating an APIM service

Creating REST endpoints for the ShipAnyWhere product service

Existing ShipAnyWhere service

Importing WSDL

Testing the GetProducts service method

The developer portal

APIM policies

Inbound policies

The rewrite-uri policy

The set-header policy

The set-body policy

Backend policies

Outbound policies

The control flow policy

The XML-to-JSON policy

The cross-original resource sharing (CORS) policy

Creating a SOAP pass through an API

Creating purchase order APIs with Logic Apps and Azure Functions

Handling large messages in hybrid integration scenarios

Versioning and production testing Logic Apps


Azure Service Bus with Integration Services

Azure Service Bus use cases

Creating a Service Bus namespace

Creating a Service Bus namespace in the Azure portal

Service Bus tiers

Azure Service Bus technology offerings

Azure Service Bus architecture

Messaging with Service Bus

Message size

Message headers and properties

Service Bus queues and descriptions

Queue naming convention

Retrieving messages from a queue

Dead-lettering of Service Bus messages

Deferred message processing in Azure Service Bus

Security with an Azure Service Bus namespace

SAS authentication

Azure Service Bus topics

Subscription rules

Example 1 – Working with priority queues in Azure Service Bus

Example 2 – Working with API Management and Service Bus

Example 3 – Content-based routing based on message properties


Introduction to Logic Apps

The components of Azure Logic Apps

An overview of triggers

Recurrence triggers

HTTP triggers

Request triggers

Webhook triggers

Actions in Logic Apps

Parameters in the Logic Apps workflow template

Outputs in the Logic Apps workflow template

Example 1 – Debatching in Logic Apps with the splitOn property and Azure Functions change feed with Cosmos DB

Example 2 – Concurrency control and singleton patterns in Logic Apps with schema validation


Control Flow Actions and Custom Connectors

Logic Apps control flow actions

Conditional actions

Parallel actions

Switch control flow

Foreach action

Scope action

Do…until action

Terminate action

The workflow expression language and content types

Workflow and action tracking

Custom connectors and Cosmos graph databases


Patterns with Azure Integration Services

Azure Functions and Logic Apps

Example 1 – The batching or aggregator pattern in Logic Apps

Example 2 – Asynchronous patterns for long-running APIs

The polling pattern

The webhook pattern

Example 3 – Messages with API Management, Event Grid, Logic App, and Azure Functions

Example 4 – Session Management with Logic Apps and Service Bus


B2B/EDI Solutions for Enterprise Integration with Azure Logic Apps

Enterprise integration pack

B2B scenario

Creating integration accounts

Uploading certificates to Azure Key Vault

Creating certificates

Creating a key vault service in each resource group

Uploading the private key certificates to the key vaults

Adding certificates to an integration account

Uploading schemas and maps

Creating partners in an integration account

Creating AS2 agreements

Creating AS2 agreements in Contoso

Creating an AS2 agreement for ShipAnyWhere

Creating an X12 agreement

Creating the ContosoSendOrder Logic App

The Logic Apps B2B solution

Creating a workspace and adding the B2B solution

Associating the Log Analytics workspace with an integration account

Handling EDI batches

The ShipAnyWhereBatchReceiver Logic App

The SendX12TransactionToBatcher Logic App

Testing the scenario

B2B disaster recovery

X12/EDIFACT control ID replication Logic Apps

AS2 Message Integrity Check (MIC) replication Logic App


Hybrid Integration, BizTalk Server 2016 and an On-Premises Data Gateway

Introduction to hybrid integration

Why hybrid integration?

Introduction to the on-premises data gateway

On-premises Data Gateway Architecture

Enabling Hybrid Integration with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016

Azure Service Bus Relay

The Service Bus (SB) – Messaging adapter

The Logic Apps adapter

Comparison matrix

Installing and configuring Logic Apps adapters in BizTalk Server 2016

Connecting BizTalk Server 2016 with Azure Logic Apps

Step 1 – Creating Logic Apps for Cognitive Services

Step 2 – Typed polling with the WCF adapter

Connecting to a SQL database

Creating a two-way send port for Logic Apps

Connecting Azure Logic Apps with BizTalk Server 2016

IIS configuration for Logic App adapters

Consuming the WCF service in BizTalk 2016


Intelligence in Integration Using Azure Cognitive Services


Machine learning

Neural network

Machine learning and digital transformation

Microsoft and the democratization of AI

The Microsoft AI platform

Azure AI

Cognitive Services APIs

Conversational services

Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM)

Comprehensive platform and tools

Intelligence in serverless integration

Computer Vision APIs

The Analyze Image API

Optical character recognition (OCR) to JSON

Face API

Text Analytics APIs

Language understanding APIs

Natural language model

Case study – ShipAnywhere feedback analysis

Provisioning the Text Analytics API service instance

Noting down the connection name and key

Creating logic apps


DevOps for Azure Integration

Benefits of DevOps

DevOps for integration

Naming convention of integration artifacts

ARM templates

Creating an ARM template using Visual Studio

Azure Event Grid and DevOps

Azure API Management and DevOps with Git version control

Azure Functions with DevOps

Azure Function continuous integration and deployment

Logic Apps continuous integration and deployment with DevOps


Monitoring for Azure Integration

Types of monitoring

Manual monitoring

Automated monitoring

Different types of monitoring

Availability monitoring

Health monitoring

Performance monitoring

Threshold monitoring

Sending notifications of issues or events

Benefits of monitoring

Improving availability

Business insights

Usage trends for upscaling and downscaling

Identifying performance bottlenecks

Azure integration service monitoring

Azure Logic Apps monitoring with the Azure portal and Azure log analytics

Logic App runs and trigger history

Logic Apps notifications and alerts

Azure Log Analytics and Logic Apps

Azure Functions monitoring with Application Insights

Application Insights configuration for a new function app

Manually connecting an Application Insights resource to your function app

Monitoring functions with Application Insights

Azure API Management monitoring with Application Insights

Azure Service Bus monitoring with Serverless360

Serverless360 monitoring features

Threshold violation alarms

Health check alarms

Data monitoring

Managing composite serverless applications in Serverless360

Associating an Azure subscription

Creating a composite serverless application

Adding Azure serverless components to the application

Setting up monitoring in Serverless360

Creating an alarm

Mapping artifacts to the alarm


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