


Data Science for Marketing Analytics电子书

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作       者:Tommy Blanchard

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:767.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Explore new and more sophisticated tools that reduce your marketing analytics efforts and give you precise results Key Features * Study new techniques for marketing analytics * Explore uses of machine learning to power your marketing analyses * Work through each stage of data analytics with the help of multiple examples and exercises Book Description Data Science for Marketing Analytics covers every stage of data analytics, from working with a raw dataset to segmenting a population and modeling different parts of the population based on the segments. The book starts by teaching you how to use Python libraries, such as pandas and Matplotlib, to read data from Python, manipulate it, and create plots, using both categorical and continuous variables. Then, you'll learn how to segment a population into groups and use different clustering techniques to evaluate customer segmentation. As you make your way through the chapters, you'll explore ways to evaluate and select the best segmentation approach, and go on to create a linear regression model on customer value data to predict lifetime value. In the concluding chapters, you'll gain an understanding of regression techniques and tools for evaluating regression models, and explore ways to predict customer choice using classification algorithms. Finally, you'll apply these techniques to create a churn model for modeling customer product choices. By the end of this book, you will be able to build your own marketing reporting and interactive dashboard solutions. What you will learn * Analyze and visualize data in Python using pandas and Matplotlib * Study clustering techniques, such as hierarchical and k-means clustering * Create customer segments based on manipulated data * Predict customer lifetime value using linear regression * Use classification algorithms to understand customer choice * Optimize classification algorithms to extract maximal information Who this book is for Data Science for Marketing Analytics is designed for developers and marketing analysts looking to use new, more sophisticated tools in their marketing analytics efforts. It'll help if you have prior experience of coding in Python and knowledge of high school level mathematics. Some experience with databases, Excel, statistics, or Tableau is useful but not necessary.

About the Book

About the Authors




Minimum Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements


Installation and Setup

Installing the Code Bundle

Additional Resources

Chapter 1

Data Preparation and Cleaning


Data Models and Structured Data


Importing and Exporting Data With pandas DataFrames

Viewing and Inspecting Data in DataFrames

Exercise 1: Importing JSON Files into pandas

Exercise 2: Identifying Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data

Structure of a pandas Series

Data Manipulation

Selecting and Filtering in pandas

Creating Test DataFrames in Python

Adding and Removing Attributes and Observations

Exercise 3: Creating and Modifying Test DataFrames

Combining Data

Handling Missing Data

Exercise 4: Combining DataFrames and Handling Missing Values

Applying Functions and Operations on DataFrames

Grouping Data

Exercise 5: Applying Data Transformations

Activity 1: Addressing Data Spilling


Chapter 2

Data Exploration and Visualization


Identifying the Right Attributes

Exercise 6: Exploring the Attributes in Sales Data

Generating Targeted Insights

Selecting and Renaming Attributes

Transforming Values

Exercise 7: Targeting Insights for Specific Use Cases

Reshaping the Data

Exercise 8: Understanding Stacking and Unstacking

Pivot Tables

Visualizing Data

Exercise 9: Visualizing Data With pandas

Visualization through Seaborn

Visualization with Matplotlib

Activity 2: Analyzing Advertisements


Chapter 3

Unsupervised Learning: Customer Segmentation


Customer Segmentation Methods

Traditional Segmentation Methods

Unsupervised Learning (Clustering) for Customer Segmentation

Similarity and Data Standardization

Determining Similarity

Standardizing Data

Exercise 10: Standardizing Age and Income Data of Customers

Calculating Distance

Exercise 11: Calculating Distance Between Three Customers

Activity 3: Loading, Standardizing, and Calculating Distance with a Dataset

k-means Clustering

Understanding k-means Clustering

Exercise 12: k-means Clustering on Income/Age Data

High-Dimensional Data

Exercise 13: Dealing with High-Dimensional Data

Activity 4: Using k-means Clustering on Customer Behavior Data


Chapter 4

Choosing the Best Segmentation Approach


Choosing the Number of Clusters

Simple Visual Inspection

Exercise 14: Choosing the Number of Clusters Based on Visual Inspection

The Elbow Method with Sum of Squared Errors

Exercise 15: Determining the Number of Clusters Using the Elbow Method

Activity 5: Determining Clusters for High-End Clothing Customer Data Using the Elbow Method with the Sum of Squared Errors

Different Methods of Clustering

Mean-Shift Clustering

Exercise 16: Performing Mean-Shift Clustering to Cluster Data

k-modes and k-prototypes Clustering

Exercise 17: Clustering Data Using the k-prototypes Method

Activity 6: Using Different Clustering Techniques on Customer Behavior Data

Evaluating Clustering

Silhouette Score

Exercise 18: Calculating Silhouette Score to Pick the Best k for k-means and Comparing to the Mean-Shift Algorithm

Train and Test Split

Exercise 19: Using a Train-Test Split to Evaluate Clustering Performance

Activity 7: Evaluating Clustering on Customer Behavior Data


Chapter 5

Predicting Customer Revenue Using Linear Regression


Understanding Regression

Feature Engineering for Regression

Feature Creation

Data Cleaning

Exercise 20: Creating Features for Transaction Data

Assessing Features Using Visualizations and Correlations

Exercise 21: Examining Relationships between Predictors and Outcome

Activity 8: Examining Relationships Between Storefront Locations and Features about Their Area

Performing and Interpreting Linear Regression

Exercise 22: Building a Linear Model Predicting Customer Spend

Activity 9: Building a Regression Model to Predict Storefront Location Revenue


Chapter 6

Other Regression Techniques and Tools for Evaluation


Evaluating the Accuracy of a Regression Model

Residuals and Errors

Mean Absolute Error

Root Mean Squared Error

Exercise 23: Evaluating Regression Models of Location Revenue Using MAE and RMSE

Activity 10: Testing Which Variables are Important for Predicting Responses to a Marketing Offer

Using Regularization for Feature Selection

Exercise 24: Using Lasso Regression for Feature Selection

Activity 11: Using Lasso Regression to Choose Features for Predicting Customer Spend

Tree-Based Regression Models

Random Forests

Exercise 25: Using Tree-Based Regression Models to Capture Non-Linear Trends

Activity 12: Building the Best Regression Model for Customer Spend Based on Demographic Data


Chapter 7

Supervised Learning: Predicting Customer Churn


Classification Problems

Understanding Logistic Regression

Revisiting Linear Regression

Logistic Regression

Exercise 26: Plotting the Sigmoid Function

Cost Function for Logistic Regression

Assumptions of Logistic Regression

Exercise 27: Loading, Splitting, and Applying Linear and Logistic Regression to Data

Creating a Data Science Pipeline

Obtaining the Data

Exercise 28: Obtaining the Data

Scrubbing the Data

Exercise 29: Imputing Missing Values

Exercise 30: Renaming Columns and Changing the Data Type

Exploring the Data

Statistical Overview


Exercise 31: Obtaining the Statistical Overview and Correlation Plot

Visualizing the Data

Exercise 32: Performing Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Activity 13: Performing OSE of OSEMN

Modeling the Data

Feature Selection

Exercise 33: Performing Feature Selection

Model Building

Exercise 34: Building a Logistic Regression Model

Interpreting the Data

Activity 14: Performing MN of OSEMN


Chapter 8

Fine-Tuning Classification Algorithms


Support Vector Machines

Intuition Behind Maximum Margin

Linearly Inseparable Cases

Linearly Inseparable Cases Using Kernel

Exercise 35: Training an SVM Algorithm Over a Dataset

Decision Trees

Exercise 36: Implementing a Decision Tree Algorithm Over a Dataset

Important Terminology of Decision Trees

Decision Tree Algorithm Formulation

Random Forest

Exercise 37: Implementing a Random Forest Model Over a Dataset

Activity 15: Implementing Different Classification Algorithms

Preprocessing Data for Machine Learning Models


Exercise 38: Standardizing Data


Exercise 39: Scaling Data After Feature Selection


Exercise 40: Performing Normalization on Data

Model Evaluation

Exercise 41: Implementing Stratified k-fold

Fine-Tuning of the Model

Exercise 42: Fine-Tuning a Model

Activity 16: Tuning and Optimizing the Model

Performance Metrics



F1 Score

Exercise 43: Evaluating the Performance Metrics for a Model

ROC Curve

Exercise 44: Plotting the ROC Curve

Activity 17: Comparison of the Models


Chapter 9

Modeling Customer Choice


Understanding Multiclass Classification

Classifiers in Multiclass Classification

Exercise 45: Implementing a Multiclass Classification Algorithm on a Dataset

Performance Metrics

Exercise 46: Evaluating Performance Using Multiclass Performance Metrics

Activity 18: Performing Multiclass Classification and Evaluating Performance

Class Imbalanced Data

Exercise 47: Performing Classification on Imbalanced Data

Dealing with Class-Imbalanced Data

Exercise 48: Visualizing Sampling Techniques

Exercise 49: Fitting a Random Forest Classifier Using SMOTE and Building the Confusion Matrix

Activity 19: Dealing with Imbalanced Data



Chapter 1: Data Preparation and Cleaning

Activity 1: Addressing Data Spilling

Chapter 2: Data Exploration and Visualization

Activity 2: Analyzing Advertisements

Chapter 3: Unsupervised Learning: Customer Segmentation

Activity 3: Loading, Standardizing, and Calculating Distance with a Dataset

Activity 4: Using k-means Clustering on Customer Behavior Data

Chapter 4: Choosing the Best Segmentation Approach

Activity 5: Determining Clusters for High-End Clothing Customer Data Using the Elbow Method with the Sum of Squared Errors

Activity 6: Using Different Clustering Techniques on Customer Behavior Data

Activity 7: Evaluating Clustering on Customer Behavior Data

Chapter 5: Predicting Customer Revenue Using Linear Regression

Activity 8: Examining Relationships between Storefront Locations and Features about their Area

Activity 9: Building a Regression Model to Predict Storefront Location Revenue

Chapter 6: Other Regression Techniques and Tools for Evaluation

Activity 10: Testing Which Variables are Important for Predicting Responses to a Marketing Offer

Activity 11: Using Lasso Regression to Choose Features for Predicting Customer Spend

Activity 12: Building the Best Regression Model for Customer Spend Based on Demographic Data

Chapter 7: Supervised Learning: Predicting Customer Churn

Activity 13: Performing OSE from OSEMN

Activity 14: Performing MN of OSEMN

Chapter 8: Fine-Tuning Classification Algorithms

Activity 15: Implementing Different Classification Algorithms

Activity 16: Tuning and Optimizing the Model

Activity 17: Comparison of the Models

Chapter 9: Modeling Customer Choice

Activity 18: Performing Multiclass Classification and Evaluating Performance

Activity 19: Dealing with Imbalanced Data

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