


Early:An Intimate History of Premature Birth and What It Teaches Us About Being电子书

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作       者:DiGregorio, Sarah

出  版  社:Harper


字       数:51.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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几十年前,人们还没有针对早产儿的治疗方法,而现代医学够成功地挽救怀孕5个半月体重不足1磅的婴儿,这本书介绍和探讨了新生儿学的发展及其突破,这不仅仅是科学技术的进步,同时也涉及到了文化、伦理和人性。 Inspired by the author’s harrowing experience giving birth to her premature daughter, a compelling and empathetic work that combines memoir with rigorous reporting to tell the story of neonatology—and to meditate on the questions raised by premature birth. The heart of many hospitals is the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). It is a place where humanity, ethics, and science collide in dramatic and deeply personal ways as parents, doctors, and nurses grapple with sometimes unanswerable questions: When does life begin? When and how should life end? And what does it mean to be human?Nearly twenty years ago, Dr. John D. Lantos wrote The Lazarus Case, a seminal work on ethical dilemmas in neonatology. He described the NICU as “a strong, strange, powerful place.” The NICU is a place made of stories—the stories of mothers and babies who spend days, weeks, and even months waiting to go home, and the dedicated clinicians who care for these tiny, developing humans. The book explores the evolution of neonatology and its breakthroughs—how modern medicine can be successful at saving infants at five and a half months gestation who weigh less than a pound, when only a few decades ago, there were essentially no treatments for premature babies.For the first time, Sarah DiGregorio tells the complete story of this science—and the many people it has touched. Weaving her own story, those of other parents, and NICU clinicians with deeply researched reporting, Early delves deep into the history and future of neonatology, one of the most boundary pushing medical disciplines: how it came to be, how it is evolving, and the political, cultural, and ethical issues that continue to arise in the face of dramatic scientific developments. Eye-opening and vital, Early uses premature birth as a lens to view our own humanity, and the humanity of those around us.


Title Page


Author’s Note

Prologue: One Birth

Part I: The Unexpected: Millions of Births

1: What Happened?

2: Treatments and Outcomes

3: Viability and the Zone of Parental Discretion

Part II: The Body: Incubation

4: The History of Incubation: Coney Island, Chicken Eggs, and Changelings

5: The Modern Incubator, or How to Build a Giraffe

6: The Incubators of the Future: Babies in Bags

Part III: The Breath: Treating Respiratory Distress

7: Dr. Mildred Stahlman and the Miniature Iron Lung

8: Dr. Maria Delivoria-Papadopoulos and the Rugged Machine

9: JFK’s Lost Baby and the Advent of Surfactant

Part IV: The Self: Protecting the Premature Brain

10: The Revolutionary Practice of Listening to Preemies

11: Follow-up Care: Preemie Development Beyond the NICU

Part V: The Threshold: End-of-Life Issues at Birth

12: What Should We Do for 22-Week Babies?

13: Knowing When to Stop

14: Choice, Decisions, and the Messiness of Real Life

Part VI: The Crisis: The Body Under Stress

15: Racism Causes Preterm Birth

16: What Prematurity Means in Mississippi

17: Group Prenatal Care and the Power of Community

Part VII: The Invisibles: Breaking the Silence

18: The Hidden Trauma of Prematurity

19: Grown Preemies Speak for Themselves





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